not vested
Africa: The Last Investment FrontierIt's risky business, but Africa's growth is hot enough to brave it
By Charles Sizemore
[quote]The African continent has a population of
more than a billion people, making the continent
bigger than the United States and European Union combined. But before we get too excited, we should remember that the entire lot of them, are not exactly queuing up to buy iPads and frappucinos. The World Bank estimates that
47% of Sub-Saharan Africans live on less than $1.25 per day.
But before you write Africa off as being too poor to be worthy of consideration, consider that India — which has been a favorite emerging-market destination for investors for years — has nearly comparable levels of poverty.
The World Bank estimates that 36% of South Asians live on less than $1.25 per day. And we also should remember that China had similar levels of poverty just a few decades ago. ... en=3879240
It's all about "how much you made when you were right" & "how little you lost when you were wrong"