PC & IT 02 (Nov 08 - Mar 10)

Re: PC & IT 2 (Nov 08 - Jan 10)

Postby kennynah » Thu Jan 28, 2010 8:40 pm


after watching to their marketing video...makes me wana rush out to buy one....USD499....that's what i paid for my iPhone....arrggghhhhhh

they say their battery lasts for 10 hours...wow... and the slickness of the product is amazing...just like a blowup version of an iPhone...

and if this baby takes off... i think, MSFT is finally seeing the end of their days.... Mac has finally returned to claim its rightful place in PC world.... afterall, they were the first to offer the world "windows"....their Macintoshes/Pagemaker of the 80s....

now, i just need to check with my brokerage to see if their trading platform can run on iPad...if can.. i think, i will go for it... high chance perhaps, since right now, they already give me access to my trading account on an application they developed just for iPhone..

winston wrote:If you route the calls thru Skype, I'm sure you can make and receive calls.

i have that downloaded on my iPhone...it works just fine...maybe we can call each other one day... 8-)
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Re: PC & IT 2 (Nov 08 - Jan 10)

Postby iam802 » Thu Jan 28, 2010 9:26 pm

Most likely, at this moment the trading platform will not work on iPad yet.

The chipset is different. They did mention the availability of a SDK

I want that too (both the iPad and the trading software on iPad)!!
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Re: PC & IT 2 (Nov 08 - Jan 10)

Postby kennynah » Thu Jan 28, 2010 9:31 pm

i was goofing around to find out more on iPad...

and there's been some talk by one woman that the name is not female gender friendly...wahahahaha...
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Re: PC & IT 2 (Nov 08 - Jan 10)

Postby kennynah » Thu Jan 28, 2010 9:41 pm

but on second thoughts...i'll wait for their 3G iPad to be released in Apr10...

my experience with iPhone purchase has thought me to wait for aapl's 2nd or 3rd release product to get the most out of their technology.... but at USD499 (16GB) is quite irresistible... only if they had released in pre-Christmas...i think, aapl would have seriously increased their overall revenue significantly..
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Re: PC & IT 2 (Nov 08 - Jan 10)

Postby iam802 » Thu Jan 28, 2010 10:01 pm

Just found out that it does not support multi tasking.

That makes the whole device useless to me.

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Re: PC & IT 2 (Nov 08 - Jan 10)

Postby iam802 » Thu Jan 28, 2010 10:03 pm

kennynah wrote:i was goofing around to find out more on iPad...

and there's been some talk by one woman that the name is not female gender friendly...wahahahaha...

Nissan has their 'Teana' model as well.

It sounds like sanitary brand to me as well.
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Re: PC & IT 2 (Nov 08 - Jan 10)

Postby kennynah » Thu Jan 28, 2010 10:25 pm

iam802 wrote:Just found out that it does not support multi tasking.

That makes the whole device useless to me.


so basically, it's just a bigger iTouch.... :(
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Re: PC & IT 2 (Nov 08 - Jan 10)

Postby winston » Sat Feb 13, 2010 8:44 pm

They have survived the bursting of the tech bubble before ...

Silicon Valley future at risk

WASHINGTON - THE global economic crisis has taken a heavy toll on California's Silicon Valley and its future as the US center of innovation is at risk, according to a report released on Thursday.

'There are clear warning signs suggesting Silicon Valley has entered a new phase of uncertainty, and that our competitive standing is at risk,' the '2010 Silicon Valley Index' said.

The report by the Silicon Valley Community Foundation and the Joint Venture: Silicon Valley Network is being released to accompany Friday's annual 'State of the Valley' conference of regional leaders, elected officials and citizens. It said the global economic crisis had resulted in 90,000 job losses in the Silicon Valley region between the second quarter of 2008 and the second quarter of 2009.

'Silicon Valley's innovation engine has driven the region's prosperity for 60 years, but at the moment we're stalled,' Joint Venture chief executive Russell Hancock said in a statement. 'What's hard to say is whether we're stuck in neutral, which has happened before, or whether it's time now for a complete overhaul.'

'On the heels of the worst economic year since the Great Depression, our region has entered a new era of uncertainty in which our ability to attract top talent, fund innovation and preserve a decent quality of life is no longer guaranteed,' said Emmett Carson, president and chief executive of the Silicon Valley Community Foundation.

Silicon Valley is no longer able to attract the foreign talent which has been its 'lifeblood' and funding innovation through locally raised venture capital and public offerings 'can no longer be taken as a given,' the report said.

Source: AFP
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Re: PC & IT 2 (Nov 08 - Feb10)

Postby winston » Sat Feb 20, 2010 5:15 pm

So easy to turn on the webcam and mike on your lap-top ?

Official: FBI probing Pa. school webcam spy case

Law enforcement official: FBI probing Pa. district accused of spying on students with webcams

AP News

Feb 20, 2010 03:45 EST

A Pennsylvania school district accused of secretly switching on laptop computer webcams inside students' homes is under investigation by federal authorities, a law enforcement official with knowledge of the case told The Associated Press.

