Life 45 (Jan 23 - Aug 23)

Life 45 (Jan 23 - Aug 23)

Postby winston » Thu Jan 05, 2023 10:25 am

How can we cultivate love and grow in love every day?

Whatever you do, with yourself or with others, do it, remembering that the Divine is omnipresent. He sees, hears, and knows everything.

Whatever you speak, remember that He hears every word; discriminate between the true and the false, and speak only truth.

Whatever you do, discriminate between right and wrong and do only the right.

Endeavour every moment to be aware of the omnipotence of the Divine. The body is the temple of the individual (jiva), so whatever happens in that temple is the concern of the individual. So too, the world is the body of the Divine and all that happens in it, good or bad, is His concern!

From the observed fact of the individual and their body, know the truth of the unobservable fact of the Divine and the world!

The relationship of the individual and the Divine, the kinship between the two, can be grasped by everyone who acquires three chief instruments:-
(1) a mind unsullied by attachment and hatred
(2) a speech unsullied by falsehood and
(3) a body unsullied by violence

- Prema Vahini, Ch 19.

The heart soaked in compassion is verily the altar of the Divine.

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Re: Life 44 (Sep 22 - Jul 23)

Postby winston » Sat Jan 07, 2023 7:19 am

What is the root cause of bondage and what can we do to overcome it?

When the Sun rises, darkness, as well as the troubles arising from it, disappear.

Similarly, for those who have realised the Atma (Inner-Self), there is no more bondage and no more sorrow that arises from bondage.

Delusion comes only to those who forget their bearings and egotism, is the greatest factor in making people forget their very basic truth.

Once egotism enters people, they slip from the ideal and precipitate themselves from the top of the stairs, in quick falls from step to step, down to the very bottom floor.

Egotism breeds schisms, hatreds and attachments. Through attachments and affection, and even envy and hatred, one plunges into activity and gets immersed in the world.

This leads to embodiment in the physical frame and further egotism.

In order to become free from the twin pulls of pleasure and pain, one must rid oneself of the body-consciousness and keep clear of self-centred actions.

- Jnana Vahini, Ch 4.

If you cannot get rid of thoughts, then cultivate good thoughts. Turn your thoughts towards the Divine.

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Re: Life 44 (Sep 22 - Jul 23)

Postby winston » Sun Jan 08, 2023 9:48 am

We all are naturally drawn towards beauty. But what is true beauty?

Inner charm is the genuine beauty.

The beauty of Nature is but a reflection of the beauty that is Divine. But, like all images, it is not substantial.

Flowers fade, clouds scatter into new patterns, physical charm is but a flash that disappears in a moment - but, Divine Beauty is eternal, full, and free.

That beauty is Truth, unaffected by the passage of Time and unchanging with the location; that Beauty is the real Divine, the only Good that is.

- Divine Discourse, Oct 25, 1972.

It is the inner beauty, not external beauty, that lends eternal satisfaction.

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Re: Life 44 (Sep 22 - Jul 23)

Postby winston » Mon Jan 09, 2023 7:44 am

What is the most heroic victory we can all achieve if we choose to? What is the importance of achieving it?

How can tyaga (Sacrifice) develop without Yoga, the control of the agitations of desire, in the mind?

You may have air conditioning but without the conditioning of the mind, how can there be peace?

You may control prices, production of steel or cloth, distribution of food grains, and many other things and processes; but unless you have mind control, the rest are barren exercises!

Mind control is more heroic and beneficial than any other system of control!

A running train cannot be stopped, even if thousands hang on to it and pull it back! But, a tiny button in the engine, when pressed by the driver can bring it to a halt!

So too, the mind, if controlled, can bring to a halt all the various functions which are sought to be controlled!

Now, enormous time and money are wasted to achieve unessential targets, but, the most important target, namely, mind control is being neglected.

Yoga is the name for that system of control. Now, Yoga is neglected; Ud-yoga (job) is being sought after. Udyoga without yoga will be a handicap, a hindrance.

- Divine Discourse, Feb 03, 1972.

The first step in controlling the mind consists in impressing upon it, the fact that the world is transient and that, consequently, the pleasures derived therein are momentary.

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Re: Life 44 (Sep 22 - Jul 23)

Postby winston » Wed Jan 11, 2023 7:39 am

Why should we give importance to sports and games in our life?

In this vast country, everyone has an important role to play.

Everyone as a citizen has a social responsibility. The world indeed is one human family.

The true student should be able to experience this oneness. Sports and games enable students to develop this feeling of oneness. Sports and games and physical exercise contribute directly to physical fitness and good health.

But man is not merely the gross body alone. He has the subtle element in him, namely, the mind.

It is only when man achieves purity of mind and develops unselfishness, that he can acquire peace of mind and experience genuine happiness. Hence, both physical fitness and mental purity are essential for man.

Students should realise that the determination and perseverance they show in seeking to win laurels in sports and games, are also equally necessary in other spheres of life, especially in those of morality and spirituality.

- Divine Discourse, Jan 14, 1989.

What lends beauty to sports and games, is the spirit of unity with which the participants play in them eschewing feelings of envy and hatred.

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Re: Life 44 (Sep 22 - Jul 23)

Postby winston » Thu Jan 12, 2023 7:35 am

What is sweeter than the sweetest, the most precious thing that we must cherish?

