From the Poker Table to the Trading Floor: Inside the Mind of Wall Street Traders | WSJ
Many stocks hit new highs because their companies are doing something right. If they keep doing those things, prices can keep rising.
So don’t get hung up on a 52-week high. A stock’s previous price doesn’t tell us where it’s going next. When the valuation is still compelling, disregard my old quip and buy high.
That’s why when someone asks me when to start investing, I say it’s always a good time to invest. Even when markets are volatile, you can find plenty of opportunities.
1. Not updating my investment thesis in a timely fashion
2. Assuming the best outcome would occur
3. Complacency
1. Think about your timeline. When will you need the money that is invested?
2. Use trailing stops and position size accordingly. The Oxford Club uses a 25% trailing stop. The Oxford Club recommends that each position make up a maximum of 4% of your entire portfolio.
3. Buy puts
4. Do nothing
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