Health 12 (Dec 16 - Jan 19)

Re: Health 12 (Dec 16 - Dec 17)

Postby winston » Wed Dec 27, 2017 8:27 pm

Beware of Dyes for MRI

Gadolinium and how it can damage your organs:
1. It's highly toxic.
2. It's linked to eye, skin, ear, nose, and throat problems.
3. It's not completely excreted by your kidneys (as we were told was the case years ago).
4. It has turned up in the brain (as well as in brain tumor biopsies) and other body tissues.
5. It has been linked to the rapid growth of cancer cells.
6. It has caused a host of health problems in people who were perfectly fine up until they were injected with it (including a gruesome condition called "nephrogenic system fibrosis" that turns skin thick and hard like wood, often causing paralysis).

Source: HSI
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Re: Health 12 (Dec 16 - Dec 18)

Postby winston » Sun Dec 31, 2017 12:50 pm

12 Stories That Will Make You Believe in the Power of Your Mind to Heal You

By Dr. Lissa Rankin

Source: Mind Power News
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Re: Health 12 (Dec 16 - Dec 18)

Postby winston » Thu Jan 04, 2018 8:18 pm

How To Prevent Food-Poisoning

#1 Never dare to order "rare": Undercooked beef presents a big risk of E. coli. Not only do you never want to order that steak rare, but if a burger is showing any pink, send it back. Hamburgers should be cooked to an internal temperature of at least 160˚ F. So, if you make a lot of burgers at home, invest in a meat thermometer.

#2 Go hot or cold, but never in between: Especially when eating out, you want to be sure that your food has been cooked -- or kept chilled -- properly. Hot means hot, not warm, and cold items should be ice cold. When food is left out and reaches room temperature, that's a flashing billboard inviting pathogens to set up shop.

#3 Say no to risky foods: It's no secret that some foods are simply riskier than others when it comes to foodborne dangers and should be off your menu, especially if you're pregnant or suffer from a chronic illness. These include soft cheeses, such as feta, brie, and Camembert, any dish or drink made with raw eggs, raw shellfish, sushi, deli meats, smoked fish, and any kind of raw sprouts.

#4 Wash it anyway!: One of the big kitchen conveniences are those bagged salads that say "no rinsing required." Well, guess what? If you want to steer clear of getting sick with a nasty bug, you still need to wash them.

#5 Practice safe kitchen habits: Despite all your best efforts, a mere drop of juice from raw meat or poultry can cross-contaminate your cutting board, sink, and utensils. So, be sure to carefully handle those raw items... put anything they touched into the dishwasher... and never rinse a whole chicken or turkey off in your sink. It's not necessary, and it can be an invitation for disaster.

Source: HSI
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Re: Health 12 (Dec 16 - Dec 18)

Postby behappyalways » Fri Jan 12, 2018 9:57 pm

Surprising factors that may keep you thin ... index.html
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Re: Health 12 (Dec 16 - Dec 18)

Postby behappyalways » Tue Jan 16, 2018 9:17 pm

Don’t hold in a sneeze, warn doctors. It could be the death of you ... uld-death/
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Re: Health 12 (Dec 16 - Dec 18)

Postby winston » Wed Jan 24, 2018 8:34 am

Be Careful Of Bed-Bugs

While they may be sneaky little varmints, there are still some good ways to outwit them and keep your bedroom bedbug-free, such as:

1. Whenever you check into a hotel (no matter how expensive!), use a flashlight to look for evidence of these creepy crawlers on the bedding, such as black or rust-colored spots or bedbug skins that have been shed -- and if you see anything suspicious, don't settle for just a change of sheets. Request another room.

2. Keep your clothes sealed inside plastic bags in your suitcase and only unpack on a luggage rack or desk, rather than on a bed.

3. Wash and dry all of your clothes immediately once you get home. And make sure that the drier is turned up high. All it takes is one garment with bedbug eggs (a single female can lay up to 500) to cause an infestation.

But what if you've already been infested?

There's no doubt that they're a real pain to get rid of, but the last thing you want to do is fill your home with toxic chemicals that won't even guarantee you'll be done with them.

A much better plan of action is to wash all bedding regularly, vacuum thoroughly and frequently, and steam clean whenever possible, especially around cracks and crevices.

Another method to try is using dry ice as a lure, because bedbugs are attracted to the CO2 it gives off. They actually use the CO2 you breathe out to find you when you're asleep -- yuck!

For that, simply put some dry ice inside a bowl and cover it with cloth or paper. Once they've been lured inside, they won't be able to escape.

But whatever you do, never ever let an exterminator talk you into fumigating your home. That requires the use of deadly gasses that have killed entire families even after they were told it was safe to go back inside.

Source: HSI
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Re: Health 12 (Dec 16 - Dec 18)

Postby behappyalways » Wed Feb 14, 2018 4:22 pm

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Re: Health 12 (Dec 16 - Dec 18)

Postby winston » Sun Feb 18, 2018 11:23 am

Oatmeal May Cut Cholesterol as Effectively as Statins

For a healthy breakfast, it's hard to beat oatmeal

By Mary West

Source: Peak Health Advocate ... en=3879240
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Re: Health 12 (Dec 16 - Dec 18)

Postby winston » Sun Feb 18, 2018 11:28 am

9 Health Benefits of Black Pepper

More than just a way to spice up food, black pepper offers a wide variety of health benefits

By Mary West

Source: Peak Health Advocate ... en=3879240
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Re: Health 12 (Dec 16 - Dec 18)

Postby behappyalways » Thu Feb 22, 2018 3:18 pm

Red wine compound 'could help tooth decay and gum disease fight'
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