Life 30 (Jun 18 - Oct 18)

Re: Life 30 (Jun 18 - Nov 18)

Postby winston » Fri Sep 14, 2018 11:25 am

What should we do to reach the correct destination in our journey of life?

You must live in the constant thought of the Divine as well as another fact - death.

The body is the car in which you are riding fast to your destination. If you are not careful with your driving, you may encounter death in an accident - some lorry can cause it!

Hence, never forget these two facts:
(1) Death is a sure event in the journey of life
(2) Your time is running out with every passing moment.

When you remember these, you will never be tempted to waste time in idle talk or vain pursuits or wanton mischief or vulgar entertainment.

Travel in the car carefully, slowly, with due regard to others needs on the road. Do not greedily try to overtake others or compete in speed; know the limitations of your vehicle and the road!

Then you will not meet with any accident. Your journey will be a happy experience for you as well as for everyone around you!

- Divine Discourse, Oct 26, 1963.

Do not contemplate on death, it is just an incident in life. Contemplate on the Divine, who is the master of all life.

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Re: Life 30 (Jun 18 - Nov 18)

Postby winston » Fri Sep 14, 2018 11:25 am

What should we do to reach the correct destination in our journey of life?

You must live in the constant thought of the Divine as well as another fact - death.

The body is the car in which you are riding fast to your destination. If you are not careful with your driving, you may encounter death in an accident - some lorry can cause it!

Hence, never forget these two facts:
(1) Death is a sure event in the journey of life
(2) Your time is running out with every passing moment.

When you remember these, you will never be tempted to waste time in idle talk or vain pursuits or wanton mischief or vulgar entertainment.

Travel in the car carefully, slowly, with due regard to others needs on the road. Do not greedily try to overtake others or compete in speed; know the limitations of your vehicle and the road!

Then you will not meet with any accident. Your journey will be a happy experience for you as well as for everyone around you!

- Divine Discourse, Oct 26, 1963.

Do not contemplate on death, it is just an incident in life. Contemplate on the Divine, who is the master of all life.

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Re: Life 30 (Jun 18 - Nov 18)

Postby winston » Fri Sep 14, 2018 11:39 am

Observe how habits are formed

Without freedom from the past there is no freedom at all, because the mind is never new, fresh, innocent. It is only the fresh, innocent mind that is free.

Freedom has nothing to do with age, it has nothing to do with experience; and it seems to me that the very essence of freedom lies in understanding the whole mechanism of habit, both conscious and unconscious.

It is not a question of ending habit, but of seeing totally the structure of habit. You have to observe how habits are formed and how, by denying or resisting one habit, another habit is created.

What matters is to be totally conscious of habit; for then, as you will see for yourself there is no longer the formation of habit.

To resist habit, to fight it, to deny it, only gives continuity to habit. When you fight a particular habit you give life to that habit, and then the very fighting of it becomes a further habit.

But if you are simply aware of the whole structure of habit without resistance, then you will find there is freedom from habit, and in that freedom a new thing takes place.

It is only the dull, sleepy mind that creates and clings to habit. A mind that is attentive from moment to moment—attentive to what it is saying, attentive to the movement of its hands, of its thoughts, of its feelings—will discover that the formation of further habits has come to an end.

This is very important to understand, because as long as the mind is breaking down one habit, and in that very process creating another, it can obviously never be free; and it is only the free mind that can perceive something beyond itself.

The Book of Life, May 31, Harper San Francisco, 1995

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Re: Life 30 (Jun 18 - Nov 18)

Postby winston » Sat Sep 15, 2018 9:25 am

Compassion and goodness

Can compassion, that sense of goodness, that feeling of the sacredness of life about which we were talking last time we met—can that feeling be brought into being through compulsion?

Surely, when there is compulsion in any form, when there is propaganda or moralizing, there is no compassion, nor is there compassion when change is brought about merely through seeing the necessity of meeting the technological challenge in such a way that human beings will remain human beings and not become machines.

So there must be a change without any causation. A change that is brought about through causation is not compassion; it is merely a thing of the market place. So that is one problem.

Another problem is: if I change, how will it affect society? Or am I not concerned with that at all? Because the vast majority of people are not interested in what we are talking about—nor are you if you listen out of curiosity or some kind of impulse, and pass by.

The machines are progressing so rapidly that most human beings are merely pushed along and are not capable of meeting life with the enrichment of love, with compassion, with deep thought.

And if I change, how will it affect society, which is my relationship with you? Society is not some extraordinary mythical entity; it is our relationship with each other, and if two or three of us change, how will it affect the rest of the world? Or is there a way of affecting the total mind of man?

That is, is there a process by which the individual who is changed can touch the unconscious of man?

The Book of Life, November 28, Harper San Francisco, 1995

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Re: Life 30 (Jun 18 - Nov 18)

Postby winston » Sat Sep 15, 2018 9:30 am

Is the body a treasure, a tool or an obstacle?

The Divine has endowed you with body, and so every limb and every sense is worthy of reverent attention. Each must be used for His Glory.

The ear must exult when it gets a chance to hear the wonderful tales of the Divine.

The tongue must relish when it can praise Him. Or else, your tongue is as ineffective as frogs which croak day and night, sitting on the marshy bank.

