Health 12 (Dec 16 - Jan 19)

Health 12 (Dec 16 - Jan 19)

Postby behappyalways » Sun Dec 04, 2016 6:11 pm

冬天五個健康禁忌你要知 ... 3/19853874
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Re: Health 11 (Jul 16 - Dec 16)

Postby behappyalways » Mon Dec 05, 2016 6:36 pm

A handful of nuts a day could slash risk of heart disease and cancer ... se-cancer/
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Re: Health 11 (Jul 16 - Dec 16)

Postby winston » Tue Dec 06, 2016 10:31 pm

If You Use Aluminum Foil, Stop It Or Face Deadly Consequences

For a long time, aluminum foil has been a kitchen staple. Open up anyone’s utility drawer and you’re bound to find a roll of the silver thinly-printed metal. Why? Because it is extremely useful and effective for many kitchen and household tasks.

Foil is often used to cover your casserole and other oven-ready dishes. But now research is showing that if you cook with aluminum foil, you could be exposing yourself to some pretty serious health risks.

In the article below, we will present you with the facts on cooking with aluminum foil. Learn what can happen and, then, make the decision to use it or not for yourself. But the research is pretty clear…

Simply put, if you cook with aluminum foil, you are playing with your health.

The first thing you need to know is that aluminum is bad for your brain. It is a neurotoxic heavy metal that has been linked to Alzheimer’s disease for years.

Exposing yourself to this metal can lead to mental decline. Prepare to suffer in terms of coordination, bodily control, memory, and balance. Sadly, many who suffer from poisoning with this neurotoxin, the damage is permanent. You could experience gaps in memory that can create a divide between you and your loved ones if this chemical does the worst it can.

Besides damaging your brain, cooking with aluminum foil can also negatively affect your bones. This metal can build-up inside your bones. This is bad because it competes with calcium for space inside your bones and often wins out over the essential mineral.

Although an aluminum skeletal frame sounds like something from science fiction, our bodies are made for fact – not fiction. So, it simply won’t work well for us. You need calcium to prevent your bones from breaking in a fall.

From here on out, the risk of cooking with aluminum continues to grow. It is also bad for your lungs. Breathing in aluminum particles has been proven to lead to respiratory problems like pulmonary fibrosis. Even if you grill with aluminum foil, you could be breathing in these particles and slowly destroying your lungs.

Aluminum cans have long been hailed as being risky. But for some reason, tin foil was overlooked for years. No longer...

If you accidentally ingest aluminum flakes, you risk these problems. While you’re not eating a ball of rolled up foil, when you cook with aluminum at high temperatures, parts of the metal are going into your food. High temperatures can create cracks in the metal causing particles to break off into your food.

Even if the minuscule pieces don’t break off, chemical leeching of aluminum can happen if you cook with certain spices or use lemons.

Dr Essam Zubaidy, a chemical engineering researcher at the American University of Sharjah, discovered that just one meal cooked with tin foil can leach 400 mg of aluminum.

“The higher the temperature, the more the leaching. Foil is not suitable for cooking and is not suitable for using with vegetables like tomatoes, citrus juice or spices.”

The World Health Organization warns people not to ingest more than 60 mg of aluminum daily.
The takeaway: If you cook with aluminum, you’re risking your health.

Source: AWM ... sequences/
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Re: Health 11 (Jul 16 - Dec 16)

Postby winston » Wed Dec 07, 2016 7:47 am

The Benefits of Curcumin (Tumeric)

If you or a loved one is fighting cancer, you know how frightening the thought of that cancer spreading, or metastasizing, is.

Rounds of radiation or chemo are often used to try and kill cancer cells that may have broken away before they can set up shop again.

But while doctors and drugmakers keep searching for new ways to stop cancer in its tracks, it looks like the most promising compound has been available to us all along.

In fact, it could be sitting in your kitchen right now!

The power of gold

I've been telling you about the health properties of curcumin – the active ingredient in the spice turmeric – for quite a while.

This pungent spice has been found to reduce plaque in the arteries, help with depression as effectively as drugs such as Prozac and be as potent as steroids in reducing inflammation.

Now, a new study has found that curcumin looks to be an extremely powerful agent in stopping cancer from spreading.

Researchers from universities in France and Australia have found that the compound can actually "interrupt" several metabolic pathways that cancer cells use to metastasize. Curcumin can also help in the fight against lung, breast, stomach, uterine and colon cancer.

In fact, these recent findings about colon cancer were so amazing that I devoted an entire eAlert to it a few months ago.

