United Kingdom 01 (Dec 10 to Jan 12)

Re: United Kingdom 01 (Dec 10 to Nov 11)

Postby kennynah » Wed Nov 30, 2011 8:06 am

yeah...happening on Wed...

i'm thinking of going to watch them parade outside 10 Downing 8-)
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Re: United Kingdom 01 (Dec 10 to Nov 11)

Postby kennynah » Thu Dec 01, 2011 12:13 am

as if the whole country is on strike today....

but see more no weird
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Re: United Kingdom 01 (Dec 10 to Dec 11)

Postby winston » Thu Dec 01, 2011 6:50 pm

It would be really funny if they strike during the Olympics :lol: :twisted: :roll:
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Re: United Kingdom 01 (Dec 10 to Dec 11)

Postby winston » Mon Dec 12, 2011 8:23 am

Analysis: Cameron puts Britain offside and offshore in Europe
by Paul Taylor

LONDON (Reuters) - David Cameron has put Britain offside and offshore in Europe.

In his failed last-minute quest for special treatment over financial regulation, the prime minister has taken Britain out of the room where decisions on the future of Europe will be shaped.

The consequence could well be a prolonged, bitter parting of the ways between the British and the rest of the European Union, culminating in an acrimonious divorce in which both sides lose.

http://www.newsmeat.com/news/meat.php?a ... &buid=3281
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Re: United Kingdom 01 (Dec 10 to Dec 11)

Postby kennynah » Tue Dec 27, 2011 5:52 pm

25dec and 26dec are public holidays.
27dec is a bank holiday in-lieu of christmas sunday.

on 25dec, there was NO public transport, not buses nor tube.
on 26dec, nationwide public transport workers strike (as did in 2010). so, businesses of those shops at high street including those in oxford street suffered, again...

they have become a joke.
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Re: United Kingdom 01 (Dec 10 to Dec 11)

Postby kennynah » Wed Dec 28, 2011 6:37 am

on boxing day, an 18 year old black boy was murdered (stabbed to death) in the heart of oxford street in broad day light... consequently, a stretch along oxford street was cordoned off for the remaining of the day... shops like H&M was opened for business but because of its proximity to the murder location, practically could not do a cent of business the whole day...

sad, tragic and deplorable...

but just you know, this is London for you...

there are still those so ignorant as to think ang moh tua kee.. that's the sad, tragic part
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Re: United Kingdom 01 (Dec 10 to Dec 11)

Postby kennynah » Wed Jan 04, 2012 6:02 am

these racist bastards finally got convicted of a racist instigated cold blooded murder of a 18 year old black boy in South London in 1993..

this case is being followed and reported fervently today over BBC News and extensively covered by Panorama documentary that exposed the incompetencies and equally racist attitude of the Metropolitan Police.

it has taken 18 years of incessant campaigning by the victim's mother, which included getting Nelson Mandela's intervention, to come to this guilty verdict announced just on 3Jan2012.

sentencing will take place at the Old Bailey on4Jan2012.

uk does not have death penalty sentencing. everyone is awaiting to see how the judge will sentence these criminals tomorrow.

i'm afraid this is london for you. racism is very real here. so, the next time some one makes complimentary remarks about your trip to london, just remember this case and many of such cases.

on New Year's eve, there were 3 murders, all involving dark skinned victims. an indian student was shot in the head unprovoked at point blank in manchester. a teenage black girl babysitting her niece and nephew was murdered. a teenage black boy was stabbed to death at oxford street amidst a busy shopping crowd.

almost everyday, you hear from bbc news of some murders and rapes all over uk.

frankly, just like usa, uk has become a decadent society.

Last updated: January 3, 2012 7:54 pm
Dobson and Norris guilty of Stephen Lawrence murder

By Helen Warrell

It has taken four police investigations, two trials, a judicial inquiry and an inquest, but nearly 19 years after black teenager Stephen Lawrence was stabbed to death at a London bus stop, two men have been brought to justice.

