Interview with Cheng

Re: Interview with Cheng

Postby kennynah » Tue Mar 09, 2010 6:45 pm

all men are equal when it comes to temptation.... it's a physiological response... it's the mind and spirit that will make the difference when dealing with temptations...
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Re: Interview with Cheng

Postby Cheng » Fri Dec 13, 2013 11:21 am

Time flies, it feels like yesterday. After a 3 years hiatus, I've returned to read my interview, when I was still relatively inexperienced, very much naive and thinks that the future is a bed of roses. Lol!

Time will teach you loads, my skin is not as smooth and tender as before. 3 years from now, I've completed a degree, fully paid off with my investment returns. I've learnt to invest in myself first which is more important. It opens up more opportunities, brings in more prospects, commanding a potential higher income. Higher education also taught me to think more diversely and critically. I'm surprised that my approach to selecting and selling stocks havent changed. But my approach to life has changed. I'm no longer scrimping on small expenses and I'm spending more on family and friends. I'm more focused on earning more and as a result, I've saved even more for future expenses and investments.

An update on myself I'm 27 this year, going 28 next, getting older...sigh~. I've sold all my holdings in 2012, both losses and gains cause im also getting married next year haha. Need to save up for wedding expenses. ;)
I'm earning double now than what I've previously earned. Put in more hard work and time to generate more income. Income to pay for expenses, a house and for future investments. I'm ready to start investment all over again. Reading up on the STI, wondering if it can go below 3000. haha!

How is everyone? Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! :)

Best Regards,
Cheng :)
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Re: Interview with Cheng

Postby winston » Fri Dec 13, 2013 12:09 pm

All the best Cheng !

Take care,
It's all about "how much you made when you were right" & "how little you lost when you were wrong"
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