Philosophy 01 (Sep 08 - Oct 15)

Philosophy 01 (Sep 08 - Oct 15)

Postby la papillion » Wed Sep 03, 2008 9:24 pm

Does this title of the track attracts you?

If it does, then you're free to join me for a philosophical discussion on everyday events and ubiquitous items! Philosophy, at its barest definition, is to think and to question. It need not be the high and mighty discipline reserved for the intellectuals. It is for everyone with the slightest curiosity on the ins and outs of every day life.

The aim of this thread is to question things that happen to us, to ask the who, what, why and how, so as to enlighten ourselves and lift us from the mundane routine in order to find the meanings hidden behind the obscurity of thoughtlessness :)
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Re: Practical philosophy

Postby la papillion » Wed Sep 03, 2008 9:35 pm

A simple bar of soap. We use it and yet do not think of it much.

Before we use a cup or a spoon, we'll give it a wash, so as to clean it from the dust and dirt of modern living. Yet when we use a bar of soap, did we stop to wash it first before using? I doubt many people (if any) will care to wash the soap before using it. And why not? Perhaps soap is self-cleansing. Soap is used to clean things and thus itself will be spared of dirt.

But is it true? Have you ever seen a dirty soap? We can also extend the idea of self-cleansing to erasers. We pencil a piece of paper and we erase it with a pencil. If we pencil an eraser, what do we use to erase it? Is water self-cleansing too? Will washing a cup or a spoon with water make it dirtier or cleaner? What if water is dirty, do we wash it with water too?

Ah...the meaning of this starts to form. Certain objects are self-cleansing because we attribute it with cleansing properties, perhaps due in large part from the function of the object in question. Haha, did I even make sense here?
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Re: Practical philosophy

Postby helios » Wed Sep 03, 2008 11:20 pm

la papillion wrote:Will washing a cup or a spoon with water make it dirtier or cleaner? What if water is dirty, do we wash it with water too?

Ah...the meaning of this starts to form.

what kind of shapes?

why do we see raindrops, drops of oil, falling drops of molten metal are all spherical?

it is a philosophy in its own kind, isn't it?

who are you? hydrophilic or hydrophobic in nature?!
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Practical Philosophy

Postby ishak » Wed Sep 03, 2008 11:30 pm

"If a tree falls in the forest, and no one hears it, does it make a sound?"

"If a person posts something in the forum, and no one reads it, does it make a difference?"

-- Very low read count of SBS Transit post. :lol:
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Re: Practical Philosophy

Postby la papillion » Wed Sep 03, 2008 11:55 pm

ishak wrote:"If a tree falls in the forest, and no one hears it, does it make a sound?"

"If a person posts something in the forum, and no one reads it, does it make a difference?"

-- Very low read count of SBS Transit post. :lol:

Ah, classic philosophical question. It is a very interesting question to ask oneself. Does the presence of 'me' make something real? Will something happen when I'm not there? It can be extended to this: does time goes on when I'm not around?
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Re: Practical Philosophy

Postby ishak » Thu Sep 04, 2008 12:06 am

"Statements about material objects can be reduced to statements about ‘sense-data’"
Alfred Jules Ayer

On his phenomenalist view, talk of material objects is legitimate, but misconceived if such objects are taken to be ‘behind’ or ‘beyond’ what appears to our senses. On the standard version of this view, material objects turn out to be logical constructions out of sense-data.

Turning to Einstein's scientific view: An event about to happen, might not happen if you run away from it at the speed of light.
Last edited by ishak on Thu Sep 04, 2008 12:14 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Practical Philosophy

Postby la papillion » Thu Sep 04, 2008 12:11 am

ishak wrote:"Statements about material objects can be reduced to statements about ‘sense-data’"
Alfred Jules Ayer

On his phenomenalist view, talk of material objects is legitimate, but misconceived if such objects are taken to be ‘behind’ or ‘beyond’ what appears to our senses. On the standard version of this view, material objects turn out to be logical constructions out of sense-data.

This is interesting!

Did you know for young children (babies, actually), they have problems visualizing what must be inferred. Let's say they see a ball. We put a box to cover the ball. To them, the ball disapppeared, but to us, the ball is inside the box. But how do we 'know' the ball is inside the box when we can't see it?! That's why babies find it very amusing when we cover our faces with our hands. To them, we simply disappeared and reappear when we remove our hands :) Very interesting ishak, more more pls :)
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Re: Practical Philosophy

Postby ishak » Thu Sep 04, 2008 12:27 am

la papillion wrote:It can be extended to this: does time goes on when I'm not around?

It does and it doesn't. It depends on whether you are present to "sense" the change; the observer and the observed.

If you met your young nephew years ago and have not met him since then, it will seems to you that he is still at the same age in your mind. And if you will never ever come into contact with him again, it does not really matter whether he ages or not, time for him to you has stop.
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Re: Practical Philosophy

Postby la papillion » Thu Sep 04, 2008 12:30 am

Good point raised :)

He might be gone from this world and we'll never even know it. Time can be truly relative :P Regarding the observed and the observer, I'm always curious to know if the red colour I see is the red colour you see. I mean, when I say some object is red in colour, it could very well be your 'blue'. And we wouldn't be ever able to refute that. It's irrefutable logic.
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Re: Practical Philosophy

Postby sidney » Thu Sep 04, 2008 12:34 am

"Even when separation is an ultimate definite, people take a part of each other and bring it everywhere they go"

Why does this quote rings so true?
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