The six-week trial of Gary Dobson and David Norris drew to a close on Tuesday as jurors delivered the verdict that the pair, fuelled by racial prejudice, had murdered the 18-year-old in Eltham, south London, in April 1993. It was a historic ruling in a case that has hung heavy on the country’s conscience and challenged the integrity of its major institutions: a public inquiry into the initial police investigation accused Scotland Yard of both professional incompetence and institutional racism, while wider concerns were raised about government control of race relations in UK communities.

Both Dobson and Norris were among the original five gang members arrested by Scotland Yard in the immediate aftermath of the murder, alongside the brothers Neil and Jamie Acourt and another man, Luke Knight. However, none of the attempts by the Crown Prosecution Service to bring legal proceedings against the men came to full trial.

The latest case, heard at the Old Bailey, was made possible only after a Court of Appeal ruling last May overturned the 1996 acquittal of Mr Dobson – the result of a private prosecution brought by the Lawrence family – and a law change in 2005 abolished the rule of “double jeopardy”, thereby allowing suspected criminals to be tried again for the same offence.

Police undertook a re-evaluation of all the forensic evidence in 2006, eventually finding tiny fragments of blood, hair and fibre that were traced to clothing belonging to Mr Dobson and Mr Norris and used by prosecutors to prove their participation in the violent attack.

The court has now been told that both the accused had previous convictions: Mr Dobson is currently serving five years for drug offences and Mr Norris was previously jailed for a racist attack on a black policeman.

Standing on the steps of the Old Bailey, Doreen Lawrence, Stephen’s mother, reiterated her criticisms of the original Scotland Yard investigation into Stephen’s death in 1993. “Had the police done their job properly, I would have spent the last 18 years grieving for my son rather than fighting to get his killers to court,” she said.

Cressida d**k, acting deputy commissioner for the Metropolitan Police – who ordered Scotland Yard’s cold case review in 2006 – said it was a matter of “huge regret” for the force that it had taken so long to get a conviction.

But she also pointed out that forensic breakthroughs had been enabled by “previously unavailable scientific technology and techniques”, and paid tribute to the Lawrence family whose campaign for justice had brought “major changes within policing, the law and society as a whole”.

Mr Dobson and Mr Norris will be sentenced on Wednesday.
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Re: United Kingdom 01 (Dec 10 to Dec 11)

Postby kennynah » Wed Jan 04, 2012 9:28 pm


15+ years for one of them and 14+ years for the other..

how are these deterrent sentences ? remember that this was a racist incited and unprovoked attack on an innocent victim..

this black boy was waiting for a bus at a bus stop one night, and a group of rednecks rushed to him and stabbed him to death for no apparent reason other than his skin colour... and later, secretly filmed videos showed that these murderers were rejoicing themselves and with hubris re-enacted the scene to brag to others
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Re: United Kingdom 01 (Dec 10 to Jan 12)

Postby kennynah » Thu Jan 05, 2012 8:45 pm

Diane Abbot, a Labour MP(opposition bench), made some racist comments about white people.
There was an outcry for her to resign immediately. Her boss, Labour leader, alienated from her stand instantly and chided her publicly.
She first said she was misunderstood yesterday. This morning, she apologised.

and she earns only a small fraction of grace fu's salary...
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Re: United Kingdom 01 (Dec 10 to Jan 12)

Postby iam802 » Thu Jan 12, 2012 3:40 pm

RBS Sees 5,500 Job Losses from Restructuring

http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2012-01-1 ... ities.html

Royal Bank of Scotland Group Plc, Britain’s biggest government-owned bank, will cut 5,500 jobs at its investment bank as it exits cash equities and mergers advisory.

RBS plans to sell or close the units along with corporate broking and equity capital markets, it said today in a statement. The lender said it is in talks with “a number” of potential buyers.

Hester is reversing a decade of expansion led by former CEO Fred Goodwin up to 2008 that included $140 billion of acquisitions. The Edinburgh-based lender is expanding on Hester’s 2009 review, since which he has cut the bank’s assets by about 1 trillion pounds ($1.54 trillion) and made plans to sell operations including aircraft leasing and retreat from some markets in Asia

“Our goal from these changes is to be more focused for customers, more conservatively funded, more efficient and with better, more stable returns for shareholders overall,” said Chief Executive Officer Stephen Hester, 51, in the statement.
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