Peer Pressure

Peer Pressure

Postby Musicwhiz » Sun Apr 04, 2010 10:15 am

I find this article very true. In a materialistic and capitalistic society which Singapore has now become, more and more people are comparing like no tomorrow. This breeds discontent and contempt; vastly different from the "Kampung Spirit" which we used to have about 3-40 years ago when everyone was much "poorer". :?

Apr 4, 2010
High price of peer pressure

By Fiona Chan

A friend recently bought an apartment and e-mailed me to tell me the good news.

'Did I tell you I finally bought a place? It's in Bukit Timah,' he said. 'Have you bought yours yet?'

'Congratulations,' I replied. 'Yup, we bought an apartment just across the road from our old place.'

'Huh? Why don't you want to move somewhere else?' he asked.

'Well, I really like our location,' I said. 'It's quite close to town and the traffic there is smooth.'

'I prefer Bukit Timah,' came the quick response. 'I think my location is better.'

The rest of the conversation was about how much I had paid for my home, down to the dollar amount per sq ft ('Mine is cheaper,' my friend said); what loan I had taken ('I guess you're more conservative than I am'); and which contractor I was using for my renovations ('Send me your quote, I want to see if mine is better').

By the time I'd finished talking to him, I felt as exhausted as if I had run a marathon - against someone who had decided from the get-go that I had already lost.

Some call it a rat race. To me, it feels more like a shooting competition, only using your friends as targets.

Of course, most of the conversations I have with my friends about Important Life Decisions don't go like this.

While we sometimes compare cars, homes and diamond rings, invariably we all end up assuring others that they've made the best decisions for their own lives. That's what friends are for, after all.

But every once in a while, one of my peers will interrogate me on my lifestyle in a way that makes me feel like there's an invisible but giant scoreboard in the sky.

Not only do they want to know everything I've bought and how much I paid, but they also want to tell me why their choices were all better than mine.

My new home is 10 minutes from Orchard Road? Theirs is 81/2 minutes away. I can walk to the MRT from my place? They'll have an MRT station too, you know - in 2020. And a new hospital nearby. And a park connector.

Wait till you have children, one of my friends told me. The comparisons will get 10 times worse: 'So how's your kid doing? Mine's taking Japanese and Arabic classes, got his Grade 8 in piano last month, and has taken up abstract painting.'

Most of the time, these hyper-competitive conversations are as amusing as they are annoying. But having too many of them can make it feel like the natural process of becoming an adult has turned into a dispiriting game of one-upmanship.

To be fair, it's not hard to understand this behaviour.

For years, my peers and I went through pretty much the same life experiences: We attended the same schools, had the same extracurricular activities, and were mostly offered the same opportunities.

But despite these shared paths in youth, not everyone is finding his first steps in adulthood equally easy.

Some save up for a few years to buy their first flat in Sengkang, and then wait three more years for it to be ready. Others, often with their parents' help, drive BMWs and think nothing of buying a million-dollar condominium for their first home.

To make things worse, even though my former classmates and I may have done similarly well in school, in many cases our income levels started diverging almost from the moment we started work.

This isn't necessarily because some of us work harder or are smarter than the rest, but simply because different industries and companies pay differently, and sometimes all it boils down to is being in the right place at the right time.

So it's little wonder that people in my generation, born and bred on a diet of meritocracy, are finding it hard to swallow any disparity in starting pay and starter assets.

To reassure themselves that they're still on the right track, they constantly compare themselves with their peers. In the process, sometimes unconsciously, they end up putting everyone else down.

It's been drilled into us that we should not judge someone by his possessions and just be content with what we have. But in real life, this state of zen is almost impossible to achieve, especially when you're counting the days to your next pay cheque while your friends have lost count of the designer stuff they own.

Still, life doesn't have to be a zero-sum game. For people my age, it wasn't so long ago when having a friend with a big house meant only one thing: more room in which all of us could play.

Among my closest friends, one person's windfall still has a way of becoming everyone's good fortune. Whoever is earning more or has just received a big bonus will insist on paying for dinner, and those who live in bigger or centrally located houses usually offer to host gatherings.

This can only happen because we're all open with one another about how much we earn and spend - and that is in turn possible only because we don't see our friends' successes as somehow being a reflection on our own failures.

Of course, this harmony may not last after we all have kids. So I'm going to train mine to play the ukulele and become experts in lawn croquet.

That way, the only thing they'll ever be able to compare with their peers meaningfully is how lousy their parents were.

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Re: Peer Pressure

Postby millionairemind » Sun Apr 04, 2010 10:22 am


Thanks for the article MW.

I read it in the papers and I found it to be very true. Few people can withstand "NOT CONFORMING" to "societal norms" and also fewer who can don't care about what other people think of them. :D
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Re: Peer Pressure

Postby Musicwhiz » Sun Apr 04, 2010 10:26 am

Hehe MM,

Sometimes my wife gets a little miffed with me because I behave like I don't care what the rest of the world is thinking of me! Not to say she's suspectible to peer pressure, but she does advice me to be more aware of how people behave to me and react towards me.

