Life 33 (May 19 - Sep 19)

Re: Life 33 (May 19 - Dec 19)

Postby winston » Tue Jul 09, 2019 5:35 am

What is one simple and effective way to realise the Divine?

Discover your holiness, your divinity, the real truth!

At times, you may have doubts as to which action is righteous, which is the truth, which is divine love and so on.

I understand; but no one has any doubts about themselves, is it not? So, find out who you are and remain true and fixed in that enquiry for truth.

That alone is enough to save you, to give you everlasting joy! This is the essence of the teachings from the Scriptures, this was experienced by our sages and saints and expounded by scholars in their discourses.

Remember the Divine in whom you move, the Divine who makes you move, the Divine who is all this vast universe, every atom, and every huge star.

Select any Name and Form for this all-pervasive immanent Divine that appeals to you and keep those on your tongue and before your mental eye.

This activity is called meditation-cum-recitation of the Name.

- Divine Discourse, Aug 13, 1964.

So long as you have a trace of ego in you, you cannot see the Divine clearly.

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Re: Life 33 (May 19 - Dec 19)

Postby winston » Wed Jul 10, 2019 1:48 pm

Contacting fear

There is physical fear. You know, when you see a snake, a wild animal, instinctively there is fear; that is a normal, healthy, natural fear.

It is not fear, it is a desire to protect oneself—that is normal. But the psychological protection of oneself—that is, the desire to be always certain—breeds fear.

A mind that is seeking always to be certain is a dead mind, because there is no certainty in life, there is no permanency...

When you come directly into contact with fear, there is a response of the nerves and all the rest of it. Then, when the mind is no longer escaping through words or through activity of any kind, there is no division between the observer and the thing observed as fear. It is only the mind that is escaping that separates itself from fear.

But when there is a direct contact with fear, there is no observer, there is no entity that says, “I am afraid.” So, the moment you are directly in contact with life, with anything, there is no division—it is this division that breeds competition, ambition, fear.

So what is important is not “how to be free of fear?” If you seek a way, a method, a system to be rid of fear, you will be everlastingly caught in fear.

But if you understand fear—which can only take place when you come directly in contact with it, as you are in contact with hunger, as you are directly in contact when you are threatened with losing your job—then you do something; only then will you find that all fear ceases—we mean all fear, not fear of this kind or of that kind.

The Book of Life, March 27, HarperSanFrancisco, 1995

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Re: Life 33 (May 19 - Dec 19)

Postby winston » Wed Jul 10, 2019 1:48 pm

Contacting fear

There is physical fear. You know, when you see a snake, a wild animal, instinctively there is fear; that is a normal, healthy, natural fear.

It is not fear, it is a desire to protect oneself—that is normal. But the psychological protection of oneself—that is, the desire to be always certain—breeds fear.

A mind that is seeking always to be certain is a dead mind, because there is no certainty in life, there is no permanency...

When you come directly into contact with fear, there is a response of the nerves and all the rest of it. Then, when the mind is no longer escaping through words or through activity of any kind, there is no division between the observer and the thing observed as fear. It is only the mind that is escaping that separates itself from fear.

But when there is a direct contact with fear, there is no observer, there is no entity that says, “I am afraid.” So, the moment you are directly in contact with life, with anything, there is no division—it is this division that breeds competition, ambition, fear.

So what is important is not “how to be free of fear?” If you seek a way, a method, a system to be rid of fear, you will be everlastingly caught in fear.

But if you understand fear—which can only take place when you come directly in contact with it, as you are in contact with hunger, as you are directly in contact when you are threatened with losing your job—then you do something; only then will you find that all fear ceases—we mean all fear, not fear of this kind or of that kind.

The Book of Life, March 27, HarperSanFrancisco, 1995

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Re: Life 33 (May 19 - Dec 19)

Postby winston » Wed Jul 10, 2019 1:56 pm

What is the foundation for self-realisation? Why should we persist in practicing it in the true spirit?

Human body is meant to serve others, not to indulge in selfish deeds. As selfishness has become part and parcel of your life, you indulge in many sinful activities. Eschew selfishness, take to selfless service.

Give up attachment towards the body. Become attached to the Self. Understand that the same Self (Atma) exists in everybody.

Though you find myriad bulbs glowing here, the current that is passing through them is the same. Bodies are like bulbs; the principle of the Atma is the current that is present in them.

With such a feeling of oneness, make efforts to alleviate the suffering of your fellowmen. One attains merit by serving others and commits sin by hurting them. So help ever, hurt never.

There is no higher spiritual practice (sadhana) than this. This is the foundation for self-realisation!

- Divine Discourse, Apr 14, 2001.

You must render service out of spontaneous urge from within, with a heart filled with love.

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Re: Life 33 (May 19 - Dec 19)

Postby winston » Thu Jul 11, 2019 8:10 am

Fear of death?

Why are you afraid of death? Is it perhaps because you do not know how to live?

If you knew how to live fully, would you be afraid of death? If you loved the trees, the sunset, the birds, the falling leaf; if you were aware of men and women in tears, of poor people, and really felt love in your heart, would you be afraid of death? Would you?

