Life 32 (Jan 19 - May 19)

Re: Life 32 (Jan 19 - May 19)

Postby behappyalways » Wed Mar 06, 2019 4:17 pm

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Re: Life 32 (Jan 19 - May 19)

Postby winston » Thu Mar 07, 2019 10:40 am

The answer to prayer

Prayer, which is a supplication, a petition, can never find that reality which is not the outcome of a demand.

We demand, supplicate, pray, only when we are in confusion, in sorrow, and not understanding that confusion and sorrow, we turn to somebody else.

The answer to prayer is our own projection; in one way or another it is always satisfactory, gratifying, otherwise we would reject it.

So, when one has learned the trick of quieting the mind through repetition, one keeps on with that habit, but the answer to supplication must obviously be shaped according to the desire of the person who supplicates.

Now, prayer, supplication, petition, can never uncover that which is not the projection of the mind. To find that which is not the fabrication of the mind, the mind must be quiet—not made quiet by the repetition of words, which is self-hypnosis, nor by any other means of inducing the mind to be still.

Stillness that is induced, enforced, is not stillness at all. It is like putting a child in the corner—superficially he may be quiet, but inwardly he is boiling.

So, a mind that is made quiet by discipline is never really quiet, and stillness that is induced can never uncover that creative state in which reality comes into being.

The Book of Life, December 11, HarperSanFrancisco, 1995

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Re: Life 32 (Jan 19 - May 19)

Postby winston » Thu Mar 07, 2019 10:47 am

Have we lit the lamp of wisdom within?

To light a lamp, you need four things - a container, oil, a wick and a match box. If any one of these is missing, you cannot light the lamp.

This lamp can, however, remove only the outside darkness. How is the darkness in the heart to be removed? It can be dispelled only by the Light of Wisdom.

How is this Light of Wisdom, this spiritual light, to be lit? This also needs four elements - Detachment is the container, Devotion is the oil, One-Pointed Concentration is the wick and Knowledge of the Supreme Truth is the match stick.

Without these four, the light of spiritual wisdom cannot shine. Of these, primary requisite is the spirit of renunciation.

Without detachment, all knowledge of scriptures is of no avail. What is this detachment? It is absence of attachment to the body. Give up the ego-feeling, which makes one think of the "I" all the time.

- Divine Discourse, Nov 9, 1988.

The body will shine if the character is fine. Service of man and worship of the Divine will preserve its charm.

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Re: Life 32 (Jan 19 - May 19)

Postby winston » Fri Mar 08, 2019 2:36 pm

The spiritual path is the path of detachment, of sense control, and of rigorous mind training.

- Baba
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Re: Life 32 (Jan 19 - May 19)

Postby winston » Fri Mar 08, 2019 2:40 pm

An immensity beyond all measure

What happens when you lose someone by death? The immediate reaction is a sense of paralysis, and when you come out of that state of shock, there is what we call sorrow.

Now, what does that word sorrow mean? The companionship, the happy words, the walks, the many pleasant things you did and hoped to do together—all this is taken away in a second, and you are left empty, naked, lonely.

That is what you are objecting to, that is what the mind rebels against: being suddenly left to itself, utterly lonely, empty, without any support.

Now, what matters is to live with that emptiness, just to live with it without any reaction, without rationalizing it, without running away from it to mediums, to the theory of reincarnation, and all that stupid nonsense—to live with it with your whole being.

And if you go into it step by step you will find that there is an ending of sorrow—a real ending, not just a verbal ending, not the superficial ending that comes through escape, through identification with a concept, or commitment to an idea.

Then you will find there is nothing to protect, because the mind is completely empty and is no longer reacting in the sense of trying to fill that emptiness; and when all sorrow has thus come to an end, you will have started on another journey—a journey that has no ending and no beginning.

There is an immensity that is beyond all measure, but you cannot possibly enter into that world without the total ending of sorrow.

The Book of Life, July 29, HarperSanFrancisco, 1995

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Re: Life 32 (Jan 19 - May 19)

Postby winston » Sat Mar 09, 2019 3:58 pm

What do you mean by love?

Love is the unknowable. It can be realized only when the known is understood and transcended. Only when the mind is free of the known, then only there will be love. So, we must approach love negatively, not positively.

What is love to most of us? With us, when we love, in it there is possessiveness, dominance, or subservience. From this possession arises jealously and fear of loss, and we legalize this possessive instinct.

From possessiveness arise jealousy and the innumerable conflicts with which each one is familiar. Possessiveness, then, is not love. Nor is love sentimental. To be sentimental, to be emotional, excludes love. Sensitivity and emotions are merely sensations.

