
Re: Utopia

Postby winston » Sat Apr 14, 2012 4:21 pm

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Love of homeland is universal, of course. Yet the English writer Alexis de Tocqueville observed something distinctly different about us as far back as the 1830s.

Americans pursue their economic interests with passion, he noted, but also enthusiastically form associations to take up public affairs and tend to the needs of their communities.

As social scientist Charles Murray writes, "Historically, Americans have been different as a people, even peculiar, and everyone around the world has recognized it. I'm thinking of qualities such as American optimism even when there doesn't seem to be any good reason for it. That's quite uncommon among the peoples of the world.

There is the striking lack of class envy in America - by and large, Americans celebrate others' success instead of resenting it. And then there is perhaps the most important symptom of all, the signature of American exceptionalism - the assumption by most Americans that they are in control of their own destinies.

It is hard to think of a more inspiriting quality for a population to possess, and the American population still possesses it to an astonishing degree. No other country comes close."

Our nation's growth and prosperity has been extraordinary, too. How did our small republican experiment transform and dominate global culture and society? Geography played a big role. Buffered by two oceans and a rugged frontier, we had plenty of cheap land and vast natural resources.

Entrepreneurs were given free license to innovate and create. Profit was never something to apologize for. Rather it was viewed as proof that the businessman offered customers something more valuable than the material wealth they traded.
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Re: Utopia

Postby winston » Sat Apr 14, 2012 4:22 pm

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We also opened our arms to tens of millions of immigrants who dreamed of a better life and helped to build this country. In the process, we developed an astounding capacity for tolerance.

Today we live peaceably alongside each other, unperturbed by differences of religion or ethnicity. Compare this to Europe's tragic history of massacres, pogroms, population transfers and genocides.

Not that we don't have plenty of blemishes of our own. At our country's birth, Native Americans were ruthlessly subjugated, millions of blacks were held in slavery, and only white men with property were allowed to vote or hold office.

In the years since, we have discriminated against minorities, fought senseless wars, meddled needlessly in other countries' affairs and incarcerated a greater percentage of our citizens than any other.

Still, America is not just a nation, but an ideal. We often fall short of it, but we keep striving to fulfill that vision, to embody that founding creed of liberty and equality.
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Re: Utopia

Postby winston » Sat Apr 14, 2012 4:25 pm

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More than two centuries after the American Revolution, the principles proclaimed in the Declaration of Independence and promulgated by the Constitution still define us as a nation. These permanent truths are not just for us but, as Abraham Lincoln said, "applicable to all men and all times."

I'm not suggesting that other nations don't have proud histories, unique traditions or beautiful cultures. I am delighted when I get a chance to visit Vancouver or Buenos Aires, not to mention Rome or Paris. There's a lot to love about day-to-day life in other countries.

But people around the globe don't talk about the French Dream. Or the Chinese Dream. Only one nation is universally recognized as the Land of Opportunity. Only one country attracts more students, more immigrants, and more investment capital than any other.
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Re: Utopia

Postby winston » Sat Apr 14, 2012 4:27 pm

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America cultivates, celebrates and rewards the habits that make men and women successful.

It promises that anyone with ambition and grit can move up the economic ladder, that everyone has a chance to better his or her lot, regardless of circumstances.

The notion that America is something very special is not, as some would argue, just a crude strain of patriotism.

The United States embodies timeless ideals, an optimistic attitude, a can-do spirit, and an enthusiastic endorsement of the pursuit of happiness through individual initiative and self-reliance.

In this sense - among others - we are truly an exceptional nation.

Source: Spiritual Wealth
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Re: Utopia

Postby winston » Wed May 02, 2012 11:16 am

Are We Living in the Most Peaceful Time in History ?

Professor Steven Pinker, author of The Better Nature of Our Angels talks about the falling levels of violence in the world.

http://www.mindbendingvideos.com/are-we ... n-history/
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Re: Utopia

Postby winston » Sun May 06, 2012 5:06 pm

Elections should be consistently held on an exact date, say one month, before the end of the term of the incumbent.

Why should the incumbent be given the advantage of choosing the election date ?
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Re: Utopia

Postby winston » Fri May 11, 2012 6:17 am

Government-Free Floating City Off the Shores of Silicon Valley

Over 100 international tech companies have registered their interest in the floating geek city, Blueseed, which will be launched next year in international waters outside of Silicon Valley, by Peter Theil.

The visa-free, start-up friendly concept launched late last year aims to create a fully commercial technology incubator where global entrepreneurs can live and work in close proximity to the Valley, accessing VC dosh and talent as required, reports the UK's Register.

A new research report released by Blueseed reveals that the bulk of registered demand germinated from the US at 20.3%, Indian start-ups rank second at 10.5% and Australians third at 6%.

The research found that international start-ups nominated living and working in an “awesome” start-up- and technology- oriented space; proximity to Silicon Valley's investors and an alternative to having to get US work visas for company founders or employees as the key reasons for getting on board.

The Blueseed model budgets for around 1,000 live-in entrepreneurs on deck with costs ranging US$1,200 to $3,000 per month, per person for living quarters and office space.

It is most likely that Blueseed will revamp a decommissioned luxury cruise liner which the founders estimate would cost between $10 -$25 million to outfit.

http://www.economicpolicyjournal.com/20 ... y-off.html?
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Re: Utopia

Postby winston » Wed May 23, 2012 8:09 am

Can They Kill You With an Implantable Microchip?

“Positioned as the solution to eliminating identify theft, lost wallets and purses, and a host of other information breaches, the all-inclusive implantable RFID tracking chip is gaining momentum for widespread implementation.

Recent news reports indicate that an RFID tracking chip capable of killing humans (that presumably do not comply with rogue government demands) has already been invented.”

http://www.mindbendingvideos.com/can-th ... microchip/
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Re: Utopia

Postby winston » Sat May 26, 2012 6:40 am

What If We Have Only Memories of Freedom? by Andrew P. Napolitano

What if Memorial Day reminds us of times when we had more freedom? What if freedom is dying right under our eyes? What if the memory of the past is more fulfilling than the reality of the present?

What if the federal government could write any law, regulate any behavior and tax any event, no matter what the Constitution authorized?

What if the majority in Congress rejects the idea of limited government and views the Constitution as granting it blanket power to do whatever it can get away with?

What if the constitutional prohibition on the government's taking of life, liberty or property without due process of law is only for show and is not for real?

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Re: Utopia

Postby winston » Sat Jun 02, 2012 9:17 am

Uncle Sam admits monitoring you for these 377 words: by Simon Black

Absolutely unreal.

Big Brother is not just watching.

He’s digging, searching, reading, monitoring, archiving, and judging too.

http://www.sovereignman.com/expat/uncle ... ?a_aid=CRX
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