2012-14: Predicions, Feng Shui, Astrology, Resolutions etc

Re: 2013 - Predicions, Feng Shui, Astrology, Resolutions etc

Postby winston » Sun Sep 22, 2013 8:13 pm

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Re: 2013 - Predicions, Feng Shui, Astrology, Resolutions etc

Postby behappyalways » Wed Oct 02, 2013 6:34 pm

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Re: 2013 - Predicions, Feng Shui, Astrology, Resolutions etc

Postby behappyalways » Fri Nov 01, 2013 3:47 pm

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Re: 2013 - Predicions, Feng Shui, Astrology, Resolutions etc

Postby behappyalways » Mon Dec 02, 2013 3:42 pm

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Re: 2013 - Predicions, Feng Shui, Astrology, Resolutions etc

Postby behappyalways » Fri Dec 20, 2013 1:07 pm

Believe in fate? Then expect to be poorer
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Re: 2012-14: Predicions, Feng Shui, Astrology, Resolutions

Postby winston » Fri Dec 27, 2013 6:44 am

Setting New Year Resolutions with the Law of Attraction

Simple Strategies to Align Energetically With Your New Year Resolutions and Achieve Them Easily

By Valerie Dawson

It's that time of year again – people all around the world will be evaluating their progress and gearing up to start fresh on their goals in the New Year. Unfortunately, many of those people will not make any more progress than they have in previous years, simply because they are locked into self-destructive thought patterns. Have you done this too?

Each year you think about the changes you want to make, conceive a genius plan that will change your life forever, and wait eagerly for January 1st to arrive. When the clock strikes midnight on December 31st, it's full steam ahead! You're off to a great start and confidently began taking the steps you know will lead directly to the life of your dreams!

And then... a couple of weeks later, maybe even a month later, you begin losing steam. At first it may be small things, like encountering a few minor obstacles or struggling to stay motivated about working on your goals; but before you know it, you find yourself feeling stuck, tired, angry, frustrated... and wondering what you were thinking when you set these stupid goals anyway. Eventually you give up and vow to do better next year -- but the following year you just repeat the same cycle all over again.

Whether the above scenario describes your situation exactly or not, it stands as a common example of how easy it is to set New Year Resolutions -- and how difficult it can be to follow through and actually achieve them. If you have struggled in any way to stay committed to your New Year goals, this report is for you.

We're going to highlight 15 common problems (we'll call them "challenges" for the sake of keeping a positive outlook!) that people encounter while pursuing their goals, and offer helpful remedies for working through them effectively.

More importantly, we're going to address these challenges from a Law of Attraction standpoint – because you cannot manifest anything in your life until you are energetically aligned with it first! Action alone is not enough – you've probably learned that from your previous unrealized resolutions. Get ready to see your New Year Resolutions in a whole new way – and achieve more than you ever believed possible before.
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Re: 2012-14: Predicions, Feng Shui, Astrology, Resolutions

Postby winston » Fri Dec 27, 2013 6:46 am

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Resolution Challenge #1 – Identifying the Essence of What You Want

One of the biggest mistakes people make when setting New Year Resolutions is that they don't first get clear about what they REALLY want, and more importantly, WHY they want it.

Do you know what you want - really? Don't be tempted to skip over this section because you think you already know what you want. Think about this for a moment:

How many times have you achieved a goal and then quickly realized that you weren't satisfied with it? Such an experience can be confusing, to say the least! You wonder how you could have chosen a goal that now seems not to matter at all to you. Or you point to one tiny negative aspect of the outcome and say, "Well, if it wasn't for that, I'd be satisfied. It just didn't turn out like I hoped, that's all."

But that's not usually what's happening in this type of situation. Rather, you may have set a goal based on the surface circumstances that you believed would make you feel happy, rather than focusing on the underlying ESSENCE of what you really wanted.

For example, let's say that one of your goals was to work less so you have more time to enjoy life. You manage to rearrange your schedule so you have more time to yourself, but within a few weeks you start feeling bored and restless. You decide that freedom is overrated and eagerly bury yourself in work again – but you still feel dissatisfied and yearn for something more.

What happened with this goal?

There are numerous possibilities, but most likely you were craving something else, not just "freedom" – but you never connected with exactly what you wanted.

Perhaps you were actually craving creative expression, which you could have satisfied by setting aside a few hours a week to explore your artistic side. Maybe you actually desired a deeper spiritual connection, which you could have achieved through daily meditation or journaling.

Every goal you set will have a deeper desire stemming from it. But the Law of Attraction cannot deliver the essence of that deeper desire unless you know what it is.

The Remedy:

Rather than focusing on the external situation or circumstances you are trying to create with your New Year Resolution, focus on the underlying FEELING you want to experience.

Whenever you set a goal, your immediate question should be, "Why do I want this?" Don't allow yourself to give a pat answer like, "It will make me happy." WHY will it make you happy? What feelings will these new circumstances or experiences provide for you? Why are these feelings important to you? What deeper needs will they satisfy?

