Life 30 (Jun 18 - Oct 18)

Re: Life 30 (Jun 18 - Nov 18)

Postby winston » Tue Sep 18, 2018 6:48 am

What is the first step in realising the oneness of the Self with Divinity?

The greatest wonder is that nobody knows or struggles to know themselves, but everyone spends a lifetime knowing about others.

Your Self is subtler than water, air, and space. The Self must operate through the eye, so that you may see; it must move into the hand, so that it may hold; it must suffuse the feet, so that you may walk.

The senses are inert materials; the ‘I’ must operate so that they may function. That “I” is the Divine, mistaken to be separate!

The space in a pot and the space in a monastery are identical with the vast space in the sky above; only the disguises in the form of the pot and monastery keep up the illusion of separateness.

The senses are the villains. They instill the delusion that you are the body. Curb them as the bull is curbed by the nose ring, the horse by the bit in the mouth, and the elephant by the goad.

- Divine Discourse, Oct 26, 1963.

Look upon your body as a shrine where the Divine is installed. Dedicate all actions to the Divine.

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Re: Life 30 (Jun 18 - Nov 18)

Postby winston » Tue Sep 18, 2018 7:44 am

Authority corrupts both leader and follower

Self-awareness is arduous, and since most of us prefer an easy, illusory way, we bring into being the authority that gives shape and pattern to our life.

This authority may be the collective, the State; or it may be the personal, the Master, the savior, the guru.

Authority of any kind is blinding, it breeds thoughtlessness; and as most of us find that to be thoughtful is to have pain, we give ourselves over to authority.

Authority engenders power, and power always becomes centralized and therefore utterly corrupting; it corrupts not only the wielder of power, but also him who follows it.

The authority of knowledge and experience is perverting, whether it be vested in the Master, his representative or the priest.

It is your own life, this seemingly endless conflict, that is significant, and not the pattern or the leader.

The authority of the Master and the priest takes you away from the central issue, which is the conflict within yourself.

The Book of Life, January 21, Harper San Francisco, 1995

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Re: Life 30 (Jun 18 - Nov 18)

Postby winston » Tue Sep 18, 2018 7:44 am

Authority corrupts both leader and follower

Self-awareness is arduous, and since most of us prefer an easy, illusory way, we bring into being the authority that gives shape and pattern to our life.

This authority may be the collective, the State; or it may be the personal, the Master, the savior, the guru.

Authority of any kind is blinding, it breeds thoughtlessness; and as most of us find that to be thoughtful is to have pain, we give ourselves over to authority.

Authority engenders power, and power always becomes centralized and therefore utterly corrupting; it corrupts not only the wielder of power, but also him who follows it.

The authority of knowledge and experience is perverting, whether it be vested in the Master, his representative or the priest.

It is your own life, this seemingly endless conflict, that is significant, and not the pattern or the leader.

The authority of the Master and the priest takes you away from the central issue, which is the conflict within yourself.

The Book of Life, January 21, Harper San Francisco, 1995

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Re: Life 30 (Jun 18 - Nov 18)

Postby winston » Wed Sep 19, 2018 10:21 am

What is the easiest way to sublimate the mind?

Now your mind flutters about and squats on all and sundry objects in the Universe. It refuses to stay only on one idea - The Divine.

Like the fly that sits on fair and foul, and denies itself the pleasure of sitting on a hot cinder, your mind too flees from all thoughts of the Divine. The fly will be destroyed when it sits on fire.

Your mind too will be destroyed when it dwells on the Divine. The mind is but a pattern of desire woven with the warp and woof of the same material.

When the Divine enters the mind, desire has no place therein. Desire ceases, when the Divine seizes the mind.

In fact, since desire is the very stuff of which the mind is made, the mind becomes nonexistent and you are free. This stage is called "the death of the mind", the merging of the mind or the killing of the mind.

- Divine Discourse, Sep 26, 1965.

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Re: Life 30 (Jun 18 - Nov 18)

Postby winston » Thu Sep 20, 2018 2:48 pm

The mind is the result of time

The mind is being influenced all the time to think along a certain line. It used to be that only the organized religions were after your mind, but now governments have largely taken over that job. They want to shape and control your mind.

On the surface the mind can resist their control... Superficially you have some say in the matter, but below the surface, in the deep unconscious, there is the whole weight of time, of tradition, urging you in a particular direction.

The conscious mind may to some extent control and guide itself, but in the unconscious your ambitions, your unsolved problems, your compulsions, superstitions, fears, are waiting, throbbing, urging.

... This whole field of the mind is the result of time; it is the result of conflicts and adjustments, of a whole series of acceptances without full comprehension. Therefore, we live in a state of contradiction; our life is a process of endless struggle.

We are unhappy, and we want to be happy. Being violent, we practice the ideal of non-violence. So there is a conflict going on—the mind is a battlefield.

