Life 42 (Feb 22 - May 22)

Re: Life 42 (Feb 22 - Jun 22)

Postby winston » Fri May 13, 2022 7:28 am

Practice Not-Doing

Practicing not-doing means the causes and conditions that create many problems and struggles vanish.

No solution needs to be found, no cure discovered and no help is even necessary.

That’s why the Buddhist tradition is grounded in not-doing—because so much of the suffering in the world could be entirely alleviated if we simply didn’t cause it.

- Kimberly Brown, “What You’re Not Doing Matters”
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Re: Life 42 (Feb 22 - Jun 22)

Postby winston » Sat May 14, 2022 8:41 am

Grieving Does Not Mean Clinging

As Buddhist practitioners, we aim to let go of our attachments.

At first, grieving for something or someone we’ve lost may look like clinging but it’s actually a process of acknowledging our loss, which allows us to heal from the pain and loosen our grip on the past.

- Bhante Sumano, “One Thing for Sure”
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Re: Life 42 (Feb 22 - Jun 22)

Postby winston » Sat May 14, 2022 2:49 pm

What are the two powerful virtues that will help us overcome the six cardinal vices?

Man is misusing the talents given to him by the Divine.

He is giving free vent to the six cardinal vices of lust, anger, greed and so on. They are not the gifts of the Divine. They have been fostered by the food people eat. They are animal qualities which have to be got rid of.

People should speak the truth and avoid speaking what is unpleasant even if it is the truth. The entire gamut of human life should be based on truth.

Our culture has placed the foremost emphasis on “Speak the truth; act righteously.” Speaking truth is a supreme virtue for all people, anywhere. In any circumstance, one should adhere to the truth. Truth is the Divine incarnate.

Righteousness should accompany one like a shadow. When you have truth and righteousness as your guiding stars you can achieve anything in life. All powers are inherent in these two virtues.

- Divine Discourse, May 11, 1998.

Truth and righteousness are the two most important limbs of a human being.
When truth and righteousness go together, love manifests.

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Re: Life 42 (Feb 22 - Jun 22)

Postby winston » Sun May 15, 2022 6:55 am

Meditating, Not Controlling

Think of sitting on a beach and watching the waves come and go, the flatness of the horizon and the way the clouds appear.

Can you control them? Can you make the salt air different?

What would happen if we approached meditation the same way?

- Justin von Bujdoss, “Tilopa’s Six Nails”
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Re: Life 42 (Feb 22 - Jun 22)

Postby winston » Sun May 15, 2022 7:59 am

What are the qualities we must cultivate if we wish to lead noble, divine lives?

People talk about spiritual exercises and waste their lives. All these pursuits are a waste of time. It is enough if you develop sacred feelings.

The chief sadhana (spiritual exercise) consists of getting rid of bad thoughts and cultivating good qualities.

Whatever pilgrim centre you may visit, try to shed your bad tendencies. Develop good qualities instead.

You should try to do good to those that have done harm to you. You must forget the harm done by others and also the good you have done to others. So you should forget what needs to be forgotten and remember those things that require to be remembered.

What are the things you have to remember? The good that others have done to you. You must remember the good that has been done to you as something sacred. You must express your gratitude to them.

Make all your actions conform to righteousness (dharma). Whatever actions you do, remembering the Divine will get sanctified thereby.

- Divine Discourse, May 11, 1998.

There is no greatness in doing good to those who do you good. The superior being is one who returns good for evil.

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Re: Life 42 (Feb 22 - Jun 22)

Postby winston » Mon May 16, 2022 9:26 am

The Vast Dignity of Awakening

Each of us may be nothing more than a moving wave of change but we are waves able to know this fact.

We rise and fall in an infinitely deep and timeless sea, upright and undisturbed.

We share the vast dignity of awakening.

- Sallie Jiko Tisdale, “On Dignity”
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Re: Life 42 (Feb 22 - Jun 22)

Postby winston » Mon May 16, 2022 9:07 pm

Start You Day With These 4 Things And You Will Be Full Of Energy 24 Hours

by Sadhguru

Eat meat 4 hours before sleep.
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Re: Life 42 (Feb 22 - Jun 22)

Postby winston » Tue May 17, 2022 6:49 am

Let Loose and Dance

Letting go of the small self, opens the way to moving forward from a deep, organismic sense of rightness.

It is not just about having more space, but how to dance in the space!

- David Rome, “Focusing and Meditating”
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Re: Life 42 (Feb 22 - Jun 22)

Postby winston » Tue May 17, 2022 8:16 am

What is the kind of devotion that pleases the Divine the most?

This is not devotion - this holding a garland in the hand and indulging in paltry conversation in holy places.

I do not want nor do I appreciate anyone bringing flowers and fruits into My presence. Bring Me the fragrant flower of a pure heart and the fruit of a spiritual-discipline-mellowed mind — that is what I like most, not these things available outside yourselves for cash, without any effort that elevates the mind.

To get a taste for that kind of effort, you must keep the company of great and good men and take delight in good thoughts.

By whatever means available, increase the stock of your bliss (ananda) and improve the quality of discrimination and try to store as much of these two as possible, so that you can draw upon the stock whenever the need arises!

- Divine Discourse, Sep 01, 1958.

If only you observe the disciplines and purify the consciousness, you can see the Divine installed in your heart.

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Re: Life 42 (Feb 22 - Jun 22)

Postby winston » Wed May 18, 2022 6:29 am

Not Fooling Ourselves

When we cultivate the practice of paying close attention to the way we talk to ourselves, we won’t fool ourselves too much.

- Norman Fischer, “Beyond Language”
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