United Kingdom 01 (Dec 10 to Jan 12)

United Kingdom 01 (Dec 10 to Jan 12)

Postby kennynah » Mon Dec 27, 2010 5:33 am

UK is on bank holidays on this Monday and Tues...

the city was literally under siege... when their mrt workers decided to go on strike on Sunday(boxing day) and no mrt at all today (shaking my head) ...everyone had to turn to the buses...and they were all full to the brim...

however... from regent street to oxford circus (their orchard road belt) was packed with boxing day shoppers(equivalent to black fri in US) ...and i mean packed with people... think causeway bay but x 5...wah dao eh....

it looks like the retailers made a killing today...
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Re: Bank of England

Postby kennynah » Mon Dec 27, 2010 6:02 am


Disruptions hit Tube as drivers go on Boxing Day strike

shame :!: made us walk more than necessary :evil:
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Re: United Kingdom

Postby Cheng » Mon Dec 27, 2010 1:07 pm

How come they went on strike? Not enough pay and compensation? :o
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Re: United Kingdom

Postby kennynah » Mon Dec 27, 2010 9:01 pm

the workers are demanding for triple the pay to work on Boxing Day and a day off-in-lieu for working on this day...

the mayor of london told them, in a gist, "go f*** yourselves"... hence the strike took place... total disregard for the impact on people's lives during this festive period... such strikes are always for malicious intentions... and also like children whinning at Toys R Us when the parents refuse to buy the toys they want... 8-)
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Re: United Kingdom

Postby kennynah » Sat Jan 01, 2011 9:51 pm

the new year's fireworks at london eye was simply spectacular... a full 10 mins of choreographed fiery display timed to perfection with various upbeat music, including a very short rendition of what sounded like hindi.... if that is true, you can imagine the influence of the indian community here...

Fireworks light up the sky over the London Eye during New Year's Eve celebrations. Photograph: Ian Nicholson/PA

i watched it on BBC One... was under the weather to be out with the thousands that thronged the embankment for hours before the fireworks dsplay..but it was one heck of a worth while wait for these people...
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Re: United Kingdom

Postby kennynah » Sat Jan 01, 2011 9:54 pm

Monday is consequently, a Bank Holiday....
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Re: United Kingdom

Postby kennynah » Tue Jan 04, 2011 4:17 pm

as of 4Jan2011, VAT goes up officially from 17.5% to 20%.... well..what's another 2.5% from already an exhorbitant rate... the argument was to deal with the expected budget deficit of GBP13bil in 2011.... (meaning, when the gahment screws up, taxpayers pay)

London public transport; ie, underground fares, increased since 1 Jan 2011...by some 8%....
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Re: United Kingdom

Postby kennynah » Tue Jan 04, 2011 4:27 pm

and as if nature is teaching us all a lesson....

there's a partial solar eclipse in progress since this sunrise....

it's saying to us..." aiya.... dun be overly concerned abt all these increases in taxes and fares... i'll rise and set everyday, regardless " :lol:
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Re: United Kingdom

Postby kennynah » Tue Jan 04, 2011 6:23 pm

i;ve not seen any singapore style "char kway teow" here in london.... not even in chinatown...

so...calling on any char kway teow chefs....if u keen to start stall here... contact me :lol: :lol:

almost guarantee you... you will become rich (imagine : thick golden bangles, necklaces and a old 300 mercedez to transport your noodles and cockles) :lol:
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Re: United Kingdom

Postby winston » Fri Jan 07, 2011 6:44 pm

Sources: Security threat level for London raised to 'severe'

* British security source cites intelligence about possibility of attack being planned
* A possible Mumbai-style attack in or near London is a concern, CNN learns
* Second source: Increased security precautions in effect at transportation hubs
* Security threat level hiked to "severe" for civil aviation, London transport

London (CNN) -- New information has emerged from an intelligence operation about the possibility of an attack being planned in or near London, with subway stations and airports of particular concern to officials, a British security source told CNN Thursday.

CNN understands that the intelligence operation concerns a possible Mumbai-style attack, the source said.

The action is not connected to terrorism arrests last month in Stoke, Cardiff and London, the source said.

A second British security source said a decision was made Wednesday night to raise the terrorism threat level from "substantial" to "severe" for the civil aviation industry and London transport.

The overall, national terrorism threat level remains at "severe."

Increased security precautions have gone into effect at train and subway stations and Heathrow Airport, though an attack is not considered imminent, a second British security source said.

Britain's emergencies team, which is composed of senior politicians and police officials, met Thursday morning to discuss the situation, the second source added.

"The threat level to the UK is at severe, which means that an attack is highly likely, and has been since January 2010," said the Metropolitan Police in a statement.

"We will police accordingly and use a range of covert and overt tactics which remain under constant review. As Assistant Commissioner of Special Operations John Yates said recently, recent events at East Midlands Airport and continued speculation about 'Mumbai-style' attacks serve as a stark reminder of the real and enduring threat we continue to face from terrorist groups."

"Security at our airports remains at a high level, and we remain vigilant at all times," said a spokesman for the British Aviation Authority, which is responsible for Heathrow.

Last fall, counterterrorism officials in Europe and the United States told CNN that al Qaeda was planning coordinated, Mumbai-style attacks in Europe, with the United States also possibly being targeted.

That discovery led the United States to issue an unprecedented travel advisory in October for citizens traveling in Europe.

It was not clear whether Thursday's information was related to last fall's al Qaeda threat. At the time CNN reported the story in November, European counterterrorism officials were saying they believed the aim was to carry out the attacks before the end of the year.

In November 2008, gunmen belonging to Lashkar-e-Tayyiba, a Pakistani jihadist group affiliated with al Qaeda, went on a shooting rampage against several targets in Mumbai, India, including the city's most prestigious hotel, the main railway station and a Jewish center. More than 160 people were killed.

http://edition.cnn.com/2011/WORLD/europ ... index.html
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