Aspellian's Garden

Re: Aspellian's Garden

Postby ichew » Thu Jul 29, 2010 6:22 pm

badminton court?
shld be the minton then
hopefully the facilities can support 1000+ units
i was just jokin with a fren that IF all households wanna play in the evening, and they build only 1 badminton court, it will take 2.7yrs before it is ur turn
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Re: Aspellian's Garden

Postby kennynah » Thu Jul 29, 2010 6:35 pm

Have u considered planting durian tree in your garden?
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Re: Aspellian's Garden

Postby winston » Mon Oct 11, 2010 2:34 pm

Wonder what has been planted and harvested in this garden ? :P
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Re: Aspellian's Garden

Postby Aspellian » Mon Oct 11, 2010 5:42 pm

haha! The landlord is always coming over to inspect the gardens to see whether the farmer is working hard! :lol: :lol:

Have to admit that last one month been slack - some famous quotes to remind myself:
"He who works his land will have abundant food, but he who chases fantasies lacks judgment."
"The sluggard's craving will be the death of him, because his hands refuse to work."
"He who works his land will have abundant food, but the one who chases fantasies will have his fill of poverty"

I am practising CANSLIM in SG market. Market Direction, yes - this time round I got it. But of the 4 stocks I buy, only 1 rose >10%, 3 slightly under water and probably being held up only because of the buoyant market.

So what went wrong? Why is it that even though I planted at the right season but certain seeds didnt blossom?

1. I didnt plant immediately when the season changed. I am skeptical whether the season has really changed even though I subscribed to a proprietary weather forecast. I should not have doubt.

2. I didnt prepare the grounds hard enough when drought or flood was still dominant. I didnt put in much efforts to study the type of seeds that could benefit the most in the upcoming planting season. I still stick to the seeds that worked in previous seasons but is not appropriate for this coming season. The seeds did blossom into fruits but there is no demand for these fruits as its no longer in vogue. When there's no demand, prices become stagnant or even drop. I am to scan the market harder for new ideas on what fruits are coming into popularity.

3. Fruits I missed
- Noble - noticed it breaked its long resistance of $1.70 on high volume but i didnt react
- YZJ - always on my radar but i didnt react when prices keep on going up

How can I be a better farmer?
Be more consistent - spend regular hours reading and researching.
Do not jump into planting when i am not sure of the particular seed.
Be more patient.


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Re: Aspellian's Garden

Postby lithium » Mon Oct 11, 2010 6:56 pm

Aspellian bro, didn't you buy on breakout as O'neil suggested?
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Re: Aspellian's Garden

Postby Aspellian » Tue Oct 12, 2010 9:12 am

Lithium Bro,

I did buy on breakouts for some, but not for others. Hmm... need to go back to cave and meditate on what can be better improve. You did raise a good point. Thanks!!!


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Re: Aspellian's Garden

Postby Aspellian » Tue Jan 11, 2011 3:56 pm

A new year has come and the best time to reflect on the past year and resolutions for new year!

1) Grateful of my good health - my recent health check-up turned out to be excellant. will continue to do what I have always been doing (good sleeping habits, drink plenty of water, eat healthly, almost no alcohol and drink green tea) and will do even more of being joyful and cheerful in maintaining good health.

2) Be a better husband - Learned and learning not to be judgemental. Always be patient and accept my wife as who she is as she first accepted me as who I am. The creator has given me a tremendous wife as a life-time companion. I better do my part and treat her well!

3) Be a fillial son - relationships with my parents have never been closer. realy thankful! Must learn to appreciate them more and show more love and concern to them. Time and age wait for no one.

4) Be a good friend - went out-of-my-way and persisted and finally helped a very good friend to overcome a near divorce, will continue to follow-up closely. Feel sad for a good friend who committed suicide (again) and succeeded this time round...was following up with him after his previous attempt a few years back and tot he is better and really didnt see any signs... hmmm... the lonliness & hurt he must have felt n giving up of hope. Hope is such a critical thing in life .

if someone is placed in my path, will do my best to help... i start to realise its as simple as lending a listening ear, life's worst experiences is often not about how much money they need or how much one can donate to them.


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Re: Aspellian's Garden

Postby Aspellian » Tue Jan 11, 2011 4:02 pm

This being an investment forum, my tots on 2010 and 2011:

5) Investment
- Be patient, do not second-guess the market, go with the flow. Buy the strongest companies with great stories, kick the tyres walk around the stores, feel the sentiment.

- Bot HL Asia - rode it well and sold near peak - tks for forumners here who gave me great advice.
- Also bot and sold HL Asia - and lost some as tot can ride the waves again. Prices dropped for reasons often unknown to investors - and in this case is that mgt didnt want to sell XinFei anymore.
- Bot UMS and Juken - also made some pocket money but should have followed up in this latest uptrend as both break-out.
- Bot Osim in few rounds and lost money but didnt catch the Sept breakout - should have followed up with each story until the story is out in the streets.
- Rode IPO fever in Oct well during uptrend and stopped doing so when correction came - good move.
- Should have bot back the same battered down IPO stocks during the next uptrend - didnt do so - to be smarter and followed up on this theme.
- Wanted to follow the Apple story but didnt kick my tyres hard enough - if so could have discovered ECS and epicentre (didnt even know this retailer is listed) - lesson learnt is to dig deeper next time i do research and cover the whole length of a value chain.
- Genting - shorted this counter; didnt take profits when it came but good thing is i cut loss as it shoot up from $1.2+ to >$2. should have analysed harder - my wife has feel-good feelings of this counter doing well, i should have trusted female sixth sense. too ego.
- following of uptrends - at times wasnt convince of uptrends and go against the flow or arrive late at party. should be more discipline.
previously - sensely trading - and no need guess - lost money. now more stable. thank god for that.

- be more creative - trying to pinpoint the commonsense skill i have of picking stocks. ideas often flow into my head but not able to be creative and develop the theme further. maybe lacked of experience or haven "kai-qiao".

- be careful - there are signs that a bubble is forming - haha! bubbles are always forming - either bigger or smaller (burst). but enjoy the party while it last.

In a nutshell - be more patient, be more precise, take accurate aims, study your targets well especially those hidden and hazy targets. spend more time thinking on ideas. alot of times it is the right ideas and Big Picture that make the money - not the nitty-gritty number crunching (it is a must too).

Wishing all a wonderful year ahead!


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