Former Finance Minister Tun Daim passed away at the age of 86.
Mahathir: Dissatisfied with accusations of retaliation against his friend前财长敦达因逝世享年86岁 马哈迪:不满好友遭报复指责 | 八点最热报 13/11/2024, who is identified as a 36-year-old construction contractor, urged the whistleblower to report it first身份是36岁的建筑承包商 阿莎丽娜促吹哨者先投报 | 八点最热报 13/11/2024 whistleblower released a new video showing that the $3 million buyout pass for Sabah MPs is not enough吹哨者再曝光新影片 300万买断准证沙议员嫌少 | 新闻报报看 13/11/2024