The FBI will look into whether any federal wiretap or computer-intrusion laws were violated by Lower Merion School District officials, the official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because the official was not authorized to discuss the investigation, told the AP on Friday.

Days after a student filed suit over the practice, Lower Merion officials acknowledged Friday that they remotely activated webcams 42 times in the past 14 months, but only to find missing student laptops. They insist they never did so to spy on students, as the student's family claimed in the federal lawsuit.

Families were not informed of the possibility the webcams might be activated in their homes without their permission in the paperwork students sign when they get the computers, district spokesman Doug Young said.

"It's clear what was in place was insufficient, and that's unacceptable," Young said.

The district has suspended the practice amid the lawsuit and the accompanying uproar from students, the community and privacy advocates. District officials hired outside counsel to review the past webcam activations and advise the district on related issues, Young said.

Remote-activation software can be used to capture keystrokes, send commands over the Internet or turn computers into listening devices by turning on built-in microphones. People often use it for legitimate purposes — to access computers from remote locations, for example. But hackers can use it to steal passwords and spouses to track the whereabouts of partners or lovers.

The Pennsylvania case shows how even well-intentioned plans can go awry if officials fail to understand the technology and its potential consequences, privacy experts said. Compromising images from inside a student's bedroom could fall into the hands of rogue school staff or otherwise be spread across the Internet, they said.

"What about the (potential) abuse of power from higher ups, trying to find out more information about the head of the PTA?" wondered Ari Schwartz, vice president at the Center for Democracy and Technology. "If you don't think about the privacy and security consequences of using this kind of technology, you run into problems."

The FBI opened its investigation after news of the suit broke on Thursday, the law-enforcement official said. Montgomery County District Attorney Risa Vetri Ferman may also investigate, she said Friday.

Lower Merion, an affluent district in Philadelphia's suburbs, issues Apple laptops to all 2,300 students at its two high schools. Only two employees in the technology department were authorized to activate the cameras — and only to locate missing laptops, Young said. The remote activations captured images but never recorded sound, he said.

No one had complained before Harriton High School student Blake Robbins and his parents, Michael and Holly Robbins, filed their lawsuit Tuesday, he said.

According to the suit, Harriton vice principal Lindy Matsko told Blake on Nov. 11 that the school thought he was "engaged in improper behavior in his home." She allegedly cited as evidence a photograph "embedded" in his school-issued laptop.

The suit does not say if the boy's laptop had been reported stolen, and Young said the litigation prevents him from disclosing that fact. He said the district never violated its policy of only using the remote-activation software to find missing laptops. "Infer what you want," Young said.

The suit accuses the school of turning on Blake's webcam while the computer was inside his Penn Valley home, allegedly violating wiretap laws and his right to privacy.

Blake Robbins told KYW-TV on Friday that a school official described him in his room and mistook a piece of candy for a pill.

"She described what I was doing," he said. "She said she thought I had pills and said she thought that I was selling drugs."

Robbins said he was holding a Mike and Ike candy, not pills.

Holly Robbins said a school official told her that she had a picture of Blake holding up what she thought were pills.

"It was an invasion of privacy; it was like we had a Peeping Tom in our house," Holly Robbins told WPVI-TV. "I send my son to school to learn, not to be spied on."

Neither the family nor their lawyer, Mark Haltzman, returned calls from The Associated Press for comments this week.

The remote activations helped the district locate 28 of the 42 missing computers, Young said. He could not immediately say whether the technology staff was authorized to share the images with Matsko or other officials.

Either way, the potential for abuse is nearly limitless, especially because many teens keep their computers in their bedrooms, experts said.

"This is an age where kids explore their sexuality, so there's a lot of that going on in the room," said Witold Walczak, legal director for the American Civil Liberties Union of Pennsylvania, which is not involved in the Robbins case. "This is fodder for child porn."

Source: AP News
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Re: PC & IT 2 (Nov 08 - Feb10)

Postby winston » Mon Mar 29, 2010 7:47 pm

Want to keep your identity healthy?

If you use Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, or any other social network website, be very careful about posting specific personal information.

It might seem like you're just shooting the breeze with friends, but in many cases you're sharing details with virtually anyone who might care to carefully examine your profile or notes that you send and receive.

Last year, two Carnegie Mellon researchers showed just how easy it would be for a determined criminal to discover your Social Security number. And once your SS number is compromised, you're a cooked goose.

The CM pair gathered publicly available information from social networks and other online sources to match names with birthdates and city or state of birth. With just those three pieces of information they were able to accurately predict SS numbers for nearly nine percent of all people born in the U.S. between 1989 and 2003.

That's an identity theft goldmine.

Their process was actually pretty complicated. Nevertheless, they made their point: If they can do it, somebody out there is probably doing it.

Source: HSI
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