Life 42 (Feb 22 - May 22)

Re: Life 42 (Feb 22 - Jun 22)

Postby winston » Wed May 18, 2022 7:35 am

What is the kind of devotion that pleases the Divine the most?

There is in everyone a spark of truth; none can live without that spark.
There is in everyone a flame of love; life becomes a dark void without it.
That spark, that flame, is the Divine, for He is the source of all Truth and all Love.

One seeks Truth; one seeks to know reality because one’s very nature is derived from the Divine, who is Truth.
One seeks Love, to give and share, for one’s nature is of the Divine and He is Love.

Like paddy seed, which contains rice, the husk is the delusion (maya) that covers the seed within; rice is the individual soul and the essence of the rice, the sustaining element, the food - that is the Supreme Atma.

So, develop inner vision; don’t worry about others and their faults.

Do a little examination of the Self. Study the Scriptures and spiritual texts — they might help you a little.

Remember, only a little help! They are but maps and signposts. You must put them into practice; act and experience.

- Divine Discourse, Sep 01, 1958.

Man alone has the capacity to recognise the latency of the Divine within; other beings do not have this capability.

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Re: Life 42 (Feb 22 - Jun 22)

Postby winston » Thu May 19, 2022 10:34 am

Let Your Thoughts Come

All meditators have thoughts arising during their practice—it’s what you do with them that matters.

- Bob Sharples, “Do the Thoughts Ever Stop?”
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Re: Life 42 (Feb 22 - Jun 22)

Postby winston » Thu May 19, 2022 11:50 am

Which should we hold on more dearly to - the Divine’s Name or His beautiful Form?

The Divine and His name are both one but the sweetness of the name, is seldom found in the form!

When the name of the flower, rose, is remembered, its fragrance, tender petals, and deep colour spring to memory; its thorns and troubles one underwent to get the flower are all forgotten.

Instead, if its origin and previous story are considered, and if plant, leaves, and branches are taken into account, the flower — the most important, most beautiful, and most attractive part — is likely to be forgotten and only the “plant” is discussed!

See this from another angle. As soon as the name mango is mentioned, one is reminded of an incomparable sweetness. Instead, if an actual mango is held in hand, doubt first arises in the mind about whether it’s sweet or sour; then one is engaged in distinguishing skin, fibre, juice, nut, rind, seed, etc.

When Name alone is repeated, these things do not come to mind. Only sweetness is brought to memory.

- Dhyana Vahini, Ch 7.

There are only two means by which the Divine can be bound or enjoyed, namely,
through the Name and through Love.

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Re: Life 42 (Feb 22 - Jun 22)

Postby winston » Fri May 20, 2022 7:22 am

Braving the Unknown

As spiritual practitioners, we need to have some curiosity about the unknown.

When unexplored territory frightens us, we need to ask ourselves, “Where’s our sense of adventure?”

- Elizabeth Mattis Namgyel, “Open Stillness”
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Re: Life 42 (Feb 22 - Jun 22)

Postby winston » Sat May 21, 2022 8:56 am

Peaceful Mind, Peaceful Action

When our minds are peaceful, our bodily actions will be peaceful and we will convey an ambiance of love, care and mercy.

- Bhikkhu Bodhi, “Fostering Peace, Inside and Out”
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Re: Life 42 (Feb 22 - Jun 22)

Postby winston » Sat May 21, 2022 9:22 am

What is required for an individual to realise one’s full potential?

Man is but the reflection of the Divine. Humanity is very proximate to Divinity; but man seldom recognises this nearness.

He allows his mind to lower him into the animal level, from which he struggled upward through many births.

A diamond may appear as a piece of glass; but only those who do not know its value will use it as a paperweight and keep it on the table in the office room.

Wise men will keep it inside an iron safe, under lock and key. Man is a diamond, not a piece of glass; he has to shine brilliantly, after going through the process of "cutting" or samskara (refinement). Samskara transforms man into the Divine.

We have a watch on our wrist, which costs Rs 500 or 600 or even 1,000. The steel out of which the entire watch was made may cost only four annas; but the samskara it underwent by means of human skill and intelligence raised its value and usefulness.

Man too can transform himself into a priceless instrument for the Divine-realisation through the proper use of his mind and intelligence.

- Divine Discourse, Nov 06, 1967.

It is the realisation of oneness with the Divine, which alone can give lasting bliss.

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Re: Life 42 (Feb 22 - Jun 22)

Postby winston » Sun May 22, 2022 6:50 am

The Mind Illuminates Itself

Dismiss all the thoughts which bother your mind.

Train yourself during many days, many months, many years, to retain this pure mind.

One day, when your empty mind has become crystallized, suddenly, it will be illumined by its own intrinsic wisdom.

At that instant you will realize the state of pure awakening.

- Sokei-An Shigetsu Sasaki, “Return to Your Original State!”
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Re: Life 42 (Feb 22 - Jun 22)

Postby winston » Sun May 22, 2022 8:39 am

What is the true learning that can confer happiness and joy?

We feel that the people of our country will be happy if we only provide them with food, clothing and housing. We feel that they are suffering because they have not got these things in an adequate measure.

That is an illusion, for, contentment and happiness, are attributes of the mind. The mind must be trained to achieve peace and acquire joy. Without such a mind, man is helpless even under the most affluent circumstances.

A person may be strong, and charming; but when he has lost his eyesight, he loses joy.

There are many countries at the very peak of material civilization and are very proud about the heights which they have reached. But, have they acquired mental peace? Have they got rid of fear or hate, greed or pride?

Of course, there must be a certain degree of comfort for man, physical and mental. But, gaining the things that give comfort should not be the aim of living.

- Divine Discourse, Nov 06, 1967.

If you are a slave of desire, you are the slave of the world. If you have conquered desire, the world will be at your feet.

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Re: Life 42 (Feb 22 - Jun 22)

Postby winston » Mon May 23, 2022 7:11 am

The Art of Living

The art of living involves overcoming our head-trapped numbness, in becoming acutely sensitive to the cryptic messages of our feelings, no matter how painful.

The more closely we listen, the more deeply we understand.

Not just great but entirely unimagined treasures may then pour into our life and world.

- David Edwards, “Burning Among Stars in the Night”
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Re: Life 42 (Feb 22 - Jun 22)

Postby winston » Mon May 23, 2022 8:23 am

Which is the one Sadhana (Spiritual Practice) that can be taken up by anyone and also has the power to draw the Divine Himself to the aspirant?

Riches are needed to secure any article in the world. With riches, articles are acquired, so it follows that riches are superior to articles obtained through them, right?

With riches, one can get any article, any time! So too, by means of riches called Nama (Name), “Rupa (Form) of the Divine” is to be earned.

If riches called Nama are steadily accumulated, the Divine can be realised through meditation, easily and without difficulty.

Another special thing about Nama-Smarana (Remembrance Of The Name) is this: It’s possible to acquire various occult powers through yoga and penance. And there’s every likelihood of the Divine being forgotten when these powers come! Blinded by this pride, one might even let go of the basic victory won by their spiritual practices.

This is not the case with the remembrance of Name, its repetition, and meditation! No such dangers beset these paths. These three paths make love in people grow more and more.

Through love, peace is achieved. Once peace of mind is achieved, all other conditions are automatically attained.

- Dhyana Vahini, Ch 7.

Through yoga and penance, extraordinary power is gained; through remembrance, repetition and meditation of the name, extraordinary love is attained — that is the difference!

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