You may be surprised by what comes up when you start asking questions like this. You'll become aware of needs you didn't even know you had. But that's a good thing, because only by knowing what you truly want can you tune into it and attract it.

Another side benefit is that by being super-clear on what you want, you may discover much easier and quicker ways to get it, maybe by making some small changes instead of tackling huge goals that will take years to achieve. Sometimes we can't see the forest for the trees and end up making things much harder than they need to be.

When you tune into the essence of what you want and stay focused on it, the Law of Attraction will be able to lead you to the easiest, fastest, simplest methods and opportunities to help you achieve it. That beats long, complex, difficult plans that you would have created yourself, right?
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Re: 2012-14: Predicions, Feng Shui, Astrology, Resolutions

Postby winston » Fri Dec 27, 2013 7:15 pm

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Resolution Challenge #2 – Holding Positive, Yet Flexible Expectations

How many times have you set a massive goal while thinking, "This will be a breeze"?

You imagine yourself effortlessly taking action each day, easily moving toward your chosen outcome and reaching it in record time. Unfortunately, that's not the way it usually happens.

Instead, you struggle almost from the get-go and feel overwhelmed and frustrated when you don't seem to be progressing as quickly as you planned. Rather than acknowledging that you may have set your sights too high, you may be tempted to give up altogether.

Unfortunately, we often fail to realize that it is far easier to think about doing something than it is to actually DO it, especially if we have limiting beliefs that might be holding us back.

With every goal you set, understand that there is going to be a period of transition as you work toward it. You can't expect to make a giant leap from mailroom clerk to CEO in a matter of weeks, or lose 50 pounds in a month, or go from being a couch potato to a marathon runner overnight.

But you also can't allow negative expectations to prevent you from trying at all. Rather, your goal should be to keep your expectations positive but also flexible.

The Remedy:

One good way to do this is to start smaller. Not many people will enjoy hearing that, but it's a good idea if you want to avoid getting frustrated and giving up.

There's nothing wrong with setting big goals and having big dreams, but you also want to start with those that you believe are most achievable. The truth is that all goals are achievable, especially when you work in co-creative partnership with the universe, but you may have a hard time believing that some goals are achievable, and if you believe that you will block them from manifesting.

However, you can overcome these obstacles by either setting smaller goals to start with, or balancing your expectations of how and when your goal will come to fruition. Which one you choose will depend on your personal preferences.

There are people who can set a large goal, hold to their vision and diligently work toward it for years until they achieve it. They never lose sight of what they're working toward, they don't doubt that they will receive the outcome they want, and they're willing to wait patiently until it happens.

But some people are the opposite -- they want results and they want them fast! If that describes you, you'll probably be happier setting smaller goals and enjoying moderate results as you go along.

Remember, you can expand your goal consistently too. If your ultimate goal is to be earning $100,000 a year with your own business but you feel too overwhelmed or intimidated by that figure, start with a smaller goal of $20,000 and then raise the amount when you reach the first benchmark. If you want to lose 50 pounds, try focusing on 10 pounds at a time. Fifty pounds sounds like a lot, but when you consider that it's only 5 sets of 10 pounds, it seems a lot more achievable.

Nearly any large goal can be broken down into smaller pieces – and when you focus on achieving those smaller goals they eventually add up to big success!

Another important point to keep in mind is that you don't have to achieve the entire goal on your own. Allow the universe to work with you. Hold to the vision and you will be led to the people, resources, opportunities and means to achieve the goal more easily than you could accomplish on your own. Just be flexible about how and when all this progress happens. Expect the best but don't get attached to specific ways or timeframes.
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Re: 2012-14: Predicions, Feng Shui, Astrology, Resolutions

Postby winston » Fri Dec 27, 2013 7:17 pm

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Resolution Challenge #3 – Balancing Effort with Alignment

Working toward any new goal seems hard at the beginning, but sometimes we underestimate just how hard it can get. Sometimes the struggle is the result of unrealistic expectations, like we covered a moment ago. Taking on a bigger goal than you're ready for can definitely make the journey seem impossible.

But there's also a more common reason for goal-achievement seeming difficult at the beginning, and that is: you have to build momentum before it will seem easier. When it comes to working with the Law of Attraction, this applies both physically and energetically.

A common analogy used to describe momentum is pushing a car. To get the car rolling, you have to exert a lot of force. But the longer you push, momentum begins to take over and you hardly have to push at all to keep the car moving along.

Goals are very much the same in that you have to work harder at them in the beginning than you do toward the end. If you work at them for long enough, you enter this "zone" where it just seems simple to take the action steps and make steady progress each day.

Another good example is starting a new fitness routine. Your first workout will probably seem a little bit like torture. Your muscles will burn and ache; you'll be drenched in sweat and end up wondering if a sedentary life might not be so bad after all...

