Health 04 (Mar 10 - Jun 11)

Re: Health 04 (Mar 10 - May 11)

Postby winston » Wed May 11, 2011 7:23 pm

McDonald's, KFC, Kellogg's and PepsiCo to help write DoH policy on obesity :evil:

If you want insight into the causes of obesity, you could consult nutritionists who specialize in helping the obese gain control of their weight.

Or you could go to the source and consult with the people who run McDonald's, KFC, Kellogg's and PepsiCo.

The UK Department of Health (DoH) has done just that. But they've actually gone one better. The Guardian (a UK newspaper) reports that the four companies mentioned above will actually be called on to help write DoH policy on obesity.


While they're at it, why not invite Merck, Pfizer, and Lilly to help write pharmaceutical safety regulations? I'm sure they'd have a lot of great ideas!

Of course, it's well known that food processing corporations apply powerful influence every time the USDA revises dietary policies. But at least they exercise a little discretion when it comes to flexing corporate money muscles behind the scenes.

In the UK, however, this relationship is just flat out brazen.

The Guardian reports: "In early meetings, these commercial partners have been invited to draft priorities and identify barriers, such as EU legislation, that they would like removed."


Obesity in the UK? Better stand back--it's going to get big!

Source: HSI
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Re: Health 04 (Mar 10 - May 11)

Postby winston » Sat May 14, 2011 2:49 pm

Five Food Facts You Can’t Live Without

The Daily Green says…

1. Eat at Home and Cook for Yourself

Why cook for yourself? It’s cheaper than eating out. It’s fun. It’s a chance to spend time with loved ones (or catch up on your favorite TV — whatever works). You choose the ingredients. You control how nutritious it is. You drive less. You waste less food.

Why not cook for yourself? Time.

A little planning goes a long way. Stretch Sunday’s meal into Monday and Tuesday’s leftovers, try a slow cooker, develop new quick pasta recipes, learn to love root vegetables with a forgiving shelf life, and soups and stews that keep on giving.

Cooking for yourself is a habit like anything else. It’s a habit that can help you lose weight, stay healthy, save money — and do your part to save the planet. Oh — and don’t forget to eat your leftovers.

2. Eat Real Foods

Why eat real foods? If your grandmother wouldn’t have immediately recognized it as “food” there’s a good chance it’s less food and more manufactured good. Who wants to eat a manufactured good? There’s a reason a Twinkie has a shelf life to rival a Nerf basketball.

Real foods are the basis for a commonsense diet. The only processing food needs is the cooking you do at home. Chances are, the less processing a food has been subjected to, the less energy and fewer resources have been expended manufacturing, packaging and transporting it to your grocery store. And real foods haven’t had all the nutrition processed out of them.

So read labels, and look for those foods with the shortest, most direct list of ingredients. Better, choose foods without labels because the items in the produce aisle are as real as it gets. A good place to start is The Daily Green’s Real Food Diet.

3. Eat In Season

Why eat in season? There’s a reason Locavore was the 2007 Oxford Word of the Year. Eating fruits and vegetables at the time of harvest means you’re eating them when they’re fresh, have traveled less and have been stored less. That means a tastier food that has typically required fewer resources to reach you. For instance, a blueberry in April (from Florida) to September (from Michigan) will arrive fresher — and cheaper — than its counterpart flown in from South America during the winter.

Summer, when so much food is being harvested, is easier than other seasons. Here’s some help with the rest of the calendar:

4. Choose Fish Carefully

Why choose fish carefully? First, fish can be highly contaminated with toxic chemicals like mercury and PCBs, so you want to avoid eating tainted species, particularly if you are pregnant, may get pregnant, are nursing, or planning to serve the meal to a child. (Government warnings have shifted and sometimes one agency’s recommendations have contradicted those of another agency, or of respected advocacy groups.)

Second, the world’s stocks of commercial fish are, in many cases, being fished at unsustainable rates that are leading to collapsing populations. That said, fish are a healthy meat, so many people want to make fish a part of their diets.

A great source of information about fish comes from the Environmental Defense Fund’s Seafood Selector, which identifies which fish are both caught sustainably and are low in contaminants — and which are not. It has a searchable database of fish, and also provides a handy wallet-sized card to take to the fish market.

According to Consumer’s Union, no fish label is highly meaningful, but each of the following will tell you something:
FishWise is very useful for choosing sustainably caught fish and “somewhat meaningful” for determining contaminant levels.

Safe Harbor is “somewhat meaningful” for choosing fish that are less contaminated (below median level) with mercury, but is not useful for comparing mercury levels between species. In other words, hypothetically, you may choose a Safe Harbor-labeled tuna that is less contaminated than other tuna, but it could be still more contaminated than an unlabeled swordfish.

Seafood Safe is “somewhat meaningful” for choosing fish that are lower in two common contaminants, PCBs and mercury. The label relies on data from the tests of random samples of fish.

5. Check for Recalls

Why? Green eating is about preserving the land, but it’s also about improving your health. Organic and natural foods are not immune from recalls, as the recent peanut and pistachio recalls showed.

More often, recalls are indicators of larger problems in the food system. They demonstrate how industrialized and centralized food processing can introduce pathogens — E. coli bacteria, salmonella, etc. — into the food supply, and then circulate them widely throughout the U.S. or world in countless processed foods. ... 0You%20Can%u2019t%20Live%20Without
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Re: Health 04 (Mar 10 - May 11)

Postby winston » Sun May 15, 2011 8:58 am

Benefits of Yoga

Yoga exercise has many benefits including:
-reconnecting with yourself
-mental and physical relaxation
-an improved awarness and sense of calm
-improvement each time with steps associated to yoga
-a time for meditation and contemplation
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Re: Health 04 (Mar 10 - May 11)

Postby winston » Sun May 15, 2011 1:20 pm

100 Ways to Live 100 Years

The tips and suggestions given below are deep research and collection of author for the last 30 years in this field. They are most authentic and tested in most of the cases. The suggestions given here can be adopted in your life without any doubt as they don't have any side effect and based on the laws of nature.


