Unexplained 06 (May 21 - Dec 24)

Re: Unexplained 06 (May 21 - Dec 23)

Postby winston » Wed Oct 04, 2023 3:46 pm

UNTOLD MEANING of Spiritual Awakening! + Dangerous Money Mindset

by Saratoga Ocean

Most people have no idea about the meaning of a true spiritual awakening.

It's not what you think! You will need to know this for the treacherous times ahead.

PLUS! Are you harboring a dangerous money mindset that only serves to empower the controllers to take us over completely?

We are conditioned to comply and obey from young.

The lockdowns and the reopening started to awaken people.

Be careful about "New Age" teachings that money is bad, being poor is good etc.

The true creative self was never given a chance to develop as they have been controlled and conditioned from young eg. schools, career etc.

Spiritual Infinite Self vs. Physical Self are meant to exist in equal balance

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Re: Unexplained 06 (May 21 - Dec 23)

Postby winston » Sun Oct 15, 2023 10:03 pm

A Powerful, Unfiltered Message for Humanity

by Saratoga Ocean

A shocking turn of events on this planet! Earth has now crossed a line, and the time to prepare is over. Where things go from here is going to depend on the work you've done so far...

Internet is a trap to get you into AI

What are you being educated for? School = Educated for Slavery

By the time you finish 24 years in school plus your career, you are already close to dying without fulfilling your true purpose on why you chose to be reincarnated on earth.

Why would you want to choose to be reincarnated into this planet? To have a positive influence on the planetary evolution. Are you doing that?

We are creative geniuses. Instead, the controllers are harnessing your creativity.

AI = Alien Invasion = Alien Intelligence

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Re: Unexplained 06 (May 21 - Dec 23)

Postby winston » Sun Oct 22, 2023 10:18 am

Spiritual Healing (the show below has the financial Blessing in it too)

by Rebecca Marina

Carmen got relief from PTSD related anxiety especially when Spirit banished a “Spirit of Calamity”

Iza got surprised when Spirt told her she has the Gift of Prophecy!

Gary got more clear on where to take his coaching practice (and some advice to charge more)

Marium got mad at God *OK… I made her- you just have to watch to understand!

https://www.divinetappingshow.com/repla ... a314615401
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Re: Unexplained 06 (May 21 - Dec 23)

Postby winston » Mon Oct 23, 2023 11:19 am

The HIDDEN TRAP! Beware of this...

by Saratoga Ocean

Something remarkable is happening in the midst of all the chaos on this planet! But you need to see this trap before it's too late.

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Re: Unexplained 06 (May 21 - Dec 23)

Postby behappyalways » Wed Oct 25, 2023 10:50 pm

Why The U.S. Is Getting Serious About UFOs
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Re: Unexplained 06 (May 21 - Dec 23)

Postby winston » Sun Oct 29, 2023 10:26 am

The REAL WAY OUT of "The Matrix" is not what you think...

by Saratoga Ocean

In this video, I'm going to show you the way out of the matrix. It's NOT what everyone thinks...

Try to have an extraterrestrial perspective.

Who is this being, that is looking out of your eyes?

Violence in the world is a manifestation of their own choices, not your choices.

You need to think of your evolution, in service to the Universe, not just planet earth.

Part of your own evolution is to know the stability in you, no matter what the chaos are, that's around you.

What is your message to the Universe? Do you want despair, poverty, violence, suffering, pain and death?

Do you have the courage to listen to your heart?

The Matrix is the belief in a false reality.

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Re: Unexplained 06 (May 21 - Dec 23)

Postby winston » Fri Nov 03, 2023 7:33 am

Signs To Know If You’ve Been Cursed (What to look for)

By Tana Hoy

Bad luck can be caused by negative energy hitting the earth, like the big one that is going to hit in December.

Bad luck can be caused by people placing curses on you (Voodoo, Witchcraft, etc), or it can also be caused by psychic curses. Psychic curses are cast when someone has a negative thought towards you.

There is bad luck that is karmic in nature. Meaning it happens due to some actions you made against another person in one of your past lives.

Bad luck can also be caused by a streak of negative energy that has caught you in it’s flow. This type of bad luck usually only comes in streaks, is short lasting, and passes after a few day or a few weeks.

https://www.tanahoy.com/signs-to-know-i ... 3e68310bb1
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Re: Unexplained 06 (May 21 - Dec 23)

Postby winston » Thu Nov 09, 2023 1:33 pm

El Morya: Truce among Species

by Rebecca Marina

You have dominion over situations that overwhelm you.

You have the right to call for a truce and for more angelic help.

https://www.eftexpert.com/blog/el-morya ... a314615401
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Re: Unexplained 06 (May 21 - Dec 23)

Postby winston » Sun Nov 12, 2023 7:03 pm

The GREAT WAR! What it REALLY means...

by Saratoga Ocean

Our earth based languages are limited.

Our capacity to know is much bigger than words.

Our knowledge is experiential.

Duality was created from a lie of "I AM Not".

As long as you accept "negativities", you cant evolve.

Stand on Truth.

AI wants to take over human's intelligence and to prevent humans from playing a positive role in the evolution of the planet.

The real war is between AI and Biological Lives

Listen to your heart. Commune with your deeper self.

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Re: Unexplained 06 (May 21 - Dec 23)

Postby winston » Fri Nov 17, 2023 1:14 pm

Do this to clear negative energy out of your home!

By Tana Hoy

1. Stand with your feet about 2 feet apart.
2. Close your eyes.
3. Take 3 deep breaths.
4. Place your hands palms up at your sides.
5. Imagine a white light flowing out of your palms.
6. Imagine this white light flowing into the room you are in and see it filling up the entire room.
7. Open your eyes.

https://www.tanahoy.com/do-this-to-clea ... 3e68310bb1
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