Interview with Sidney

Interview with Sidney

Postby winston » Sat Feb 20, 2010 8:08 am

This week, we are very please to introduce sidney ..

Investideas: You have a very special nick. Why are you using this nick and what does it mean?

Sidney is my Christian name. It has no specific meaning, although people remember me more easily as my name syncs with Sydney.

Investideas: What can you tell us about your background ?

By all counts, I'm a late bloomer in almost every aspects of life. I do not belong to the generation of catching spiders although I remembered that one of the most happy times during childhood, is catching fighting spiders and placing them in match boxes with a leaf. Anyway, I do not need to go very far to catch them. My living room had them. EEKKSss.

I was educated in UniSim and graduated in Oct 2009. Looking back, this was probably my greatest achievement. I am proud of being self-sufficient to put myself through. But If you recall the fable of "7 years of feast followed by 7 years of famine", this is how I felt at the end of every semester when I had to PAY the school fees.

Quite coincidentally, I was "retrenched" the day I knew I was going to graduate. I left the financial industry for a few months, enjoyed a few moments of rest (although no real peace of mind) and re-joined my previous boss when they needed people back.

I almost did a 720 degrees career change. In hindsight, luckily I didn't. I realised my weakness lies in not having focus in delivering true value to the organisation, rather than losing interest in the financial industry.

I am resolved to take CFA this Dec with a peer. I decided it because during the period of being retrenched, I realised how vulnerable I was. For every Sidney that can do the job, there were a few thousands more who wanted the job and can probably do it better than I could. It lead me to thinking about what value means to an organisation. If you do not have specialised experience and know-how, you are easily dispensable. Luckily i have another friend to study together, especially for people like me with 60% willpower most of the time.

InvestIdeas: How long have you been investing / trading ?

I started investing about 3 years ago. My first stock was in Popular Holding. I bought at the top of the market and am still holding it as a form of reminder. Mistakes are good teachers if we learnt the lesson. Otherwise, we'll keep paying school fees - until we learnt.

InvestIdeas: What is your Investment Strategy ?

I remember the initial stage when I first got acquainted with investing. I would just blah blah all sorts of investment theories which I had learnt or read about. Now, I think the best way to learn a craft, is to first listen and observe.

I have no investing strategy. All I did was to flip out text books and do some calculations in excel. I'd buy if it looks cheap. Thus far, i tried to adopt a form of Philosophy rather than a fixed method like Averaging, etc.

So far, I must admit I can't differentiate between Price and Value. Looking at charts is worst. I must be lousy at Geometry since I can't understand simple lines...

InvestIdeas: What are your favorite books on trading/investing?

I have no favorite investment books. It's just like chasing after celebrities, when people were talking about Warren Buffet, I followed & read his books.

My first investment book was "Rich Dad Poor Dad", during my army days. I wouldn't recommend this book to people. I must admit, at that (naive) time, hope was born and I was inspired to be the steward of my wealth. And hope is powerful ...

InvestIdeas: What are your investment vehicles ?

My investment vehicles are stocks and SGD. I have another hidden Investment vehicle - my piggy bank :p

InvestIdeas: What has been your best investment so far?

My best investment so far was my Popular Holdings because it was the first step on my investment journey.

InvestIdeas: What has been your worst investment?

My worst investment was when I liquidated my stocks to lend some money to a good friend. The money returned was slow but the worst part is not money but integrity issues. Because words are like bonds. It was a double whammy. The friendship suffered considerably because of money and at a time when I was retrenched.

InvestIdeas: What advice do you have for a young/newbie who is just starting out ?

My advise to newbie investors are:-
1) learn from my mistakes
2) There are more to life than making money although money is close to being like oxygen.
3) Seek to achieve balance in life - social, financial, mental, education etc. (some books do advocate spritual. I had not had the wisdom to say that myself.)
4) Have integrity & do the right things and you will have peace of mind.
5) Associate with friends who are of positive value to you. Positive role models, be it (they are a) better lover, educator or simply someone who accepts who you are and share similar interests in life.
6) Respect - Your galfriend. Parents. Gillet Shavers.
7) Never be a lender nor be a debtor whenever possible.
8) Let life touch you. Watch touching movies, listen for meaningful lyrics, Feel around your surroundings, enjoy nature, feel the wind passes by, the sea - smell it, admire flowers, greenry.
9) Pictures tells a thousand words. Take pictures.
10) Take care of relationships. I observed some couplehood do deteriorate after marriage. Bless are those who are loved and be loved.

