Your Monthly Horoscope for January 2022
By Tana Hoy ... uary-2022/
1. An increase in catastrophes
2. A lethal virus in Siberia
3. Shortage of drinking water
4. Alien encounter on Earth; Asteroid "Oumuamua"
5. Locusts in India; 50C; Great Famine
6. Loss of sense of reality
7. Earth's orbit will change in 2023
Another virus will once again pop up outside of the United States and even newer vaccines are going to be recommended. People will begin questioning how many vaccines are people going to need?
Ex-US President Donald Trump will face some serious trouble because of something he did that went too far, as it ended up placing the security of the US at risk.
New discoveries about COVID-19 are going to come to get leaked, causing many people around the world to begin to wonder if they have been duped by being fed wrong information.
More and more questions about the safety of the COVID-19 vaccine will surface, with unsettling health reports from people around the world caused by the vaccine from a certain company.
There are going to be several more variants of COVID-19 reported in the news, causing people to debate on how much of this information is as serious as they are being told. As opposed to how much of the information is being out by big pharma companies to make more money from the vaccines.
A new investment opportunity will present itself, which will be related to either a new search engine or something related to the internet, or the IT world. Foresighted investors will stand to make millions!
Gold will be a good investment in 2022 but only for a very short time frame!
Saudi Arabia will experience a collapse of power within the King’s family, due to an embarrassing scandal.
2022 is the Year of the Water Tiger – and in Fengshui this means it’s a year made for bold action.
The Tiger is known for its power, daring, and ability to do everything on a grand scale. This is markedly different from 2021’s year of the Metal Ox, which was all about hard work and pragmatism.
Water is connected to being sensitive, creative and open to change.
Tigers are also quick to take action, so be prepared in 2022 for situations to change quickly.
On the down side, this can mean hot tempers and drama at home or at work. On the up side, a Tiger year can also bring unexpected good news and turn crazy dreams into glorious reality.
An Ex-US President is going to use inflammatory language about the upcoming elections, and if he doesn’t use good judgement in choosing his words, he could cause the start of World War 3.
Egypt is going to face political turmoil within the country, causing the possible overthrowing of their government. Expect to see lots of chaos and strife beginning to develop in this country.
As technology continues to advance, more and more competitors will enter the electric vehicle market. But Tesla will continue to maintain the lead, continuing to be the world leader in electric cars.
A new drug will be developed that will successfully eliminate or totally cure a common type of cancer people often get. It will be hailed as a miracle drug!
Be extra aware of the things you say and choose your words carefully between February 15th and February 28th to avoid any conflict.
A severe market crash is going to hit the US stock market but those who are invested securely will not be affected as severely. Recovery will be quick for those who are diversified in the right places.
Companies dealing in Virtual Reality are going to be the next biggest stocks to own. VR, as it is commonly called, is going to be the next big thing within 5 years or less.
New types of meat and sugar substitutes are going to be all the rage. Investing in the right meat and sugar substitute companies will be profitable in the long run for wise investors.
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