Social Cause 01 (Jul 08 - Jul 15)

Re: Social Cause

Postby winston » Sun Oct 16, 2011 12:36 pm

One of the qualifications to be a "real" first world country:
Freedom of Expression and Assembly

If they become violent, then arrest them. If not, then they have the right to assemble and to voice their opinion, as long as they dont affect commerce, business, livelihood etc.

The banner says it all

Yesterday was October 15th in Hong Kong. In solidarity with the world wide Occupiers, about 500 Hong Kongers marched downtown, and about 300 have made a camp in the plaza under the HSBC world headquarters building.

Nice pictures here:-
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Re: Social Cause ( incl OccupyWallStreet )

Postby winston » Sun Oct 16, 2011 2:20 pm

Did you noticed this misleading title ? Maybe I should file in the Crap thread ..

Singapore leads Asian protests in denouncing greed
By Chow Yin Hon, Reuters ... story.html
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Re: Social Cause ( incl OccupyWallStreet )

Postby winston » Sun Oct 16, 2011 9:04 pm

Occupy Central Hong Kong Protesters Enter Their Second Day
By Frederik Balfour

Oct. 16 (Bloomberg) -- Members from the Occupy Central movement held a second day of protests in Hong Kong today after about 40 demonstrators slept overnight in a foyer beneath the Asian headquarters of HSBC Holdings Plc. ... d-day.html
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Re: Social Cause ( incl OccupyWallStreet )

Postby winston » Tue Oct 18, 2011 6:49 am

Create an Anonymous Website by Bill Rounds
How to Vanish

Free speech is threatened when corrupt forces can pressure the means of distributing speech. Corrupt governments all over the world, or corrupt elements within governments, use the methods at their disposal to silence uncomfortable speech. One of the main methods they use is to threaten the source of speech.

Anonymous speech is important, even for more mundane reasons than scathing political criticism. Advocates of medical marijuana, proponents of evolution, gay rights activists, critics of local police, and many others may need the protection of anonymous speech to protect themselves while they voice their opinion.

Efforts to censor online speech are doomed to fail because people will find ways to publish unflattering material online without leaving any trace of identity behind.

To publish a website, there are several points of weakness where identifying information could be gleaned. Political activists and whistleblowers will be able to easily circumvent identity requirements at each one of these points, allowing them to anonymously publish material online with an anonymous website.
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PC & IT 03 (Jun 10 - Jul 12)

Postby iam802 » Tue Oct 18, 2011 11:01 am

When it comes to social causes and free speech, the govt. need to understand why people are voicing out those concerns.

Some are personal beliefs (or religious). eg. "Say NO to abortion"

Others are simple bread and butter issues. eg "Cost of living is too high". "Public transport sucks" etc

The authority needs to take in these feedback and understand what causes it.

In Singapore's context, seldom do you hear people complaining about the National Library. Why? The obvious reason is, "They are doing a GREAT job."

With more foreigners working in Singapore, it will be a step backwards if the govt. decides to go in the direction tightening censorship. Foreigners come from different background and education system. Many articulate well and are familiar with an environment where diverse opinion thrives.

A stifling environment will ultimately drive these folks away (along with many other locals). This is already happening. And playing the number games to make up for losses does not mean you will replace the diverse ideas and opinions. In the long run, if it ever succeeds, it is only able to replace the losses with people of the same mindset or folks with a nonchalant attitude. In other words, there will be no new ideas and no breakthrough.
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Re: Social Cause ( incl OccupyWallStreet )

Postby iam802 » Tue Oct 18, 2011 11:32 am

This is a nice picture.

It pretty much sums up why there are people who contribute part of their time to various causes.

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2. The trend will END but I don't know WHEN.

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Re: PC & IT 03 (Jun 10 - Jul 12)

Postby kennynah » Tue Oct 18, 2011 5:49 pm

iam802 wrote:A stifling environment will ultimately drive these folks away (along with many other locals). This is already happening. And playing the number games to make up for losses does not mean you will replace the diverse ideas and opinions. In the long run, if it ever succeeds, it is only able to replace the losses with people of the same mindset or folks with a nonchalant attitude. In other words, there will be no new ideas and no breakthrough.

KY has always wanted people who subscribe to his ideologies and will willingly bend over (literally) for him... so that the entire camp is filled with yes return, they receive power and authority and get remunerated immensely.

so, leave it to pap... of cos, they will shape singapore to become all yes men...the type KY loves to screw over..

wake up... it;s nothing to do with the betterment of's all about pap's renewal and survival
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Re: Social Cause ( incl OccupyWallStreet )

Postby winston » Wed Oct 19, 2011 6:16 am

Just How Much Can the State Restrict a Peaceful Protest?
by Braden Goyette

As protests supporting Occupy Wall Street have swelled in recent weeks, hundreds of demonstrators have been arrested across the U.S.

This weekend, nearly 100 people were arrested in New York [1] and 175 in Chicago [2]. More than 100 protesters [3] were arrested in Boston last week; a few weeks ago, 700 were arrested [4] on the Brooklyn Bridge.

So, if the First Amendment guarantees the right to peaceable assembly, why do peaceful protestors keep getting arrested — and sometimes pepper-sprayed and beaten up?

We take a closer look at the laws governing protests and how the government can limit them. ... ul-protest
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Re: Social Cause ( incl OccupyWallStreet )

Postby iam802 » Wed Oct 19, 2011 1:16 pm


This is an awesome video. 1 Marine vs 30 Cops

It does not make you tough to hurt these people.
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Re: Social Cause ( incl OccupyWallStreet )

Postby winston » Sat Nov 19, 2011 7:20 am

Malaysia holds war crime exhibition

The Perdana Global Peace Foundation has mounted a war crime exhibition in the Malaysian capital, as part of the foundation's efforts to criminalize war, Press TV reported.

The Kuala Lumpur exhibition, which contains gory images of decapitated bodies, aims to inform the public that war is a crime against humanity.

The event was opened during a ceremony attended by former Malaysian Prime Minister Dr. Mahathir Mohammad and president of the Perdana Global Peace Foundation.

Organizers of the war crime exhibition said they hoped the public could be educated about the consequences of the war in Iraq, Afghanistan and Vietnam through the exhibition.

The exhibition also featured the infamous Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq along with life-sized mannequins to show the human rights violations inflicted upon the prisoners by the US army.

The foundation has also launched a war crime tribunal that comes after a two-year in-depth investigation which included testimonials of Iraqi war victims.

The Kuala Lumpur war crimes tribunal would hear war crime charges against former US president George Bush and Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair for their invasion of Iraq.

The tribunal will be heard on Saturday and if found guilty their names would enter the war crimes register and made public.
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