Life 43 (May 22 - Aug 22)

Life 43 (May 22 - Aug 22)

Postby winston » Mon May 23, 2022 5:37 pm

Overcoming Negative Emotions

by Dalai Lama
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Re: Life 42 (Feb 22 - Jun 22)

Postby winston » Mon May 23, 2022 5:45 pm

How To Let Go

You can only control your reaction to the situation.
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Re: Life 42 (Feb 22 - Jun 22)

Postby winston » Tue May 24, 2022 7:52 am

Ground Yourself in Compassion

Cultivating a compassionate heart can help us avoid burning out, shutting down, or getting lost in anxiety and depression.

It can help us stay calm, caring, and connected to a wider perspective so that we may even thrive in a grim situation.

- Radhule Weininger, “Deep Adaptation of the Heart”
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Re: Life 42 (Feb 22 - Jun 22)

Postby winston » Tue May 24, 2022 1:41 pm

What is the tonic we must partake of, for physical strength and mental health?

Courage is the tonic for getting both physical as well as mental health and strength.

Give up doubt, hesitation, and fear. Do not give any chance for these to strike root in your mind.

People can achieve anything - they can even become Divine, by means of the inner divine strength, with which they are equipped.

To help you to give up fear and doubt, keep the Name of the Divine always on your tongue and in your mind.

Dwell on the endless forms of the Divine and His limitless Glory, while you repeat the Name.

Attach yourself to Him; then your attachment for these temporary objects will fall off; or at least, you will start seeing them in their proper proportion as having only relative reality.

When the tiny little ego assumes enormous importance, it causes all this bother! That is the root of all the travails!

- Divine Discourse, Sep 02, 1958.

Troubles and turmoil are part and parcel of one's life. Overcome them by chanting the divine name. Be fearless.

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Re: Life 42 (Feb 22 - Jun 22)

Postby winston » Tue May 24, 2022 7:44 pm

How to live in the present moment?

Realize the present moment as it is.

Nature of the mind runs to the past.

Too much expectations of the future.
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Re: Life 42 (Feb 22 - Jun 22)

Postby winston » Wed May 25, 2022 7:33 am

Being the Stream

Meditation is not just a rest or retreat, from the turmoil of the stream of the impurity of the world.

It is a way of being the stream, so that one can be at home in both the white water and the eddies.

- Gary Snyder, “Just One Breath”
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Re: Life 42 (Feb 22 - Jun 22)

Postby winston » Wed May 25, 2022 11:35 am

What is important for success in all our endeavours, mundane and spiritual?

It is incorrect to say that qualities and attainments needed for temporal progress and spiritual progress are different from each other.

The spiritual is only purification of the temporal.

Success or failure in both depends on one-pointedness!

For every item of work, one-pointedness is very important. This too is but a spiritual discipline.

There are two paths along which this spiritual discipline may proceed: no-pointedness and many-pointedness!

No-pointedness is the stage of sleep; it is also called the quality of ignorance.

Many-pointedness is the result of the restless quality, turning the vision of the opened eye on creation and its sights.

Avoiding both of these, without falling into these two extremes, if the eye is neither closed as in sleep nor opened wide as in the fully awakened stage but half-opened and directed to the point of the nose, the pure quality will become one’s nature, and concentration of the mind can also be easily acquired!

- Dhyana Vahini, Ch 8.

There is always a battle raging in the body between vice and virtue, and only the
one with one-pointedness can come out victorious.

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Re: Life 42 (Feb 22 - Jun 22)

Postby winston » Wed May 25, 2022 7:39 pm

Think this Everyday

Everything that I love will fade away one day.

You will also be motivated to love the people around you.
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Re: Life 42 (Feb 22 - Jun 22)

Postby winston » Thu May 26, 2022 6:18 am

Effortless Release

If we really understand that nothing lasts and that everything is unreal and illusory, then letting go is easy.

Actually, it happens by itself without effort.

- Chökyi Nyima, “The Secret Strength of Sadness”
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Re: Life 42 (Feb 22 - Jun 22)

Postby winston » Thu May 26, 2022 11:11 am

How can we lead a life of divine contemplation even as we dispense our duties?

Do not give up your worldly duties but do them with the name of the Divine on your lips, inviting the grace of the Divine on your heads.

Do not involve yourselves in the affairs of your neighbours or others to the extent that you get so entangled that you cannot extricate yourselves.

Spend your time in the contemplation of the beauties of nature, which are spread out before you in earth and sky — green expanses of the crops you have raised, cool breezes that waft contentment and joy, the panorama of coloured clouds, the music of the birds, and so on.

Sing the glories of Him as you walk along the bunds of the fields and the banks of the canals.

Do not talk hatefully in the midst of all this evidence of love, do not get angry in these placid surroundings; do not disturb the sky with your shouts and curses, and do not pollute the air with vengeful boasts.

- Divine Discourse, Sep 02, 1958.

The beauty of Nature is but a reflection of the beauty that is Divine.

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