Don’t be persuaded by me. Let us think about it together. You do not live with joy, you are not happy, you are not vitally sensitive to things; and is that why you ask what is going to happen when you die?

Life for you is sorrow, and so you are much more interested in death. You feel that perhaps there will be happiness after death. But that is a tremendous problem, and I do not know if you want to go into it.

After all, fear is at the bottom of all this—fear of dying, fear of living, fear of suffering.

If you cannot understand what it is that causes fear and be free of it, then it does not matter very much whether you are living or dead.

The Book of Life, November 12, HarperSanFrancisco, 1995

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Re: Life 33 (May 19 - Dec 19)

Postby winston » Thu Jul 11, 2019 8:27 am

At times, it appears that the Divine is not responding to our prayers. What should we do to attract His Grace?

First and foremost, make your heart pure. It is only purity that attracts Divinity.

If the iron filings are rusted, even the most powerful magnet will not attract them. The iron filings may blame the magnet, saying it has no power. But the magnet tells them, “You may think as you please, I am not bothered. Get rid of the rust and become pure. Only then will I attract you.”

In the same manner, how do you expect the Divine to attract your mind, which is rusted with evil thoughts? See good, listen to good things, speak good and pleasant words, and undertake sacred activities.

If you act in this manner, without your asking itself, the Divine will certainly bestow His grace on you. Contemplation on Him is the only means to keep the senses pure.

All the spiritual practices are meant to exercise control over the senses.

- Divine Discourse, Feb 22, 2001.

How to purify the mind? By starving it of the bad food it runs after, namely, objective pleasures.
And feeding it on the wholesome food, namely, thought of the Divine.

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Re: Life 33 (May 19 - Dec 19)

Postby winston » Fri Jul 12, 2019 8:41 am

How should we lead our lives today and every day?

The seeker has to be very vigilant about one’s point of view, the things one seeks to visualise, and longs to cast their eye on.

For, it is the view that decides attachment, sorrow, passion, etc.

You are the noblest being yet created, and so, you have to develop a sight that sees no high or low, that sees all as suffused with Divinity, and therefore, not different from one.

"Make your view charged with wisdom then the seen will appear in its true light as Divine." Such sight is called divine, supernatural, super-sensual and auspicious.

Each body that you see before you is a mirror, in which if only you open your eyes, you can see the image of the Divine.

The Divine in you is in each of them too. Do not imagine the others to be distinct, they are only you, in so many mirrors.

- Divine Discourse, Jul 29, 1969.

Fill your heart with the light of love so that the evil qualities of hate, greed and conceit find no place therein.

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Re: Life 33 (May 19 - Dec 19)

Postby winston » Sat Jul 13, 2019 9:45 am

A vain pursuit

As long as we think in terms of time, there must be fear of death.

I have learned, but I have not found the ultimate, and before I die I must find it; or if I do not find it before I die, at least I hope I shall find it in the next life, and so on.

All our thinking is based on time. Our thinking is the known, it is the outcome of the known, and the known is the process of time; and with that mind we are trying to find out what it is to be immortal, beyond time, which is a vain pursuit.

It has no meaning except to philosophers, theorists and speculators. If I want to find the truth, not tomorrow, but actually, directly, must not I—the “me”, the self that is always gathering, striving and giving itself a continuity through memory—cease to continue?

Is it not possible to die while living—not artificially to lose one’s memory, which is amnesia, but actually to cease to accumulate through memory, and thereby cease to give continuance to the “me”?

Living in this world, which is of time, is it not possible for the mind to bring about, without any form of compulsion, a state in which the experiencer and the experience have no basis?

As long as there is the experiencer, the observer, the thinker, there must be the fear of ending, and therefore of death...

And so, if it is possible for the mind to know all this, to be fully aware of it and not merely say, “Yes, it is simple”—if the mind can be aware of the total process of consciousness, see the whole significance of continuity and of time, and the futility of this search through time to find that which is beyond time—if it can be aware of all that, then there may be a death which is really a creativity totally beyond time.

The Book of Life, October 7, HarperSanFrancisco, 1995

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Re: Life 33 (May 19 - Dec 19)

Postby winston » Sat Jul 13, 2019 9:48 am

In the path of spirituality, what is the one thing that we should always practice?

Really speaking, every object in nature, every incident in time, is teaching you a lesson.

One morning, a student was walking in slow steps along the beach. He looked at the waves and drew a lesson therefrom.

Slowly but systematically the waves were carrying towards the shore a bit of straw, passing it on from one crest to another, until it was deposited on land!

The sea is a broad expanse, deep and mighty. But yet, it is constantly engaged in clearing itself from all extraneous things.

It knows that, you must not neglect a desire, for the reason that it is a straw. Force it back onto the shore, where it can do no harm.

He exclaimed, "Wonderful! The Sea has taught me a great lesson" - the lesson that danger lurks when a desire that arises from the senses and the mind, raises its head! The price of peace and happiness is eternal vigilance.

- Divine Discourse, Jul 29, 1969.

By constant contemplation on the Divine, the mind should be turned away from mundane desires.

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Re: Life 33 (May 19 - Dec 19)

Postby behappyalways » Sat Jul 13, 2019 9:52 am

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