Life 44 (Sep 22 - Jan 23)

Life 44 (Sep 22 - Jan 23)

Postby winston » Thu Sep 01, 2022 7:21 am

The Value of Unconditional Love

If you can develop the capability to remain steadfast in one unconditional relationship, you can remain steadfast with the suffering and joyfulness of life.

- Pema Chödrön, “Unconditionally Steadfast”
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Re: Life 43 (May 22 - Dec 22)

Postby winston » Thu Sep 01, 2022 8:29 am

What is the significance of Omkara?

For all the mantras, the primary mantra which enshrines the attributeless, Omniself, is the Omkara.

Although there are many letters and words, the fundamental letter, which has primacy of place, is Omkara.

The single syllable Om is Brahman (Ultimate Reality) Itself, says the Scriptures. All other letters and words are linguistic creations.

They do not possess the unique sacredness and divine character of 'Om’. The special significance of 'Om' is not generally recognised or understood.

Mantra Shastra (ancient scriptures on sacred formulas) has laid emphasis on the letter 'Om’.

Omkara has no form. It is the manifestation of Brahman as sound. It is present in all creation.

It is effulgent. It is in all speech. It is ever blissful. It is the "Embodiment of Supreme", it is the "Repository of Illusory Power", it is the "Embodiment of Prosperity".

- Divine Discourse, Oct 01, 1984.

Om, the name of the Divined, is the boat that takes you across this turbulent river of life.

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Re: Life 43 (May 22 - Dec 22)

Postby winston » Fri Sep 02, 2022 2:40 pm

What is the significance of chanting Om and Namaha while praying?

To grasp the full significance of all-pervasive Omkara, it is necessary to have self-control to bring the sensory organs under control.

In reciting any mantra, the primacy to be accorded to Om should be recognised.

In the mantras, the significance of ‘Namah’ which occurs at the end should be noted.

The worshipful attitude signified by Namah (salutations) will be lost if Om is not used at the beginning of each mantra.

It is only when ‘Om’ is said at the beginning and Namah at the end, that the full purport of the mantra will be brought out.

The integral connection between Om and namah should be recognised!

Namah represents the objective world. Om connotes Divinity. The purpose of the mantra is to reveal the connection between the Objective World and Divinity!

- Divine Discourse, Oct 01, 1984.

It is only when the inner meanings of various aspects relating to the Divine are understood that worship can be offered to the Divine meaningfully.

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Re: Life 43 (May 22 - Dec 22)

Postby winston » Sat Sep 03, 2022 8:26 am

Strengthen Your Mind with Generosity

When you’ve made a practice of generosity and virtue, the mind’s ability to say no to its impulses has been strengthened and given finesse.

- Thanissaro Bhikkhu, “The Dignity of Restraint”
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Re: Life 43 (May 22 - Dec 22)

Postby behappyalways » Sat Sep 03, 2022 9:29 pm

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Re: Life 43 (May 22 - Dec 22)

Postby winston » Sun Sep 04, 2022 7:43 am

Self-Appreciation Through Attention

Giving in to distraction, we give up caring about the activity we are doing.

When we do that, we also give up caring about our self, about the value of the effort we are making with our life.

- Les Kaye, “The Time Is Now”
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Re: Life 43 (May 22 - Dec 22)

Postby winston » Sun Sep 04, 2022 8:40 am

How should we introspect and align our daily living with Divinity?

We don’t want the Divine nor do we cultivate devotion. But we want Him to shower peace and divine bliss on us.

If we want peace, we should conduct our life on lines conducive to peace. How can a person pursuing evil, unrighteous ways, ever obtain peace, truth and joy?

Can we have the belch of a gourd by eating mangoes? As are the deeds, so are the rewards. As the motives, so are the gifts of the Divine. Hence our motives should be sublime and deeds should be righteous.

Students should try to develop powers latent in them. The educated men of today believe in what they read in novels and newspapers, what they see in films, and even in the whimsical words of a passerby. But they have no faith in the Divine.

This is a great misfortune. Men who believe in the words of an astrologer or a priest, don’t trust the words of the Scriptures, who taught four great truths: "Thou art That, Knowledge is Divine, I am Divine, This Self is the Omni-Self)

- Divine Discourse, Nov 22, 1984.

Whatever the path, if one has faith in oneself and faith in the scriptures, the goal is bound to be won.

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Re: Life 43 (May 22 - Dec 22)

Postby winston » Mon Sep 05, 2022 7:53 am

Taking Personal Responsibility

We need to become newly aware of the love that has infused our lives all along, to turn our attention to it afresh with the eyes of a child.

- John Makransky, “Love Is All Around”
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Re: Life 43 (May 22 - Dec 22)

Postby winston » Tue Sep 06, 2022 7:36 am

Moving Beyond Craving

Craving creates tunnel vision: We see only what we yearn for.

Mindfulness allows us to see that and much more, giving us the choice not to act on our desires.

- Joan Duncan Oliver, “Drink and a Man”
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Re: Life 43 (May 22 - Dec 22)

Postby winston » Wed Sep 07, 2022 6:01 am

What Is Calm Abiding?

Calm abiding is learning to rest in a non-preferential, non-reactive relationship, that is sensitive, receptive and free from the demand that things go one way or another.

- Christina Feldman, “Doing, Being, and the Great In-Between”
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