But what happens if you keep pushing through your workouts every day? You build muscle and get stronger. You feel more energetic. You'll probably even begin to enjoy working out. The stronger you get, the more easily you are able to keep up the momentum.

Every goal will have this in common. But it goes much deeper than physical effort; you also need to build up your "vibrational muscles" by consistently attuning to the outcome you are trying to create. All of the action in the world cannot overcome energetic gaps. If you don't work daily on getting aligned with your desired outcome, the actions you take will seem much harder than they really need to be, and probably be completely ineffective.

The Remedy:

Obviously, the remedy for this one is simple: keep your efforts in proper perspective by working steadily toward the outcome each day and remembering that you are building momentum. Keep reminding yourself that it won't always be so challenging. While that sounds simple, it may not always be easy to convince yourself. Therefore, here are a couple of strategies that will help you align with your goal mentally and energetically:

Relish the challenge: Have you ever noticed that your self-talk determines your attitude? If you keep whining about how hard it is, that it will take forever to make progress, you're going to be miserable and probably make very little progress.

On the other hand, if you were to keep telling yourself that you're enjoying the process, that it's not so bad, that you feel great as you take one step after another toward your goals – you'll instantly feel more motivated and your progress will probably be greater too. Convince yourself that you have what it takes to keep moving forward and that it's not as hard as you feared. Often, just believing this is enough to make it so.

Baby steps: At any point if you feel intimidated or frustrated because you're not making progress quickly enough, try narrowing your focus onto ONE tiny aspect of your goal. Every goal will probably have numerous action steps that you'll take each day as you work toward it, but trying to do all of them at once might prove overwhelming.

If that's the case, try doing just ONE of the action steps until it gets easier. Then add another one, and another, until you are doing all of them with less struggle.

As for energetic alignment, one of the best ways to get steadily more aligned with your outcome is to keep imagining it already accomplished. Sit quietly and envision yourself enjoying the goal already accomplished. See yourself enjoying your bigger salary, living in the home of your dreams, feeling great about your slender new body. Do this daily and you will be consistently altering your energetic signal to match the essence of what you are trying to achieve, which means the physical effort you need to apply to achieve it will be much less than it would be otherwise.
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Re: 2012-14: Predicions, Feng Shui, Astrology, Resolutions

Postby winston » Fri Dec 27, 2013 7:18 pm

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Resolution Challenge #4 – Doing the Inner Work First

We typically think of goal-achievement as an external process only. We are here at Point A, and we want to move to Point B. While we do indeed make external changes, we also need to remember that we become a different person through the achievement of our goals. Therefore, we will undergo an internal adjustment even as we're making external transitions. This is especially true in the context of the Law of Attraction.

You can't achieve anything outwardly until you get aligned with it within – which means steadily becoming the person who will have the outer circumstances you want.

How does this pose a challenge?

If you don't prepare yourself for the new circumstances you're trying to create, you won't be mentally and emotionally ready to handle them. Let's use an example to expand on this idea.

Imagine that your goal is to lose 50 pounds. If you simply focus on "losing weight," you'll overlook the fact that you gained weight in the first place because of specific reasons – and you'll struggle not to gain it all back unless you make some inner changes.

Doing some inner work might reveal that you gained weight because of low self-esteem, believing that you don't deserve time for self-care, or emotional vulnerability. You can bet that these kinds of beliefs need to be resolved – or they will keep limiting your ability to lose weight, keep it off and live a happier life.

The same thing happens with other types of goals. You can set a goal to be more successful in business, but if you don't first understand what has limited your success thus far, you might simply repeat the cycle at a later time. Do you have trouble believing in your own abilities? Are you afraid of taking risks? Do you have a fear of selling that limits how much you promote your products and services? Addressing these underlying issues may make the difference between failure and success.

The Remedy:

One of the most effective strategies for overcoming this challenge is to consider the qualities you'd need to handle the achievement of your goal, and begin building them now.

For example, if your goal is greater business success, ask yourself what qualities a successful business person would have – such as confidence, courage, creativity, flexibility, and so on. Once you've got a list of these qualities, begin developing them within yourself. Practice being more confident and courageous, express your creative side more often, work on being flexible as often as possible, etc.

If your goal is to live a healthier lifestyle, consider why you haven't been living such a lifestyle until now. Do you have trouble believing that you deserve to be healthy and happy? Does much of your diet consist of "comfort food" that covers emotional issues you could be resolving in a healthier way?

If you work on these inner issues while you're also doing the outer work, your chances of lasting success will double. As you may have guessed, this is also one of the secrets of successful manifesting -- being able to "be" that which you want to attract. If you want to attract a lot of money, you need to BE a person who has plenty of money. If you want to attract your soul mate, you have to BE a person who already has their soul mate. This is powerful and the Law of Attraction begins responding to your new signal immediately.
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