In that study, researchers at Saint Louis University found that curcumin, when used in conjunction with the herb silymarin, could inhibit colon cancer cells from both multiplying and spreading. And when they pre-exposed the cancer cells to curcumin and then treated them with silymarin, the malignant cells started dying off in droves!

It's obvious that Big Pharma would love it if all this exciting news about turmeric would stay a deep dark secret. But what researchers have been finding out about the spice is just so amazing that drugmakers can't seem to keep a lid on it.

Surprisingly, a recent segment in a CBS news show was actually devoted to turmeric and its healing properties. And if you watch any network shows for more than five minutes, you know how many drug ads they run. Why, the three networks are practically supported by Big Pharma!

That CBS segment even told how clinical trials are now running to test curcumin as an effective treatment for Alzheimer's disease.

And Alzheimer's is something Big Pharma's hasn't been able to crack, despite all the money it has poured into research.

A perfect example is the third epic fail of the Eli Lilly Alzheimer's drug solanezumab. And this last dud experiment was with patients who were only showing mild symptoms of the disease!

Turmeric, on the other hand, appears to be able to do what all these experimental drugs haven't -- actually prevent amyloid proteins from clumping together in your brain.

At UCLA researchers found that curcumin supplements taken with vitamin D3, were able to stimulate the immune system enough to clear brain plaques. And that, along with finding an effective way to keep cancer from spreading, is the Holy Grail of what drug companies are trying to accomplish.

So if you have some turmeric sitting in your spice rack, you might want to move it front and center, and start using it more often. One study found that just adding it to your cooking for one dish a week is enough to deliver some real benefits to your brain.

And turmeric supplements are certainly easy enough to find.

One thing to remember is that turmeric can act as a blood thinner and should be avoided if you're taking a prescription to thin your blood.

Source: HSI
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Re: Health 11 (Jul 16 - Dec 16)

Postby behappyalways » Wed Dec 07, 2016 5:08 pm

'Exercise boosts men's sperm count'
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Re: Health 11 (Jul 16 - Dec 16)

Postby behappyalways » Wed Dec 07, 2016 6:17 pm

【動畫●毛的秘密】一小撮毛大有作為 點解體毛永遠短過頭髮? ... 1480310110
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Food & Drinks 03 (Jul 16 - Dec 17)

Postby behappyalways » Fri Dec 09, 2016 7:48 pm

Why vitamin supplements could kill you

We dose up on antioxidants as if they are the elixir of life. At best, they are probably ineffective. At worse, they may just send you to an early grave

Oxygen is the breath of life, but it also holds the potential to make us old, decrepit, and then dead

The incidence of lung cancer increased by 16% in the group given vitamin supplements

Source: BBC ... d-kill-you
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Re: Health 11 (Jul 16 - Dec 16)

Postby winston » Fri Dec 16, 2016 8:56 am

Side-effects from your drugs

Heart disease: Toss all those low-fat foods in the trash. Plenty of research has confirmed that not only don't full-fat dairy products cause heart disease, but that a dairy fat (found in high amounts in butter, by the way) can "significantly reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease."

And while you're cleaning out your kitchen cupboards, also trash any processed foods containing partially hydrogenated oils. Even the FDA (which claims that it's in the process of phasing them out) says that they are causing over 20,000 heart attacks and 7,000 deaths a year.

Kidney disease: If your kidneys aren't in tip-top shape, numerous drugs can tilt the balance and cause serious kidney damage. I'm talking about ones like statins, antiviral drugs (such as Tamiflu, which also happens to be practically worthless), PPIs and numerous NSAIDs for treating pain (such as aspirin, Advil and Aleve).

Diabetes: Here's another reason to ditch the statins. Numerous studies have found these cholesterol-lowering drugs can cause type 2 diabetes. This frightening link was confirmed again last year when researchers discovered that meds like Lipitor and Crestor can even turn perfectly healthy people into diabetics.

Source: HSI
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Re: Health 11 (Jul 16 - Dec 16)

Postby winston » Fri Dec 23, 2016 11:05 am

This One Thing Helps People Live Longer Than Anything Else

By Josh Richardson

What helps people live longer than anything else?

What about having an optimistic outlook on life -- a general expectation that good things will happen?

Source: Prevent Disease
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Re: Health 11 (Jul 16 - Dec 16)

Postby behappyalways » Tue Dec 27, 2016 6:31 pm

【每日健康】長嘆氣短嘆氣有原因 個肝唔好影響到 ... 1482805766
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