InvestIdeas: Are there any other non-investment related books that may have influenced your outlook on life ?

My favorite authors are Jim Rohm & Zig Zigglar. Everytime i read their books or reviewed their podcasts, I
often felt I had a lot of catch to do in life. Through their wisdom, i realised achieving balance in life are extremely important and i strive to improve on them. Often, laziness got better of me..

InvestIdeas: Are you able to tell us a bit about your family ?

I am the youngest in my family. My brothers are married and have kids. i am current "27.8" years old (birthday in Apr). Since the girls are married, I will definitely be asked the following questions at the next few CNYs, "When you getting married? Got Galfriend Bo?"

InvestIdeas: What are some of your favourite investment topics in the forum ?

My favorite investment topics are movies and ironically, just any topics that has nothing to do with investing.

InvestIdeas: What are some of your other interests ?

My other interests are checking out gals and OLs (Office Ladies) on trains :mrgreen: , playing Dota, watching movies and embracing activities with nature eg, cycling, hiking and photography.

I also enjoy reading books and magazines across a wide varieties of subjects from fengshui, nature, self improvements, Reader's Digest & National Geo. I have a poor memory, therefore I often forgets what I read..
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Re: Interview with Sidney

Postby lithium » Sat Feb 20, 2010 9:00 am

You are taking CFA, but you are not interested in investing topics. You are not going to be a fund manager right? :mrgreen:

Nice interview Sidney, you know how to enjoy and live life.
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Re: Interview with Sidney

Postby greenhoney » Sat Feb 20, 2010 9:14 am

hmm.. checking out OLs on the MRT eh?
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Re: Interview with Sidney

Postby iam802 » Sat Feb 20, 2010 9:23 am

winston wrote:This week, we are very please to introduce sidney ..

Investideas: You have a very special nick. Why are you using this nick and what does it mean?

Sidney is my Christian name. It has no specific meaning, although people remember me more easily as my name syncs with Sydney.

Investideas: What can you tell us about your background ?

By all counts, I'm a late bloomer in almost every aspects of life. I do not belong to the generation of catching spiders although I remembered that one of the most happy times during childhood, is catching fighting spiders and placing them in match boxes with a leaf. Anyway, I do not need to go very far to catch them. My living room had them. EEKKSss.

I was educated in UniSim and graduated in Oct 2010. Looking back, this was probably my greatest achievement. I am proud of being self-sufficient to put myself through. But If you recall the fable of "7 years of feast followed by 7 years of famine", this is how I felt at the end of every semester when I had to PAY the school fees.


I assume this is a typo error.

But, if you can really jump through time, do let me know. I just need the price of all the stocks in Oct 2010. :lol:
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Re: Interview with Sidney

Postby helios » Sat Feb 20, 2010 9:48 am

YO Sid,

For a long time, we haven't gone for seminars together leh ... ...
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Re: Interview with Sidney

Postby Aspellian » Sat Feb 20, 2010 10:14 am

Hi Sidney,

Nice reading your interview! hope to catch up one day. Cheers! ;)

PS: (We can discuss on Popular's "prospects" - I also holding onto a few lots of Popular shares too; see who bought at a higher peak and who is the real "pig") hahaha!! :lol:


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Re: Interview with Sidney

Postby helios » Sat Feb 20, 2010 10:21 am

Maybe, it's time to organise our 2nd gathering!

Sid, you must come along!
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Re: Interview with Sidney

Postby kennynah » Sat Feb 20, 2010 12:34 pm

hi sidney,

thanks for sharing .. i enjoyed reading about you...
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Re: Interview with Sidney

Postby millionairemind » Sat Feb 20, 2010 8:29 pm

Hi Sid,

I like your interview and appreciate your sharing.

Hope to see your posts more often in the future.

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Re: Interview with Sidney

Postby sidney » Sat Feb 20, 2010 10:35 pm

Hi Hi thanks everyone for the encouragement.

iam802, Correct that's a typo error. I grad in Oct 2009. Time lapse haha.

lithium, nope.. never set my sights on being a FM. I'd be rather contented to find a job that hopefully can bring decent income and allow me have time to pursue other interests will do :lol: I more do hope it can bring Indecent income :mrgreen:

San, Yes Mdm. Wait for you to jio seminars. :lol:
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