Take food less than your hunger - It has been established through experiments that the life expectancy of a person goes up two times, if his food intake is reduced by 40%.

The Golden gifts of the nature for you:-

o Pomegranate (Anar)- Contains all the important minerals and vitamins required by our body

o Honey - Collected from flowers, a superb gift from nature.

o Coconut water - The water of green coconut lifted from the earth, and after processing at many stages stores the health nectar with great potentialities of health and vigour.

o Amla - provides us with many essential vitamins, best for all types of heart diseases.

o Bel - the superb gift from nature, highly useful for stomach ailments and digestive system.
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Re: Health 04 (Mar 10 - May 11)

Postby winston » Sun May 15, 2011 1:21 pm



Take vegetarian and fibrous foods (All raw vegetables and fruits fall in this category) - avoid fried and greasy food..

Take your meals preferably two times a day- Avoid meals after sunset

Food in less quantity but of high nutritious value can lead to a longer and healthier life.

Include in your daily diet - Curd, Amla, Sprouted black grams, Apple, Honey, Almonds, Soyabeans, Lemon, Raw Onion, Garlic (preferably roasted -avoid raw)

Daily intake of green leafy vegetables in large quantity eliminates the wrinkles on face. There are instances of people having improved their eyesight by eating these only.

Yellow ripe Pumpkin (Sitafal) contains beta- Carotene, as found in Carrots and gives energy to the heart.

Totally avoid Tea and coffee - They contain toxic substances, which damage the liver in the long run. Tea takes approximately 6 hours to digest and plays havoc with the metabolism of the body.

Continuous consumption of tea or coffee is said to result in damage to modular oblongata, which links up all body nerves with the brain, and therefore, controls all body functions.

Avoid Sugar as far as possible, it brings Aging, Cataract and Acidity.
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Re: Health 04 (Mar 10 - May 11)

Postby winston » Sun May 15, 2011 1:22 pm



Add following sprouts to your daily diet:

o Black grams sprouts - for heart and diabetes.

o Moong (Green lentil) sprouts - a general tonic

o Methi (Fenugreek) seed sprouts - For activeness and diabetes.

o Soyabeans - Contains 9 types of proteins

o Wheat grains sprouts- for vitamin E and long life

Bottle Gourd (Ghia) - It is packed with nutrition, and recommended for high blood pressure and urinary disorders.
Food supplements & general tonics
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Re: Health 04 (Mar 10 - May 11)

Postby winston » Sun May 15, 2011 1:24 pm



Keep fast at least for one day in a week taking only fruits.

Keep fast at least for 24 hour in a fortnight taking only water.

Keep fast atleast for a day every month, without water.

Instead of bed-tea take hot water.

Daily drink water kept in a copper vessel overnight, with magnet kept underneath it.

Drink water with Rudraaksha beads soaked in it overnight.

At least three times a week take dry fruits/ nuts like Almonds, Peanuts, Raisin etc.

Keep changing your cooking oils to supply the body with all types of necessary nutrients.

Don't take salt in excess. Use as little salt as possible. Just observe that any food provided by nature is never salty in taste, it is always plain, sour or sweet. Excessive salt corrodes our body like sea water, which is never allowed to be drunk even if a person is thirsty.
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Re: Health 04 (Mar 10 - May 11)

Postby winston » Sun May 15, 2011 1:26 pm



Vitamin B complex is the most useful and effective diet supplement and should be added to your daily intake of meals. It is mostly found in the uncooked sprouts of different grains.

Bio-chemic combination no -28 , which contains all the 12 essential salts for the body should be taken regularly. It is a general tonic and should be taken after meals to prevent common diseases.

Daily intake of vitamin C (Ascorbic acid) increases life span of body.

Remember all dairy products produce heart diseases - try to avoid them or restrict their quantity.

Remember all types of spices produce cardiovascular diseases.
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Re: Health 04 (Mar 10 - May 11)

Postby winston » Sun May 15, 2011 1:30 pm


100 Ways to Live 100 Years

Exercise & Yoga

Human body is like an automobile it needs the following:-

o Lubrication - Proper exercise is the lubrication of body, it increase circulation and flexibility..

o Battery charging - Solar plexus is the battery of body and is charged through Pranayam, the yogic breathing.

o Cooling Systems - Relaxation provides the cooling of body.

o Fuel - Proper diet, food, air, water and sunlight provides the fuel for body

o Balanced Driver - Mind is the driver of body. It can be balanced and controlled by meditation and concentration
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Re: Health 04 (Mar 10 - May 11)

Postby winston » Sun May 15, 2011 1:33 pm


Exercise & Yoga:-

Do light exercises regularly.

Don't do strenuous exercises like fast running, body building as they increase the metabolism rate of your body

Brisk walking is the best exercise to keep control on diabetes and heart problems

By living at a cold place (Hill stations), the metabolism rate of the body decreases and the age increases

Deep breathing up to the naval and retaining it for sometime helps in increasing the life span of a person

The normal ratio of our breathing i.e. inhaling, retaining and exhaling should be 1:4:2

Keep your posture erect
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