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Re: Life 31 (Oct 18 - Feb 19)

PostPosted: Fri Dec 28, 2018 8:36 am
by winston
Duality creates conflict

Conflict of any kind—physically, psychologically, intellectually—is a waste of energy.

Please, it is extraordinarily difficult to understand and to be free of this because most of us are brought up to struggle, to make effort.

When we are at school, that is the first thing that we are taught—to make an effort. And that struggle, that effort is carried throughout life—that is, to be good you must struggle, you must fight evil, you must resist, control.

So, educationally, sociologically, religiously, human beings are taught to struggle. You are told that to find God you must work, discipline, do practice, twist and torture your soul, your mind, your body, deny, suppress; that you must not look; that you must fight, fight, fight at that so-called spiritual level—which is not the spiritual level at all. Then, socially, each one is out for himself, for his family.

... So, all around, we are wasting energy. And that waste of energy in essence is conflict: the conflict between “I should” and “I should not,” “I must” and “I must not.”

Once having created duality, conflict is inevitable. So one has to understand this whole process of duality—not that there is not man and woman, green and red, light and darkness, tall and short; all those are facts.

But in the effort that goes into this division between the fact and the idea, there is the waste of energy.

The Book of Life, June 2, Harper San Francisco, 1995


Re: Life 31 (Oct 18 - Feb 19)

PostPosted: Fri Dec 28, 2018 8:36 am
by winston
Duality creates conflict

Conflict of any kind—physically, psychologically, intellectually—is a waste of energy.

Please, it is extraordinarily difficult to understand and to be free of this because most of us are brought up to struggle, to make effort.

When we are at school, that is the first thing that we are taught—to make an effort. And that struggle, that effort is carried throughout life—that is, to be good you must struggle, you must fight evil, you must resist, control.

So, educationally, sociologically, religiously, human beings are taught to struggle. You are told that to find God you must work, discipline, do practice, twist and torture your soul, your mind, your body, deny, suppress; that you must not look; that you must fight, fight, fight at that so-called spiritual level—which is not the spiritual level at all. Then, socially, each one is out for himself, for his family.

... So, all around, we are wasting energy. And that waste of energy in essence is conflict: the conflict between “I should” and “I should not,” “I must” and “I must not.”

Once having created duality, conflict is inevitable. So one has to understand this whole process of duality—not that there is not man and woman, green and red, light and darkness, tall and short; all those are facts.

But in the effort that goes into this division between the fact and the idea, there is the waste of energy.

The Book of Life, June 2, Harper San Francisco, 1995


Re: Life 31 (Oct 18 - Feb 19)

PostPosted: Fri Dec 28, 2018 8:54 am
by winston
How should we tune in to listen to the Divine?

The Nature around us and with us, is the vesture of the Divine.

We have evidence of His beauty, goodness, wisdom and power all around us, wherever we turn our eyes. But the art of recognising Him is strange to us and so, we deny Him and live in darkness.

We have all around us the music emanating from all the broadcasting stations of the world, but they do not assail your ear at any time. But have a receiver and tune in to the correct wavelength, you will hear the broadcast!

If you fail to tune it correctly, you will get nuisance instead of news! So too, the Divine is everywhere - above, around, below, beside, near as well as far.

For cognising Him, you require not a machine but a mystical formula. Meditation is the fixing the exact location of the station in the band, love is the correct tuning in, and realising the reality and the bliss it confers is the happy clear listening!

- Divine Discourse, Jan 1, 1971.

Pure Love will be fostered only when non-violence is practised.


Re: Life 31 (Oct 18 - Feb 19)

PostPosted: Sat Dec 29, 2018 10:31 am
by winston
Outside of the field of thought

You have changed your ideas, you have changed your thought, but thought is always conditioned.

Whether it is the thought of Jesus, Buddha, X, Y, or Z, it is still thought, and therefore one thought can be in opposition to another thought; and when there is opposition,
conflict between two thoughts, the result is a modified continuity of thought.

In other words, the change is still within the field of thought, and change within the field of thought is no change at all. One idea or set of ideas has merely been substituted for another.

Seeing this whole process, is it possible to leave thought and bring about a change outside the field of thought?

All consciousness, surely, whether it is of the past, the present, or the future, is within the field of thought; and any change within that field, which sets the boundaries of the mind, is no real change.

A radical change can take place only outside the field of thought, not within it, and the mind can leave the field only when it sees the confines, the boundaries of the field, and realizes that any change within the field is no change at all. This is real meditation.

The Book of Life, October 27, Harper San Francisco, 1995


Re: Life 31 (Oct 18 - Feb 19)

PostPosted: Sat Dec 29, 2018 10:31 am
by winston
Outside of the field of thought

You have changed your ideas, you have changed your thought, but thought is always conditioned.

Whether it is the thought of Jesus, Buddha, X, Y, or Z, it is still thought, and therefore one thought can be in opposition to another thought; and when there is opposition,
conflict between two thoughts, the result is a modified continuity of thought.

In other words, the change is still within the field of thought, and change within the field of thought is no change at all. One idea or set of ideas has merely been substituted for another.

Seeing this whole process, is it possible to leave thought and bring about a change outside the field of thought?

All consciousness, surely, whether it is of the past, the present, or the future, is within the field of thought; and any change within that field, which sets the boundaries of the mind, is no real change.

A radical change can take place only outside the field of thought, not within it, and the mind can leave the field only when it sees the confines, the boundaries of the field, and realizes that any change within the field is no change at all. This is real meditation.

