
Re: Utopia

Postby kennynah » Sun Oct 14, 2012 1:36 am

utopia is when leegime falls
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Re: Utopia

Postby winston » Thu Oct 18, 2012 5:15 am

Signs of an emerging police state

President George W. Bush is remembered largely for his role in curbing civil liberties in the name of his “war on terror.”

But it’s President Obama who signed the 2012 NDAA, including its clause allowing for indefinite detention without trial for terrorism suspects.

Source: http://libertyblitzkrieg.com/2012/10/16 ... eam-media/
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Re: Utopia

Postby winston » Fri Nov 09, 2012 5:52 am


Asking me to vote is like four wolves sitting around the table, asking the sheep what he'd like for dinner.

It certainly doesn't matter what the sheep says.

Asking me to participate in this charade won't bring it any legitimacy; it will only make me party to the fraud.

Asking me to vote is like asking a free man to put himself willingly into bondage. It's insulting.

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Re: Utopia

Postby winston » Mon Nov 19, 2012 9:23 pm

"You make the world a better place by making yourself a better person."

-- Scott Sorrell
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Re: Utopia

Postby winston » Thu Nov 22, 2012 6:54 am

29 Signs That The Elite Are Transforming Society Into A Total Domination Control Grid
Author: The Truth Wins

http://www.yolohub.com/economy/29-signs ... ntrol-grid
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Re: Utopia

Postby winston » Thu Nov 22, 2012 8:05 am

Mind Control – America’s Secret War

This is the History Channel’s excellent documentary exposing top secret government mind control programs.

This powerful documentary reveals how for decades top secret government projects worked virtually non-stop to perfect means of controlling the human mind.

Though for many years the government denied that these projects even existed, the details have long been preserved in thousands of pages of now declassified government documents reluctantly released through the Freedom of Information Act.

http://www.mindbendingvideos.com/mind-c ... ecret-war/
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Words of Wisdom 11 (Aug 12 - Dec 12)

Postby winston » Wed Dec 05, 2012 7:10 am

“Eyes blinded by the fog of things
cannot see truth.

Ears deafened by the din of things
cannot hear truth.

Brains bewildered by the whirl of things
cannot think truth.

Hearts deadened by the weight of things
cannot feel truth.

Throats choked by the dust of things
cannot speak truth.”

― Harald Bell Wright – The Uncrowned King
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Re: Utopia

Postby winston » Sat Dec 15, 2012 2:59 pm

Anything really true, must be totally individual

I do not think that we realize the significance or the importance of the individual.

Because, as I was saying the other day, to bring about a fundamental, religious revolution, one must surely cease to think in terms of the universal, in terms of the collective.

Anything that is made universal, collective, belonging to everybody, can never be true-true in the sense of being directly experienced by each individual, uninfluenced, without the impetus of self-centered interest.

I think we do not sufficiently realize the seriousness of this. Anything really true must be totally individual, not in the sense of self- centeredness, which is very limiting and which in itself is evil, but individual in the sense that each one of us must experience for himself, uninfluenced, something which is not the outcome of any self-centered interest or drive.

One can see in the modern world, how everything is tending towards collective thought: everybody thinking alike.

The various governments, though they do not compel it, are quietly and sedulously working at it. Organized religions are obviously controlling and shaping the minds of people according to their respective patterns, hoping thereby to bring about a universal morality, a universal experience.

But I think that whatever is made universal, in that sense, is always suspect, because it can never be true; it has lost its vitality, its directness, its truth.

Yet, throughout the world, we see this tendency to shape and to control the mind of man. And it is extraordinarily difficult to free the mind from this false universality and to change oneself without any self-interest.

- The Collected Works, Vol. X",79, Individual and Society

Source: www.jkrishnamurti.com
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Re: Utopia

Postby winston » Thu Jan 03, 2013 7:51 am

Hurting America will Go Horribly Wrong by Stuart Wilde

I wanted to make an audio for the New Year, but I didn’t know what to say, all I’ve seen is visions of false flag attacks and explosions, huge explosions, one after the next, 25-30 of them in the last month or so. This has never happened before.

The Zionists passed the NDAA arrest without trial law in the US; the terror they inflict over the politicians in Washington is extraordinary. They can cancel 235 years of the American Constitution with the flick of a wrist. Senator Goldman Feinstein wants to ban guns, abolishing even more of the Constitution. Martial law is next.

The elite have been massively exposed on the Internet for their treachery and their allegiance to the dark forces and Israel, voting to ship Israel billions of the US taxpayer’s money (over ninety thousand million so far). The elite fear an uprising of the people. They have every right to fear it, the Zionists have created so much hatred with their violence and their attempt to take over the world, their levels of paranoia must be off the Richter scale.

If they were not legislating to hurt Americans, things ought to be good for another 200 years, but I’m sure now things will go horribly wrong, there will be a backlash, led by the Veterans maybe. I don’t think it is this year, but it must be in the offing as the various states oppose the violence of the US Federal Government.

It is sad for humanity, we are gripped by a terrible cancer of hatred, it’s caused by an occult force from the inner worlds that has attached itself to people, especially our ever more demented and possessed leaders.

This movement has designed an attack on our freedoms and the right to live in peace, it’s a disease that can’t easily be cut out. My ol’ teacher talked thirty five years ago about the return of Hitler, well Hitler has come, in another form of course, Obama.

Gordon Brown Passed Fascist Laws Against Personal Freedom (no compassion see?)

The fascism is in Britain as well. Gordon Brown passed The Legislative and Regulatory Reform Act (2006). It’s an act of Parliament of the Untied Kingdom that allows a minister in the UK to delete or alter any laws passed by Parliament with the stroke of a pen. The perception is that it is an “Enabling Act” like Hitler’s “Enabling Act”. In Britain the law is known as the Abolition of Parliament act. Habeas Corpus and freedoms won over the last 700 years could be gone overnight.

I’ve tried to stay with beauty and the soft way, and I teach the metaphysics of the heart path and heightened perception. It’s not a popular concept, but it is a pathway out of here for many people. And some are warming to it. Metaphysics offers the ‘story behind the story’. It doesn’t cancel anything you believe, it just adds a perception that you may not have realized.

I’ve got tens of thousands of visions that I have never published, so I’m not going to run out of teachings any time soon.

I’ve seen the Beings come to earth and there is protection with that, but the Nazis came at the same time. They will be destroyed by a force they can’t see, a force that is a trillion times more powerful than them and their bent legislators. But we have to wait.

The Internet may not last, the elite won’t allow it too much longer. Facebook is already censoring anyone that writes against gun control or the status quo, cancelling their accounts. Twenty four alternative media writers got cancelled off Facebook in one day last week. Facebook is allegedly linked to Mossad, and then Zuckerberg owns the company, he can delete whatever he wants to delete, but it’s a sign of the times. “Heil Sphincter!” …as they say down at the Dog & Duck.

There is a superior force here now, I’ll be excited to tell you about it, but I have to wait until it shows me what it can do. It’s very secret and very clever in the way it operates, it boggles my mind watching it. They create three or four fake plays for every real one, so working it out can be tricky.

I trust in the power of goodness. Be brave, help is on the way.

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Re: Utopia

Postby winston » Thu Jan 10, 2013 6:40 am

True patriotism hates injustice in its own land more than anywhere else.

- Clarence Darrow
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