She said people may form impressions of me (or stereotypes) when I talk about my school, my job and my possessions (or lack of haha!). But I really couldn't care less what they think. As long as I don't act like a snob and am friendly to everyone without ill intentions and without harbouring malicious thoughts, I can answer to myself! :D
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Re: Peer Pressure

Postby kennynah » Sun Apr 04, 2010 3:59 pm

MW : i am with you on this...

it seems women are more concern about such peer pressure ?

i think that as long as we do what we can to care for our love ones.... that is sufficient... everyone will have different level of material success... no way everyone can be at the same level...if so, there'd be no sweepers and garbage collectors in this world... that's just a fact of life...

we live within our means....that's all that's required to hold our heads high....

if i should ever have someone brag about about their wealth, cars, houses, wives, diamonds, bags, clothes, etc.... i probably just nod and walk away....i dont like talking to insecure people...
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Re: Peer Pressure

Postby Aspellian » Sun Apr 04, 2010 9:38 pm

Contendment, happiness and peace. An elusive combi people spent a lifetime pursuing when its readily available if one is open and ready.


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Re: Peer Pressure

Postby millionairemind » Tue Apr 06, 2010 8:21 am

Be Yourself
By Byron Pulsifer

Are you compelled to be somebody you're not? Do you live in a big house because you think it is required to fit the mold of others? Does your choice of furniture reflect what you think others would expect you to have?

Have you ever stopped to think how much energy, or for that matter, how much you complicate your life, by pretending to be someone you're really not? Maybe this is partly a reflection of a portrayed lifestyle you see every day on the television, or those latest magazines depicting a glamorous lifestyle. Who are you trying to impress - you, or everyone else?

Think how simple your life would be if you stopped for a moment and just learned to be yourself. Take one of my previous co-workers, Karen, for example. Karen spends most of her day worrying about what other people think about her. She buys furniture in a style that she thinks would impress her friends even though this furniture is very uncomfortable. Every time she goes out the door, she worries whether what she wears or how she looks is up to the standards of those people she knows that she just might meet at the neighbourhood store.

In short, who cares! Be yourself, enjoy who you are. For example, if you want comfy furniture that really invites you to curl up and relax, then do it. After all, whom are you trying to impress with uncomfortable furniture? You're the one who has to live there. You're the one who should be comfortable in your own home.

One thing I've come to realize is that it really doesn't matter what other people may think. If they are that small minded, or if they want to impress whomever, let them. I for one don't care. I don't have to spend any energy or complicate my life by what others may think. Isn't it really a matter of the person - what's inside of you - who you really are as a person?

Don't waste your time, your energy, or complicate your life by worrying about what other people may think. It really boils down to this - if they shun me, or look down their noses at me because of my furniture, or the house I live in, or the car I drive, then do I really want or need them as friends? Simply no.
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Re: Peer Pressure

Postby winston » Tue Apr 06, 2010 8:40 am

It's easy to say that peer pressure will not influence you ....

However, when there's a gathering, everyone tends to compare. Who has the bigger house ? Bigger car ? Whose kids are in the better school ? Who is giving out the bigger ang-pow at the gathering ? etc ...

We can try to live the life we want without the peer pressure but those gatherings will bring you back to "reality" :P ( You may think that you are not affected but I'm not too sure that the spouses and kids at the gatherings are not affected .. )
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Re: Peer Pressure

Postby kennynah » Tue Apr 06, 2010 8:53 am

Young children feeling peer pressure abt parents' successes, I get it. But I dont agree spouse shd feel such peer pressure
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Re: Peer Pressure

Postby Poles » Tue Apr 06, 2010 9:09 am

winston wrote:It's easy to say that peer pressure will not influence you ....

However, when there's a gathering, everyone tends to compare. Who has the bigger house ? Bigger car ? Whose kids are in the better school ? Who is giving out the bigger ang-pow at the gathering ? etc ...

We can try to live the life we want without the peer pressure but those gatherings will bring you back to "reality" :P ( You may think that you are not affected but I'm not too sure that the spouses and kids at the gatherings are not affected .. )

actually doable....
instead of big car big with more time with family....and travelling in every holiday(budget stay)...
still must spend money but spend on yourself than showing other people.....

eg: we went disney quite a number of times but we have never dine there...(only onces for some snack food).
The rest of time, we ta-pao there is a very nice picnic area for ta-pao people.....
We do not shop at Disney shop...instead you can find some off-season disney stuff at Daiso....
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Re: Peer Pressure

Postby millionairemind » Tue Apr 06, 2010 9:37 am

Big Car and Big house are nice... but if it comes at a price, ie. your family time, then maybe you need to know YOUR VALUES inside and out.

I have seen too many people claim that they place their family first... but their actions don't say it.

They own multiple mortgages and drive the nice car in order to fulfill the "Singapore dream".

Because of the high amount of debt they carry, they have to work super long hours. When recession comes, they work even harder, cos' they cannot afford to be without a job for more than 3 months.

They live nice, but in fear.

They say their family comes first, but they spend all their time in the office. When they get home, their kids are asleep. During the weekends, they shuttle their kids from one activity to another. Effectively, they don't spend much time with their kids.

IMO, they are confused with what they truly want and what they really need.

Its a values conflict.
Last edited by millionairemind on Tue Apr 06, 2010 9:54 am, edited 1 time in total.
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