The Book of Life, October 27, Harper San Francisco, 1995


Re: Life 31 (Oct 18 - Feb 19)

PostPosted: Sat Dec 29, 2018 10:36 am
by winston
What should we hope to achieve in the new year?

Do not fritter your days in attaining affluence with material possessions, which are often impediments in the journey of life.

Money comes and goes; morality comes and grows! Money is not true wealth; it loses value, it bloats the ego and hardens the heart.

If you do not allow money to circulate, it will destroy your health, as surely as bad blood will!

Worldly achievements develop conceit, separate one human from another! Your heart contracts and shrinks your sphere of awareness of the Divine!

Love is expansion and expansion is Divine Life. The Divine can be realised only through love. Without love in the heart, your heart is a desert; He will not reside therein.

Sow pure Love; it will blossom as compassion and tolerance, and yield the fruit of everlasting peace (shanti).

- Divine Discourse, Dec 25, 1970.

Wise individuals use money, strength, intelligence, skills, aptitude and opportunities to help others and to make their lives happier.


Re: Life 31 (Oct 18 - Feb 19)

PostPosted: Sat Dec 29, 2018 10:36 am
by winston
What should we hope to achieve in the new year?

Do not fritter your days in attaining affluence with material possessions, which are often impediments in the journey of life.

Money comes and goes; morality comes and grows! Money is not true wealth; it loses value, it bloats the ego and hardens the heart.

If you do not allow money to circulate, it will destroy your health, as surely as bad blood will!

Worldly achievements develop conceit, separate one human from another! Your heart contracts and shrinks your sphere of awareness of the Divine!

Love is expansion and expansion is Divine Life. The Divine can be realised only through love. Without love in the heart, your heart is a desert; He will not reside therein.

Sow pure Love; it will blossom as compassion and tolerance, and yield the fruit of everlasting peace (shanti).

- Divine Discourse, Dec 25, 1970.

Wise individuals use money, strength, intelligence, skills, aptitude and opportunities to help others and to make their lives happier.


Re: Life 31 (Oct 18 - Feb 19)

PostPosted: Sun Dec 30, 2018 8:34 am
by winston
The chattering mind

You know, to perceive something is an astonishing experience.

I don’t know if you have ever really perceived anything; if you have ever perceived a flower or a face or the sky, or the sea.

Of course, you see these things as you pass by in a bus or a car; but I wonder whether you have ever taken the trouble actually to look at a flower?

And when you do look at a flower, what happens? You immediately name the flower, you are concerned with what species it belongs to, or you say, “What lovely colors it has. I would like to grow it in my garden; I would like to give it to my wife, or put it in my buttonhole,” and so on.

In other words, the moment you look at a flower, your mind begins chattering about it; therefore you never perceive the flower.

You perceive something only when your mind is silent, when there is no chattering of any kind.

If you can look at the evening star over the sea without a movement of the mind, then you really perceive the extraordinary beauty of it; and when you perceive beauty, do you not also experience the state of love?

Surely, beauty and love are the same. Without love there is no beauty, and without beauty there is no love.

Beauty is in form, beauty is in speech, beauty is in conduct. If there is no love, conduct is empty; it is merely the product of society, of a particular culture, and what is produced is mechanical, lifeless.

But when the mind perceives without the slightest flutter, then it is capable of looking into the total depth of itself; and such perception is really timeless.

You don’t have to do something to bring it about; there is no discipline, no practice, no method by which you can learn to perceive.

The Book of Life, October 13, Harper San Francisco, 1995


Re: Life 31 (Oct 18 - Feb 19)

PostPosted: Sun Dec 30, 2018 8:40 am
by winston
What is the greatest opportunity this human life presents us with?

You are not born in this world to strut about for a while on the stage, consuming food and making merry.

You came into the world so that you may bask in the presence of the Divine, through the exercise of love and the cultivation of love.

If you deny the Divine angrily, you are drying up the strings of love in your heart.

The earth is a great enterprise, a busy factory, where the product is love. By means of Sadhana (spiritual practice), it is possible to produce love and export it to millions and millions of people in need of it.

The more it is shared the deeper it becomes, the sweeter it tastes and the greater is the joy.

One can approach the Divine and stay in His presence by means of love, for the Divine is love, and when one lives in love, one lives in Him and with the Divine.

- Divine Discourse, Jan 1, 1971.

Is the Divine to be found no-where? He is Now Here!


Re: Life 31 (Oct 18 - Feb 19)

PostPosted: Mon Dec 31, 2018 8:04 am
by winston
Perverted pleasure

There is such a thing as sadism. Do you know what that word means?

An author called the Marquis de Sade, once wrote a book about a man who enjoyed hurting people and seeing them suffer. From that comes the word sadism, which means deriving pleasure from the suffering of others.

For certain people, there is a peculiar satisfaction in seeing others suffer. Watch yourself and see if you have this feeling.

It may not be obvious, but if it is there you will find that it expresses itself in the impulse to laugh when somebody falls. You want those who are high to be pulled down; you criticize, gossip thoughtlessly about others, all of which is an expression of insensitivity, a form of wanting to hurt people.

One may injure another deliberately, with vengeance, or one may do it unconsciously with a word, with a gesture with a look; but in either case the urge is to hurt somebody, and there are very few who radically set aside this perverted form of pleasure.

The Book of Life, July 17, Harper San Francisco, 1995
