2012-14: Predicions, Feng Shui, Astrology, Resolutions etc

Re: 2012/13 - Predicions, Feng Shui, Astrology, Resolutions etc

Postby winston » Tue Dec 25, 2012 7:37 pm

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Resolution Challenge #7 – Transforming Fear of Failure

Fear of failure is one big reason why many people can't seem to move forward in life. They constantly dream big dreams, set big goals, create big plans – only to find themselves procrastinating, holding back, or making little progress.

Worse, how does the Law of Attraction respond to fearful thoughts and feelings? It simply delivers exactly what you're focusing on, positive or negative.

If you fear failure you are essentially setting yourself up for failure, or at least constant obstacles or problems that block the progress you want to make.

Even if you don't think this challenge applies to you, remember that a fear of failure isn't always obvious, either. Our minds have ways of tricking us that are very convincing.

For example, let's say you set a goal to lose weight and get into better shape for the New Year. You start out very well, sticking to your workouts and eating right. The numbers on the scale are beginning to creep downward -- when all of a sudden you find yourself in situations that are ripe with temptation.

You forget to bring your nutritious lunch to work one day, visit the cafeteria and choose the most fattening meal on the menu -- then you wonder why you did that? Or you call a friend and invite him or her to dinner at a restaurant and use the outing as an excuse to eat more than you should, effectively blowing your healthy eating plan for the day.

You may not realize right away that you're sabotaging your own efforts. In fact, it's usually quite the opposite: you feel frustrated because these outer influences are interfering with your plan to lose weight!

However, if you dig deeply enough and look closely at what's really going on, you'll usually find some fears lurking beneath the surface.

You may realize that your shrinking size brings up feelings of fear because you know that other people are going to start noticing, which will put more pressure on you to keep going.

You may be afraid of reaching a plateau and getting stuck there – so you invent external situations that you can point to and say, "I failed because of that."

There are many possible ways for a fear of failure to make itself known, but you'll usually notice it because of an inner sense of hesitation or dread, or even a lack of self-belief like we covered previously.
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Re: 2012/13 - Predicions, Feng Shui, Astrology, Resolutions etc

Postby winston » Tue Dec 25, 2012 7:38 pm

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The Remedy:

In order to overcome a fear of failure, you have to first understand that goal achievement is not a "one shot deal".

Rarely are situations so black and white. In fact, the only way you can truly fail is if you stop trying.

You may fear slipping up with your healthy eating plan because it will mean "failure" -- but the only person who can decide whether you've failed or not is YOU.

If you decide that one slip is not a big deal and get right back on plan, have you failed? Of course not.

The concept of "failure" is based solely on your own perceptions. If you refuse to buy into a rigid concept of failure and success and instead just take the process one day at a time – one moment at a time – you can't fail. You will simply keep making positive choices and enjoying the progress that comes along with them.

It's also important to keep reminding yourself that the Law of Attraction will deliver exactly what you focus on and believe. So, make it your mission to focus on success!

Focus on believing that you can accomplish anything you desire. Focus on how great you will feel when your goal has been manifested in full living color.
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Re: 2012/13 - Predicions, Feng Shui, Astrology, Resolutions etc

Postby winston » Tue Dec 25, 2012 7:42 pm

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Resolution Challenge #8 – Transforming Fear of Success

Closely related to the fear of failure is the fear of success. It may seem that these two challenges are complete opposites, but they are more similar than you may think.

Both of them involve one common belief: that you won't be able to handle the consequences of the outcome.

A fear of failure raises worries about the consequences of not achieving your goal, while a fear of success raises worries about the consequences of succeeding at your goal. In both cases, you doubt your ability to handle the results.

Using the same weight loss example from above, a fear of success may cause you to worry that your friends and family will treat you differently if you lose weight.

Or you may wonder how you'll ever be able to have a good time at parties if you can't enjoy your favorite foods – after all, a "skinny" person doesn't pig out on junk food.

You may worry about the expense of buying a new wardrobe to fit your smaller size - or any number of other fears related to the outcome of your goal.

Once again, you are operating under the assumption that you won't be able to handle such a possibility, or that it would be somehow "bad" if it happened – and the Law of Attraction will simply deliver an outcome that matches your fearful feelings.
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Re: 2012/13 - Predicions, Feng Shui, Astrology, Resolutions etc

Postby winston » Tue Dec 25, 2012 7:43 pm

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The Remedy:

Overcoming this fear is simple, if you come up with some coping strategies ahead of time. Start by making a list of your specific fears, along with things you could do to cope with them if they happened.

I won't know how to relate to men when I'm thin and attractive.

I would relate to them exactly as I do now, but I could also work more on building my self-confidence to deal with unwanted advances, etc.

I really can't afford to buy a new wardrobe right now; maybe I should hold off on this goal until spring.

I won't need smaller sizes immediately. Between now and then I can set aside the money I used to spend on junk food, cut back in other areas, and even check out some consignment or thrift shops – they always have great deals on clothing. The universe will provide everything I need; I do believe that.

Whatever your specific fears are, addressing them will convince you that you CAN handle the outcome, no matter what it may be.

Even better, be sure to keep visualizing the strategies being easy and fun. Visualize yourself feeling confident and strong. Visualize yourself having plenty of money to cover everything you need, and so on. Then you will be focusing on solutions, not potential problems.
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Re: 2012/13 - Predicions, Feng Shui, Astrology, Resolutions etc

Postby winston » Tue Dec 25, 2012 7:46 pm

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Challenge #9 – Dissolving Obstacles

It's happened to the best of us; we're moving steadily along toward our goals, feeling motivated and empowered -- when all of a sudden there's an obstacle in our path and we freeze like a deer caught in the headlights of a car!

