Life 29 (Nov 17 - Aug 18)

Re: Life 29 (Nov 17 - Aug 18)

Postby winston » Sat Feb 17, 2018 3:16 pm

What must we do to bring peace to the world?

Even if one devotee practices sacrifice and truth, the whole world would become a better place.

Truth and spirit of sacrifice, are the two primary principles that are necessary to change the world.

Truth sanctifies the heart, and the sense of sacrifice leads us to the renunciation of the worldly.

Through these two, one can experience the import of the statement, "The Divine pervades all space, within and without".

In the absence of this true knowledge, people indulge in the worldly and transient things from birth till death.

How then can they redeem themselves and attain liberation? Every individual must love the Divine to redeem their lives.

You are endowed with a body only to practice righteousness. Do not lead an idle life.

- Divine Discourse, Mar 08, 1997.

The heart is like a vessel. Fill it with qualities of Truth, Love and Sacrifice.

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Re: Life 29 (Nov 17 - Aug 18)

Postby winston » Sun Feb 18, 2018 11:33 am

What is the important task on hand for every one of us?

You may have the best of vegetables, you may be the most capable cook, but if the copper vessel in which you prepare the vegetable soup is not tinned, the dish you cook will be highly poisonous.

So ‘tin’ your heart with truth, right conduct, peace and divine love, it will then become a vessel fit for repeating the holy name, and for meditation, religious vows, pilgrimage, ritualistic worship and other dishes that you prepare in it.

It is an uphill task to reform one's tendencies and character. You may study all the text-books of spiritual practice, all the scriptures, and may even lecture for hours on them, but you will slip into error when temptation confronts you.

The heart may appear like a land that is parched and free from any crop of evil, but when the first showers fall, the seeds and roots underneath the soil change the waste into a carpet of green. That is why the human values are so essential.

- Divine Discourse, Jan 13, 1965.

Practice spiritual activities relentlessly to discipline your mind and to develop your moral and mental strength.

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Re: Life 29 (Nov 17 - Aug 18)

Postby winston » Mon Feb 19, 2018 9:39 am

What should we do to transform our work into worship?

Pray to the Divine and draw from Him the magnet of His grace and offer to the world the power of His electrical energy.

This is the energy which everyone can mobilise for common good. It is all-powerful, because it is divine. It is within you.

What a pity that people should be unaware of this and feel themselves powerless! All energy and all bliss are within us. It is because of ignorance that people are resorting to all kinds of useless and unnecessary exercises.

Have full faith in your spiritual power. Adhere to the truth of your faith, without criticising others.

Open your hearts and close your mouths. Today people are doing exactly the opposite. Practise silence as far as possible.

The one who talks much will do little. One who acts will talk little. Whatever you do, have the name of the Divine on your lips and faith in Him in your heart. Thereby work will be transformed into worship.

- Divine Discourse, Mar 08, 1997.

You are an aspect of the Divine, who is the supreme embodiment of love.

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Re: Life 29 (Nov 17 - Aug 18)

Postby winston » Tue Feb 20, 2018 11:32 am

What is the easiest and most effective strategy to win the game of life and be free?

The seer should not attach himself to the seen; that is the way to get free.

The contact of the senses with the object arouses desire and attachment, this leads to effort and either elation or despair. Then, there is the fear of loss or grief at failure, and the train of reactions lengthens.

With many doors and windows kept open to all the winds that blow, how can the flame of the lamp within survive?

That lamp is the mind, which must burn steadily unaffected by the dual demands of the world outside.

Complete surrender to the Divine is one way to close windows and doors, for, then, in complete surrender, you are bereft of ego and so, you are not buffeted by joy or grief.

Complete surrender enables you to draw upon the grace of the Divine for meeting all the crises in your career and it renders you heroic and better prepared for life’s battles.

- Divine Discourse, Jan 13, 1965.

Be clear and content. Be moderate and wise. Be vigilant and steady. Be earnest and sweet.

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Re: Life 29 (Nov 17 - Aug 18)

Postby winston » Wed Feb 21, 2018 10:18 am

What is the supremacy of purifying our hearts?

People earn much wealth and various degrees, but where is the defect?

Many think that wealth causes all evil things, and degrees are detrimental. No, both of them are faultless.

Water is pure and sweet, but when stored in a red coloured bottle, water appears to be red and when stored in purple bottle, it appears purple.

From where did the colours appear? The individual is the bottle; bad or good is reflection of the individual attributes. If the individual is passionate, then the wealth and education become useless. If the individual is of noble nature, then the actions and education would become noble too. Therefore the heart must be pure.

In this context it is said: What is the use of worship of the Divine without purity of the heart? What is the use of rituals without purity of the individual? How can one cook pure and delicious food without cleanliness of the vessels?

- Divine Discourse, Apr 04, 1992.

A heart saturated with love of the Divine can never entertain thoughts of violence.