If there is anything sweeter than all things sweet, more auspicious than all things auspicious, holier than all holy objects, verily, it is the name of the Divine, or Himself.

Give up the company of the worldly-minded, and the association with those infected by demonic qualities.

Keep away from every type of wrongdoing. Seek always the company of the wise, the good. Take refuge in the the Divine Himself;

He, the pure One, is the perfect embodiment of peace, of happiness, and wisdom. He is seated within everyone. He stays constantly in the place where devotees sincerely and with single-mindedness honour His name.

Therefore, first practice intense devotion towards Him. Then, you can certainly attain real and permanent happiness and wisdom.

Of what use is the pursuit of the fleeting pleasures of the senses? Worship the Divine who lives in the cavity of your heart, nearer to you than your dearest friend, your father, mother, and guru! The Divine is all these and more to you!

- Prasanthi Vahini, Ch 26.

Try to go closer to the Divine as much as possible. This is the real spiritual practice one should undertake. Only then can this human birth become meaningful.

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Re: Life 44 (Sep 22 - Jul 23)

Postby winston » Fri Jan 13, 2023 2:11 pm

What should be our attitude in daily living, during festivals, snow, rain or shine?

Devotion should not be a part-time exercise. It should be present all the time, through joy or sorrow, pleasure or pain.

The yogis are in constant communion with the Divine. To be yogis (aspirants) in the morning, bhogis (lovers of food) at noon and rogis (victims of diseases) in the evening are the ways of men today.

The true devotee is immersed in the Divine all the time and performs all actions as offerings to Him. Any action you do, as a teacher or a student or an employee, when you do it in the name of the Divine, it becomes a pious offering.

This is the easiest way to sublimate the mind. When you consider your body as a gift from Him, you will not do any sinful act.

When you consider your wealth as a gift from Him, you will not misuse it. You will make the right use of it.

Likewise, when you regard all your talents as endowed by Him, you will use them in the service of the Divine.

- Divine Discourse, May 24, 1993.

Having been born as human being and having known Divinity, sanctify your life by undertaking sacred actions.

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Re: Life 44 (Sep 22 - Jul 23)

Postby winston » Sun Jan 15, 2023 12:28 pm

What are the four goals of human life and what do they truly mean?

Of the four Goals, the first one, Dharma, is regarded in common usage as referring to actions like charity, the duties of one's ashrama (stage in life), going on pilgrimages and such other good deeds. But these relate only to external actions.

The true Dharma of every human being is to make every endeavour to realise the Divine.

The process by which this consummation can be reached constitutes Dharma. The observance of the duties relating to different ashramas (stages of life) is incidental to the particular stage in life.

The duties do not constitute Dharma proper. Dharma should lead to Self-realisation.

Similarly, Artha (wealth) does not mean, as commonly understood, the accumulation of property and wealth. They may well become anartha (calamitous); they are not lasting.

The acquisition of such wealth cannot be considered as Purushartha (purposeful). The real wealth that man should acquire is the wisdom that is related to the Divine.

- Divine Discourse, Jan 14, 1985.

Those who follow the path of dharma will always give first place to the Divine.

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Re: Life 44 (Sep 22 - Jul 23)

Postby winston » Tue Jan 17, 2023 7:01 am

Why should we truly persist in our chosen Sadhana (spiritual practice) and recite the Divine’s Name?

The physical body for whose sake you crave all this comfort and luxury, is subject to damage and decay.

One day, it will become food for dogs and jackals. The Divine, on the other hand, gives joy and the thrill of holy love.

Surrender your heart to Him; He desires nothing else from you. He can be won by no other means, by neither unlimited scholarship nor pompous vows nor colourful rituals.

Of the span of human life, one half is wasted in sleep; the other is frittered away in satisfying stupid desires, in the helpless ignorance of childhood and boyhood, in misery, travail, and illness, and in the inanity of old age.

Devote yourself to some worthwhile activity and beware of misusing them for the silly pursuit of sensual pleasure.

Use your precious years for the contemplation of the glory of the Divine, for fixing your mind on His lotus feet ever more firmly, and thus for transporting yourself across the vast ocean of birth and death.

Therefore, practice at all times and under all conditions, with love and devotion, remembrance of the name of the Divine.

- Prasanthi Vahini, Ch 26.

The Divine’s Name is a thunderbolt that will pulverize mountains of sin.

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Re: Life 44 (Sep 22 - Jul 23)

Postby winston » Wed Jan 18, 2023 12:35 pm

We may be poor or rich, talented or otherwise, but what is the one grand opportunity that is available to all of us equally?

For a world pursuing ever-receding happiness and peace, which as a consequence is blinded by the fog of disappointment and disease, the Divine is the pillar of light that indicates the path to progress.

Man has inherited this realm of work, this world which is but a vast factory, where he himself is fashioned from manhood to Divinehood, if only he applies his energy and skill diligently to that transformation.

Man must work every moment of his life; he cannot avoid this burden. His very existence depends upon action, exertion and work.

And work results in either good or bad, big or small, powerful or paltry. So, man has to be active on the right lines in order to avoid evil and pain. That is the duty he owes to himself.

There may be differences among men in physical strength, financial status or intellectual acumen, but all are equal in the eye of the Divine; all have the right and the potential to achieve the goal of merging in Him.

- Divine Discourse, Feb 03, 1972.

People are bound by action and sustained by action. They can achieve anything through action. Their accomplishment lies in their skill in doing actions.

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