What do we do? How do we get around this? Yikes!

Unexpected obstacles are responsible for many unrealized goals, simply for one reason: the goal seeker didn't have a plan in place to deal with it, so they gave up.

Preparing for obstacles is one of the most important parts of goal-setting – but few people take the time to do it.

When most of us set a goal, we're optimistic and confident that we can succeed. We don't like to think about possible obstacles that may threaten our dreams.

However, not planning ahead for obstacles practically guarantees that we won't know how to handle them when they appear – and appear they usually will.

This is true even when using the Law of Attraction – in fact, many of the obstacles you encounter will likely be the result of subconscious limiting beliefs that you may not even know you have.
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Re: 2012/13 - Predicions, Feng Shui, Astrology, Resolutions etc

Postby winston » Tue Dec 25, 2012 7:47 pm

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The Remedy:

The solution to this challenge is clear: make obstacles a non-issue and they will dissolve.

Believe it or not, your own reaction to the obstacles usually determines how tenacious they are. If you get flustered, upset, or intimidated by them, you will only make them seem stronger and more intimidating.

If you react with calm and positive expectation, they will usually resolve themselves -- or you will be shown solutions to move beyond them.

This nonchalant attitude does require a bit of faith and trust that the universe is working with you to manifest your dreams. Rather than seeing obstacles as roadblocks, you have to elevate your vision and choose to see them as nothing more than momentary stopping points.

If you keep focusing on the fact that there is a solution for every obstacle (even if you don't yet know what the solution is) you will call forth that solution from the universe.

Most often it happens quickly as long as you don't block it with negative thoughts and emotions!
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Re: 2012/13 - Predicions, Feng Shui, Astrology, Resolutions etc

Postby winston » Tue Dec 25, 2012 7:48 pm

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Resolution Challenge #10 – Surrendering Your Need to Control

Have you ever set a goal to accomplish something where much of the outcome was out of your control?

For example, let's say you set a goal to secure 10 new clients each month for your consulting business. That sounds like a fine goal, but the outcome is dependent upon the actions of other people; in this case, your clients.

You can't force new clients to seek your services. You can't control whether they sign on with you or not. And if you try forcing the outcome, you're probably going to end up feeling frustrated and disappointed.
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Re: 2012/13 - Predicions, Feng Shui, Astrology, Resolutions etc

Postby winston » Tue Dec 25, 2012 7:49 pm

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The Remedy:

A better way is to set your intention for the outcome you would like to achieve, and then let the universe help you achieve it – even if it happens in ways you didn't expect.

For example, rather than intending to secure 10 new clients each month, why not decide how many active clients you would like to have 3 months from now, and then ask the universe to show you the best way to achieve it?

Keep visualizing yourself servicing the exact number of clients you wish to have. Visualize being paid by those clients and enjoying productive, beneficial business relationships with them. The more you focus on this, the more the universe is going to start sending the means to make it happen.

Either new clients will find their way to you by word of mouth or previous marketing you did; or you may suddenly receive an inspired idea to attract the attention of new clients. "Inspired actions" like these are usually unexpected and very easy to put into motion.

Even if you don't receive "inspired actions" from the universe, you can certainly start taking your own actions day by day. However, do so from a detached, calm state of mind. Your goal is not to force the outcome to happen, but to do your part in the co-creative process.

Don't worry about how everything will come together; simply do what you can and then let it go. Trust that the universe will help you in ways you couldn't have imagined and enjoy the process that unfolds before you.
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Re: 2012/13 - Predicions, Feng Shui, Astrology, Resolutions etc

Postby winston » Tue Dec 25, 2012 7:55 pm

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Resolution Challenge #11 – Opening to Universal Guidance

Part of releasing control of the "how" and working in partnership with the universe, involves actively seeking inspired guidance each day.

Most of us have a lot of mental static, scattered thoughts, doubts and worries fluttering around in our heads so that we aren't aware of our own inner wisdom - but it's always there, available for our use.

In the process of goal-setting, this wisdom can be a powerful tool for success if you remember to use it.

Unfortunately, many people don't use it, and they end up struggling and floundering about and making very little progress on their goals.

Or, as described in the previous challenge, they try to control the entire process and end up creating more obstacles for themselves.
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Re: 2012/13 - Predicions, Feng Shui, Astrology, Resolutions etc

Postby winston » Tue Dec 25, 2012 7:56 pm

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The Remedy:

What if you had an advisor that knew everything about you and your life and could give you answers for every question you have ever or will ever have? Would you consult this advisor?

Of course you would; who wouldn't?! Well, that advisor is your own inner wisdom and it is always there for you, always connected to universal wisdom, and can show you the easiest path to achieve all of your goals.

To tap into this wisdom, all you have to do is get very quiet and relaxed. Do your best to quiet your mind, release scattered thoughts, and then focus your attention inward.

You may not feel anything in particular, except perhaps very calm. Asking questions in this calm center will usually result in answers coming back to you.

They may be very soft or subtle, like a fleeting thought, a few brief words, or even a quick mental image. As simple as the answers may seem, they almost always hold a solution or opportunity that you probably didn't see on your own.

For example, with the goal of securing new clients, you might ask your inner wisdom if there is anything you can do to help the goal become reality, and you might suddenly get an idea to run a special holiday offer that would entice new clients to sign on with you.

Or even if an answer doesn't come to you immediately, you may recognize an opportunity a day or two later while you are going about your normal activities.

Like any skill, tuning into your inner wisdom gets easier the more you do it. Get yourself a notebook and create a daily practice of asking questions and jotting down any answers you seem to receive. Over time you will be amazed at how much insight can come to you in this way.
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