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Re: Life 29 (Nov 17 - Aug 18)

Postby winston » Thu Feb 22, 2018 8:56 am

What are the five essential key points that every sincere aspirant must practice every day and why?

‘Silence’ is the first step that makes the other steps easy; it promotes self-control and reduces chances of anger, hate, malice, greed and pride. Besides, you can hear the Divine’s footsteps only when silence reigns in the mind.

‘Cleanliness’ is the doorway to Divineiness. Inner and outer cleanliness are essential to install the Divine in your heart.

‘Service’ broadens your vision, widens awareness and deepens compassion. All are waves on the same sea. Service teaches you to be firm in this knowledge.

‘Love’ - Do not calculate or weigh the reaction, result or reward. Love calls; love responds. Love is Divine, live in Love.

‘Non-hatred’ towards all - No being must be looked down upon as inferior, unimportant, or expendable. Each of you are allotted your role in the drama designed by the Divine. Do not slight, insult or injure any being; for, He is in every being and your slight becomes a sacrilege.

- Divine Discourse, Jul 19, 1970.

Keep the name of the Divine always radiant on your tongue and mind. It will keep the antics of the mind under control.

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Re: Life 29 (Nov 17 - Aug 18)

Postby winston » Fri Feb 23, 2018 1:32 pm

How can we spiritualise our life?

Almost every activity is motivated by self-interest.

This concern for self-interest is opposed to the Divinity that is immanent in one. Withoutrealising this Divinity, how can one achieve peace internally or in the world outside?

There is no greater quality than selfless love, which expresses itself in service to others.

Understand the relationship between ordinary actions and desireless selfless actions properly.

Ordinary action done with attachment or desires causes bondage. But desireless selfless action will not.

Our life should become one of Divine Communion rather than a disease.

Today most of our actions result in disease because we are attracted to sensuous pleasures.

Freedom from this disease can be obtained by pursuing the spiritual path. The spiritual path is not merely singing or reciting. These are merely good deeds.

Only those actions which are performed as a complete offering to the Divine can be regarded as spiritual.

- Divine Discourse, Apr 06, 1983.

Selfless love is the source of real bliss.

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Re: Life 29 (Nov 17 - Aug 18)

Postby winston » Sun Feb 25, 2018 8:34 am

Why should we gladly accept the ups and downs in our daily living?

Look on with an equal mind at good fortune and misfortune, happiness and sorrow, loss and gain. These are products of nature like heat and cold, summer and winter. They have their purposes to serve.

Similarly the ups and downs of life have lessons to teach us. In fact, without reverses in life, we will not be able to experience Divinity.

Without darkness, we cannot value light. Without experiencing difficulties, we will not be able to enjoy benefits.

It is the lack of peace of mind, which compels us to seek the means to realise enduring peace.

The scriptures have declared that through renunciation alone, can immortality be attained. You must learn to practice true renunciation in your daily living, so that you may discover the secret of enduring peace and bliss.

- Divine Discourse, Apr 06, 1983.

Practice spiritual activities relentlessly, to discipline your mind and to develop your moral and mental strength.

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Re: Life 29 (Nov 17 - Aug 18)

Postby winston » Mon Feb 26, 2018 8:10 am

If all are equal in the eyes of the Divine, how come some appear good and some bad to us?

All are the Divine's children and are equally entitled to the love of the Divine.

Why then are there differences amongst men and women? Why is there no equality or sameness? This is because of differences in the mental make-up of people.

If the mind is impure, one's actions are bound to be impure. When the mind and the consciousness are warped by egoism, the human behaviour is also distorted.

When these are turned towards the Divine, good actions follow naturally. Your mind is the cause of good and bad deeds. Hence, whatever you wish to achieve, you should try to accomplish without excitement or agitation.

Wisdom or spiritual knowledge, is regarded as the primary requisite for every human being. But what is truly primary is one’s conduct - righteous conduct.

Your conduct determines your qualities and the qualities, in their turn, determine your behavior.

- Divine Discourse, Apr 08, 1983.

Reputation is made in a moment; character is built in a lifetime.

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Re: Life 29 (Nov 17 - Aug 18)

Postby winston » Wed Feb 28, 2018 9:02 am

Do we really suffer from lack of time to do the right things?

People claim they do not have time to read scriptures or to observe worshipful vows or service as they have work related to office, business or education and so on. Many of these excuses are not true.

A person returns from the office and relaxes in the chair saying that he is tired. Is he relaxing sitting on the chair? No, he watches television! Is he not tired to see TV or play or chat with friends?

Truly speaking if one wants to think of the Divine, there is plenty of time. All of you have sufficient time but misuse and waste it.

True human value is to effectively use time. All of you are embodiments of the Divine. Do not harm, cheat or hurt others or your own self. There is no form of devotion higher than developing these sacred qualities.

- Divine Discourse, Apr 08, 1997.

Control your desires. Do not waste money, time, food and energy.

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