Beware & Protect Yourself 03 (Sep 10 - Dec 14)

Re: Beware & Protect Yourself 03 (Sep 10 - Dec 14)

Postby behappyalways » Sat Aug 02, 2014 10:37 am

Stop sharing USB Flash drives - right now ... ?iid=HP_LN
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Re: Beware & Protect Yourself 03 (Sep 10 - Dec 14)

Postby winston » Tue Aug 12, 2014 7:19 pm

HKMA warns against fraudulent email of Standard Chartered Bank

The Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) wishes to alert members of the public to an e-mail purporting to be sent from Standard Chartered Bank (Hong Kong) Limited (SCBHK).

The e-mail requests customers to use an embedded hyperlink to connect to a fraudulent website and provide their personal information such as date of birth and credit card information.

SCBHK has clarified that it has not sent these e-mails to its customers and has no connection with the fraudulent website.

Source: AAStocks Financial News
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Re: Beware & Protect Yourself 03 (Sep 10 - Dec 14)

Postby behappyalways » Thu Aug 14, 2014 10:21 pm

Chen said he thought the award was coming from the United Nations, but it did not. That organization pointed out on its Sina Weibo account that "United Nation" was short an "s." The recycling mogul said he had been duped.

How to Buy an Award from the 'United Nation' Like Billionaire Chen Guangbiao Did
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Can U believe this ? 05 (Oct 11 - Dec 14)

Postby behappyalways » Tue Aug 26, 2014 8:53 am

From Tainted Food to Painted Food: China’s Latest Food Scandal ... d-scandal/
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Re: Beware & Protect Yourself 03 (Sep 10 - Dec 14)

Postby behappyalways » Thu Sep 04, 2014 2:56 pm

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Re: Beware & Protect Yourself 03 (Sep 10 - Dec 14)

Postby winston » Mon Sep 08, 2014 7:09 pm


If you're thinking about trying one of those treatments called cosmetic fillers for wrinkles, here's some very important information you need to know about.

Don't let anyone inject anything into your forehead or around your eyes.

Now, even the FDA knows that's dangerous (which is really saying something!). That is why fat, collagen and other substances only got approved for use in different parts of the face -- like where we have smile lines and those little wrinkles around the mouth.

But some doctors and cosmetic technicians are using these fillers around the eyes or on the forehead.

And that's when it gets dangerous.

Giving shots in those areas have caused people to go permanently blind. Apparently these substances can leech into blood vessels, stopping the blood supply in the arteries going to your eyes.

That's a terrible price to pay to lose your crow's feet.

And the people who have lost their vision are in good health and of all ages. One woman, only in her 40s, lost the vision in her right eye after receiving an injection of something called Artefill to smooth out her forehead creases.

Another woman in her 60s lost her sight after getting injections of fat around her hairline.

Experts say that any time someone injects anything around your eyes, you risk damaging your sight. There are just too many delicate arteries and blood vessels for that to be safe.

So even if you frown when you look in the mirror and see some lines and wrinkles on your face, remember, at least you can see them. And that sounds a lot better to me than the other option!

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Re: Beware & Protect Yourself 03 (Sep 10 - Dec 14)

Postby winston » Tue Sep 09, 2014 7:02 pm

Healthcare Errors

Heart disease and cancer are the first and second leading causes of death in the United States, according to the latest statistics.

Care to guess what comes in a close third?

That would be errors made by healthcare providers, which account for about a half million deaths a year, says a top expert.

I want to make sure you hear that again. Over 500,000 people a year die from medical mistakes.

Medical author Joe Graedon, who's also a pharmacy professor, calls such errors "the equivalent of three jumbo jets crashing every day of the year and killing everyone aboard."

In fact, Graedon and his wife Terry, who co-host a public radio program called The People's Pharmacy, have just come out with a new book on the subject. It's called Top Screwups Doctors Make—and How to Avoid Them.

But with Graedon, it's personal. His own mother died as the result of such an error, committed by a nurse.

As he points out, "No one is counting the bodies. There is no outrage, no plan to change a system that allows too many to die unnecessarily. The medical profession seems largely immune to the consequences of its errors."

And the most common one, he says, is a wrong diagnosis.

It's most often the result of doctors not wanting to take time to consider alternative explanations for symptoms. Patient overload and an unwillingness to seek help from other doctors are also contributing factors.

All of which is why it's so important for you to "take charge" if you or a loved one is ill.

Because asking the right question could be the only thing that can save your life -- or theirs.

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Re: Beware & Protect Yourself 03 (Sep 10 - Dec 14)

Postby behappyalways » Sat Sep 20, 2014 9:00 pm

[视频]揭秘诡秘的“华藏”:涉嫌多项犯罪 21人被刑拘 ... 6753.shtml
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Re: Beware & Protect Yourself 03 (Sep 10 - Dec 14)

Postby winston » Wed Sep 24, 2014 8:09 pm

Mechanically Separated Chicken

With meat prices going up, it looks like "Pink Slime," that hideous meat filler we heard so much about a few years ago will be back on the "menu."

But there's something even more disgusting -- something you've probably never heard about even though it has been in processed food for decades.

And it's something you'll see on food labels, only it's worded in such a way that you would never suspect what it is.

It's called "mechanically separated chicken" and there's a turkey version too. And I'll warn you, it's not pretty.

Mechanically separated poultry is a way for food companies to get every last penny out of chicken and turkey production. And that's about what they sell it for, too.

After most of the meat is removed by hand, the poultry "frames," which is industry lingo for what we would throw away after Thanksgiving dinner, are put in a giant, bone-crushing machine.

The machine spits out a paste-like substance, a kind of "beige slime." It's then sold to some of the biggest brand names in the supermarket. Names like Chef Boyardee, Oscar Mayer, Weight Watcher's, Banquet and Totino's.

So, you're probably wondering what's in this stuff aside from tiny bits of chicken and turkey? The USDA calls it a "blend of soft tissue," but there's more to it, or in it, than that.

There are bone pieces, of course. The ones that don't get filtered out by the giant machine.

And then there are some really "appetizing" extras, like feather particles, hair, lung tissue, kidneys, about some "immature sex glands." That sounds like a great addition to your canned spaghetti or chili!

And mechanically separated poultry can also easily be contaminated with salmonella. Earlier this year almost 40,000 thousand pounds of the chicken version that was on its way to a prison in Tennessee was recalled because of that.

Now this poultry "slime" can turn up in some foods you wouldn't expect. And it's NOT in some of the places you would think it would be, like McDonald's Chicken McNuggets. McDonald's said it no longer uses it.

But lots of food companies still do -- and lucky for us, they must list it on the label.

So next time you see mechanically separated chicken or turkey listed, you'll know exactly what it is.

And that it's just another way for Big Food to put lipstick on a chicken!

Source: HSI
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Re: Beware & Protect Yourself 03 (Sep 10 - Dec 14)

Postby behappyalways » Thu Sep 25, 2014 11:41 am

实验揭秘:手机病毒有多可怕 ... 49d58.html
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