The human body has been given to you for a grand purpose - realising the Divine within.

If you have a fully equipped car in good running condition, would you keep it in the garage? The car is primarily for going on a journey - get into it and go. Only then is it worthwhile to own it.

So too with the body. Proceed, go forward to the goal. Learn how to use the faculties of the body, the senses, the intellect, and the mind for achieving the goal and march on.

- Divine Discourse, Feb 18, 1966.

Know that the purpose of human birth is to reach the Divine through worship.

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Re: Life 30 (Jun 18 - Nov 18)

Postby behappyalways » Sat Sep 15, 2018 5:26 pm

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Re: Life 30 (Jun 18 - Nov 18)

Postby winston » Sun Sep 16, 2018 7:23 am

Is there an observer watching loneliness?

My mind observes loneliness, and avoids it, runs away from it. But if I do not run away from it, is there a division, is there a separation, is there an observer watching loneliness?

Or, is there only a state of loneliness, my mind itself being empty, lonely? Not that there is an observer who knows that there is loneliness.

I think this is important to grasp, swiftly, not verbalizing too much. We say now “I am envious, and I want to get rid of envy,” so there is an observer and the observed; the observer wishes to get rid of that which he observes. But is the observer not the same as the observed?

It is the mind itself that has created the envy, and so the mind cannot do anything about envy. So, my mind observes loneliness; the thinker is aware that he is lonely.

But by remaining with it, being fully in contact, which is, not to run away from it, not to translate and all the rest of it, then, is there a difference between the observer and the observed?

Or is there only one state, which is, the mind itself is lonely, empty? Not that the mind observes itself as being empty, but mind itself is empty.

Then, can the mind, being aware that it itself is empty, and that whatever its endeavor, any movement away from that emptiness is merely an escape, a dependence,

Can the mind put away all dependence and be what it is, completely empty, completely lonely? And if it is in that state, is there not freedom from all dependence, from all attachment?

The Book of Life, August 19, Harper San Francisco, 1995

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Re: Life 30 (Jun 18 - Nov 18)

Postby winston » Sun Sep 16, 2018 8:06 am

In this world so filled with rewards and expectations for even higher rewards how can we practice selfless action without expecting rewards?

Lead life in the world as a compulsory duty imposed on you, like you are serving sentence in prison for crimes from previous births.

The superintendent assigns various duties — cooking, cleaning, chopping wood, etc. You must do work assigned to the best of your ability, without any expectation of reward.

If you behave well, cause no trouble, and do assigned duties without demur, then your sentence may be ended sooner and you would be released with a good conduct certificate.

This attitude will help you practice selfless action without expecting rewards, which is very valuable to curb your senses.

Remember whenever you are affected by joy or grief: “This will not last”. That is one powerful method by which mental agitations can be calmed.

- Divine Discourse, Oct 26, 1963.

Just as the water you drink is eliminated as perspiration, the Karma that you accumulate is eliminated through Karma gladly borne.

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Re: Life 30 (Jun 18 - Nov 18)

Postby winston » Mon Sep 17, 2018 8:02 am

If we desire that the Divine must guide and lead us on this journey of life, what should we do?

If we invite some great person, such as a saint or a learned one to our house, some preparations will have to be made at home, to make it presentable. We have to clean the house and the surroundings before the guest arrives.

In the same way, if we invite a minister or governor to our village, we would clean the road, decorate the path and keep everything fit and proper for receiving the eminent visitor.

If we take so much care and precaution when we invite a person who has only a temporary position, how much more clean should we keep our heart when we invite the very Creator and Protector of the world Himself to enter!

It is only when we purify our heart that the Divine will be able to enter it.

From the Scriptures: “You are taking Me as the charioteer of your chariot. Take Me as the charioteer of your life. Think how clean and how grand your heart should be, to make it a seat for Me if I become the charioteer of your heart.”

- Divine Discourse, Sep 12, 1984.

There is no temple dearer to the Divine than the human heart.

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Re: Life 30 (Jun 18 - Nov 18)

Postby winston » Mon Sep 17, 2018 8:37 am

Acquiring beliefs to ward off pain

Physical pain is a nervous response, but psychological pain arises when I hold on to things that give me satisfaction, for then I am afraid of anyone or anything that may take them away from me.

The psychological accumulations prevent psychological pain as long as they are undisturbed; that is, I am a bundle of accumulations, experiences, which prevent any serious form of disturbance—and I do not want to be disturbed.

Therefore, I am afraid of anyone who disturbs them. Thus my fear is of the known; I am afraid of the accumulations, physical or psychological, that I have gathered as a means of warding off pain or preventing sorrow.

But sorrow is in the very process of accumulating to ward off psychological pain. Knowledge also helps to prevent pain.

As medical knowledge helps to prevent physical pain, so beliefs help to prevent psychological pain, and that is why I am afraid of losing my beliefs, though I have no perfect knowledge or concrete proof of the reality of such beliefs.

I may reject some of the traditional beliefs that have been foisted on me because my own experience gives me strength, confidence, understanding; but such beliefs and the knowledge which I have acquired are basically the same—a means of warding off pain.

The Book of Life, July 10, Harper San Francisco, 1995

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