by winston » Wed Oct 11, 2023 7:33 am
3Q Earnings
The earnings outlook for the S&P 500 for the third quarter is less negative relative to recent quarters.
The percentage of companies issuing negative earnings guidance is equal to the 10-year average.
Overall, the index is expected to report a year-over-year decline in earnings in the third quarter for the fourth straight quarter. However, the estimated decrease in earnings for the third quarter would be the smallest decline during this four-quarter streak.
Clearly, we shouldn’t be looking for fantastic earnings growth over the next several weeks based on this forecast. So, there appears to be no improvements for the ERP in the near future.
However, the analysts highlighted by FactSet forecast the S&P will see 12.2% earnings growth next year.
Regular Digest readers know that we’ve been skeptical of this projection based on the waning health of the U.S. consumer. But we hope our skepticism is unwarranted and we’re proved wrong. It would give the S&P its best chance at a sustained rally.
But let’s be clear: Without that earnings growth, stocks offer investors zero risk-adjusted advantage over bonds for a medium-term outlook.
Source: Investor Place
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