We want to be secure, knowing inwardly, deeply, that there is no such thing as security at all.

The truth is that we do not want to face the fact that there is no security; therefore, we are always pursuing security, with the resultant fear of not being secure.

The Book of Life, September 24, Harper San Francisco, 1995

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Re: Life 30 (Jun 18 - Nov 18)

Postby winston » Fri Sep 21, 2018 9:50 am

How should we synthesis spiritual wisdom, action, and devotion in our life?

The intellect, subconscious mind, and heart — these are the three centres in the individual where spiritual wisdom, action, and devotion reside.

Do karma (action) that is approved by the higher wisdom, not karma that is born of ignorance. Then, all karma will be auspicious, beneficial, and blessed.

Do karma based on the spiritual wisdom that all is One. Let karma be suffused with devotion, humility, love, compassion, and nonviolence.

If devotion is not filled with spiritual wisdom, it will be as light as a balloon, which drifts along any current of air or gust of wind.

Mere wisdom will make the heart dry; devotion makes it soft with sympathy, and karma gives the hands something to do, something that will sanctify every one of the minutes that have fallen to your lot to live here.

- Divine Discourse, Jul 7, 1963.

Devotion to the Divine will give you bliss, prosperity and peace.

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Re: Life 30 (Jun 18 - Nov 18)

Postby winston » Fri Sep 21, 2018 11:00 am

There is no place at which to arrive

Can humility be practiced? Surely, to be conscious that you are humble, is not to be humble.

You want to know that you have arrived. This indicates, does it not?, that you are listening in order to achieve a particular state, a place where you will never be disturbed, where you will find everlasting happiness, permanent bliss.

But as I said previously, there is no arriving, there is only the movement of learning—and that is the beauty of life.

If you have arrived, there is nothing more. And all of you have arrived, or you want to arrive, not only in your business, but in everything you do; so you are dissatisfied, frustrated, miserable.

Sirs, there is no place at which to arrive, there is just this movement of learning which becomes painful only when there is accumulation.

A mind that listens with complete attention, will never look for a result because it is constantly unfolding; like a river, it is always in movement. Such a mind is totally unconscious of its own activity, in the sense that there is no perpetuation of a self, of a “me,” which is seeking to achieve an end.

The Book of Life, June 14, Harper San Francisco, 1995

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Re: Life 30 (Jun 18 - Nov 18)

Postby winston » Fri Sep 21, 2018 9:06 pm

Wisdom isn’t something you can “do” or “make happen”—it’s there in all of us.

By becoming more familiar with that space within ourselves and trusting our own instincts more fully, we can learn to apply this quality of discriminating wisdom in everyday life.

—Andy Puddicombe, “10 Tips for Living More Mindfully”
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Re: Life 30 (Jun 18 - Nov 18)

Postby winston » Sat Sep 22, 2018 4:23 pm

Many of us seek the Divine and pray for success in our undertakings. What is the secret to emerging victorious in our efforts?

We need not set out to search for the Divine. Wherever there is truth, He appears.

Where the Divine appears, His consort, the goddess of plenty and prosperity, also appears. Hence if you want wealth, you have to take the first step!

When you succeed in installing the Divine in your heart, the goddess of wealth follows her Master into your heart.

There is plenty of grace that the Divine can give you. But it is at a depth!

Some effort is required to obtain it. If you need to fetch water from a well, you need to tie a rope to a bucket, lower it into the well, and draw the water out.

You are neither tying the rope to the bucket nor lowering the bucket into the well, so water is therefore not reaching you. The rope to use is that of devotion.

This rope must be tied to the vessel of your heart and lowered into the well of the Divine's grace. What you receive from the well, when the water is drawn out, is the water of pure bliss.

- Divine Discourse, May 24, 2002.

Spirit of love is spirituality.

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Re: Life 30 (Jun 18 - Nov 18)

Postby winston » Sat Sep 22, 2018 4:28 pm

Attachment is self-deception

We are the things we possess, we are that to which we are attached.

Attachment has no nobility. Attachment to knowledge is not different from any other gratifying addiction.

Attachment is self-absorption, whether at the lowest or at the highest level. Attachment is self-deception, it is an escape from the hollowness of the self.

The things to which we are attached—property, people, ideas—become all-important, for without the many things which fill its emptiness, the self is not.

The fear of not being makes for possession; and fear breeds illusion, the bondage to conclusions. Conclusions, material or ideational, prevent the fruition of intelligence, the freedom in which alone reality can come into being; and without this freedom, cunning is taken for intelligence.

The ways of cunning are always complex and destructive. It is this self-protective cunning that makes for attachment; and when attachment causes pain, it is this same cunning that seeks detachment and finds pleasure in the pride and vanity of renunciation.

The understanding of the ways of cunning, the ways of the self, is the beginning of intelligence.

The Book of Life, March 9, Harper San Francisco, 1995

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