Tesla Motors (TSLA) / Elon Musk 02 (Dec 22 - Dec 25)

Re: Tesla Motors (TSLA) / Elon Musk

Postby winston » Thu Jan 12, 2023 6:57 am

vested. Up 3.6% to US$123. If things are bad, why are they expanding?

Tesla plans to spend more than $770 million on Texas factory expansion

by Lora Kolodny


Tesla has registered with the state of Texas to expand its electric vehicle factory in Austin this year.

January filings with the Texas Department of Licensing and Registration reveal that Tesla plans to spend upward of $770 million on the construction of facilities, including for battery cell testing and manufacturing there.

In May 2022, after Tesla opened up its Austin factory, and another vehicle assembly plant outside of Berlin in Germany, CEO Elon Musk called both facilities “gigantic money furnaces.”

Source: CNBC

https://www.cnbc.com/2023/01/10/tesla-p ... ldatasheet
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Re: Tesla Motors (TSLA) / Elon Musk

Postby behappyalways » Thu Jan 12, 2023 6:35 pm

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Re: Tesla Motors (TSLA) / Elon Musk

Postby winston » Thu Jan 12, 2023 10:36 pm


Tesla in Talks to Set Up Plant in Indonesia: Report

by Tim Fries

The new car plant aims to produce around 1 million Tesla cars per year.

Capitalize on Indonesia’s national reserves of key battery metals.

No agreement has been signed yet, and there are no guarantees that the two parties will come to terms.

The preliminary deal follows a nickel supply agreement between Tesla and Indonesia. The automaker signed contracts worth around $5 billion to purchase materials for their batteries from nickel processing companies in the Southeast Asian nation.

Source: 24/7 Wall Street

https://247wallst.com/investing/2023/01 ... Newsletter
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Re: Tesla Motors (TSLA) / Elon Musk

Postby winston » Fri Jan 13, 2023 10:33 am

vested. Expanding in SH, Texas and now, Indonesia ?

An expansion of Tesla’s plant in Shanghai has been delayed, according to people familiar with the matter, putting a roadblock in the way of the US electric carmaker’s ambitions to increase its market share in China.

The so-called phase three expansion, originally slated to start mid-year, would have seen the plant’s capacity double to around two million cars a year, the sources said, asking not to be identified because they were not authorised to speak publicly.

Source: Phillips
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Re: Tesla Motors (TSLA) / Elon Musk

Postby behappyalways » Fri Jan 13, 2023 8:22 pm

特斯拉中國車主不滿降價 印尼有望迎新廠.年產百萬輛|方念華|FOCUS全球新聞 20230112@tvbsfocus

Tesla cuts prices in the U.S. and Europe to stoke sales after lackluster year-end deliveries
https://www.cnbc.com/2023/01/13/tesla-c ... sales.html
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Re: Tesla Motors (TSLA) / Elon Musk

Postby behappyalways » Fri Jan 20, 2023 1:23 pm

Elon Musk's Tesla Tweets Trial, Explained in Three Minutes | WSJ
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Re: Tesla Motors (TSLA) / Elon Musk

Postby winston » Fri Jan 20, 2023 6:02 pm


Citi Cuts Tesla TP to US$137, Rating Neutral

In its report, Citi Research reduced its forecast for Tesla (TSLA.US) 's 2023E EPS to US$3.73 from US$4.75 on a lower auto gross margin.

It also trimmed its TP to US$137 from US$140 and retained a Neutral rating.

The broker said no major changes have been made to Tesla's long-term forecast at this time and will revisit after next week's earnings results.

Source: AAStocks Financial News

http://www.aastocks.com/en/stocks/news/ ... t-news/HK6
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Re: Tesla Motors (TSLA) / Elon Musk

Postby winston » Sat Jan 21, 2023 9:39 am


Cathie Wood Makes an Eye-Opening Prediction for Tesla

Her Ark funds have snagged 806,663 Tesla shares in January alone, recently valued at $105.4 million.


Just from electric vehicles there could be almost a fivefold increase in this stock during the next five years.

“And if you believe in autonomous cars at all, it’s closer to 13 times during the next five years. So we are as bullish about Tesla as we have ever been.”

Five times the recent price would be $653, and 13 times would be $1,699.

“Tesla is going to be very aggressive in pricing,” she said.

“Tesla can afford to do this. It’s got the lowest cost structure and is innovating the most aggressively. The other auto manufacturers will have to follow these price declines, but it will hurt them from a margin and profitability point of view quite significantly.”

Source: The Street

https://www.thestreet.com/investing/sto ... or%2BTesla
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Re: Tesla Motors (TSLA) / Elon Musk

Postby winston » Sat Jan 21, 2023 11:04 am

Tesla bulls see dollar signs over demand for Musk’s ‘Megapack’—but short-selling legend Jim Chanos isn’t buying it


It could conservatively generate $10 billion in revenue this year at a healthy 20% gross margin.

Building a battery park in Angleton with a capacity of 100 megawatt hours (MWh) that can contribute towards balancing the grid when needed.

Even more impressive is Tesla’s involvement supplying packs to the Victoria Big Battery in Australia. One of the largest of its kind in the world with an advertised 450 MWh it will store enough energy in reserve to power over one million homes around the greater Melbourne region for half an hour.

The business contributed less than 5% of Tesla’s $57.1 billion in nine-month consolidated revenue and is therefore too small to be broken out separately.

Firstly production will finally hit an industrial scale, with its new Megafactory in Lathrop, California, conceived to produce 40-gigawatt hours per year, or in volume roughly 10,000 units at 3.85 MWh each.

Allegedly Tesla may be planning to boost energy storage production to more than 1 terawatt hour of volume annually, a 25-fold increase. In 2021, the last full year of results, it deployed just 4 GWh.

The other is a switch in chemistry away from using high-priced metals like nickel and cobalt normally found in your average Tesla to the far more inexpensive lithium iron phosphate (LFP) cells.

Source: Fortune

https://finance.yahoo.com/news/tesla-bu ... 00076.html
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Re: Tesla Motors (TSLA) / Elon Musk

Postby behappyalways » Sun Jan 22, 2023 10:37 pm

Not vested

The Chartmaster @CarterBWorth sees $TSLA headed to $155!

https://mobile.twitter.com/CNBCFastMone ... 3389682694
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