... Love alone can transform insanity, confusion, and strife. No system, no theory of the left or of the right can bring peace and happiness to man. Where there is love, there is no possessiveness, no envy; there is mercy and compassion, not in theory, but actually—for your wife and for your children, for your neighbor and for your servant....

Love alone can bring about mercy and beauty, order and peace. There is love with its blessing when “you” cease to be.

The Book of Life, April 11, HarperSanFrancisco, 1995

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Re: Life 32 (Jan 19 - May 19)

Postby winston » Sat Mar 09, 2019 4:03 pm

What is the yearning everyone of us must deeply cultivate?

Ponder on a river merging in the ocean. The waters of the ocean rise up as vapour when warmed by the Sun and form clouds, which come down as drops of rain.

Each drop has inside it the yearning to return to the ocean from which it has been exiled. But, the feeling of individuality overcomes the yearning.

The raindrops accumulate and flow as brooks and streams which swell into tributaries of rivers, flooding the plains. At last, the river merges into the ocean and loses its name, form and attributes.

In spite of all modifications undergone in the journey from ocean to ocean, water remains as water in vapour, cloud, rain and river.

Names, forms and qualities do change but the core remains unchanged. Man too emerges from the ocean of Divinity and his destiny is to merge in it.

This is the Truth. This is the Reality. That Thou Art. Be firm in that faith.

- Divine Discourse, Jan 2, 1987.

True spirituality consists in promoting human unity through harmonious living and sharing the joy with one and all.

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Re: Life 32 (Jan 19 - May 19)

Postby winston » Sun Mar 10, 2019 8:45 am

What is the best way to propagate righteousness in society?

Propagation of dharma (righteousness) does not mean spreading knowledge about something that is not known. Its basic purpose is to promote the practice of dharma.

Only those who practice dharma are qualified to propagate it. It is because dharma and satya (righteousness and truth) have not been propagated by persons practising them that they have been eclipsed, as it were, and are not perceivable.

It is only when they are practised in daily life that their true nature and value will be realised.

A person is judged by the nature of one’s actions. If one’s actions are good, one is described as a good person. If his actions are bad, the person is described as being wicked.

One's qualities and actions are interdependent. Actions reveal qualities and qualities determine actions. Hence everyone should strive to reform oneself by developing good qualities.

- Divine Discourse, Jan 7, 1988.

Your vision will become sanctified only when you develop the feeling that all are the embodiments of the Divine.

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Re: Life 32 (Jan 19 - May 19)

Postby winston » Mon Mar 11, 2019 8:27 am

Let a thought flower

Awareness is that state of mind which takes in everything—the crows flying across the sky, the flowers on the trees, the people sitting in front, the colors they are wearing—being extensively aware, which needs watching, observing, taking in the shape of the leaf, the shape of the trunk, the shape of the head of another, what he is doing.

To be extensively aware and from there acting—that is to be aware of the totality of one’s own being. To have a mere sectional capacity, a fragmentation of capacity or capacity fragmented, and to pursue that capacity and derive experience through that capacity which is limited— that makes the quality of the mind mediocre, limited, narrow.

But an awareness of the totality of one’s own being, understood through the awareness of every thought and every feeling, and never limiting it, letting every thought and every feeling flower, and therefore being aware—that is entirely different from action or concentration which is merely capacity and therefore limited.

To let a thought flower or a feeling flower requires attention—not concentration. I mean by the flowering of a thought giving freedom to it to see what happens, what is taking place in your thought, in your feeling.

Anything that flowers must have freedom, must have light; it cannot be restricted. You cannot put any value on it, you cannot say, “That is right, that is wrong; this should be, and that should not be”—thereby, you limit the flowering of thought.

And it can only flower in this awareness. Therefore, if you go into it very deeply, you will find that this flowering of thought is the ending of thought.

The Book of Life, June 19, HarperSanFrancisco, 1995

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Re: Life 32 (Jan 19 - May 19)

Postby winston » Mon Mar 11, 2019 8:33 am

Why is it important to pursue the noble goals in life from prime youth?

Young men and women of present times are ready to listen to a thousand lies but do not have the patience to pay heed to a single truth.

Always remember, one honest person who speaks with love is better than a hundred flatterers.

Young people should also not underestimate the value of good health and the strength they enjoy during their years of youth.

You should use it to learn and lead purposeful and unselfish lives, and maintain good health instead of dissipating all your energies and talents in the pursuit of sensuous objects and evil desires.

An evil-minded person in a village is more harmful to the community than even a polluted pond!

Always remember, to secure the grace of the Divine, one must adhere to right conduct and observe purity in thought, word and deed.

Kindness and compassion are the hallmark of a true human being.

- Divine Discourse, Feb 9, 1984.

The world's peace, prosperity or otherwise is dependent on the character of its youthful men and women.

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