Life 45 (Jan 23 - Aug 23)

Re: Life 45 (Jan 23 - Dec 24)

Postby winston » Thu Jun 29, 2023 6:54 am

What is the key to success, be it worldly or spiritual? What are the six qualities that we must cultivate?

Where the six qualities of zeal, determination, courage, intelligence, ability and heroism, are present, there Divine help is manifest.

In any field, at any time, for any man who is endowed with all these six precious qualities, success is assured.

These qualities contribute to the all-round prosperity of a man. All success comes to one with these six qualities.

However, these qualities confront various difficulties from time to time. Just as a student has to face various tests, these qualities are also subject to trials.

Such trials should be regarded as stepping stones to one's high achievements. These trials are in the form of losses, troubles, pains, sufferings and calumny. One has to overcome these troubles with courage and self-confidence and go ahead.

Students in particular have to develop self-confidence. Without self-confidence the six qualities cannot be acquired. In fact, self-confidence should be the life-breath of every person.

- Divine Discourse, Jan 14, 1997.

You should consider self-confidence as the most important asset in life. Without self-confidence you can never attain bliss.

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Re: Life 45 (Jan 23 - Dec 24)

Postby winston » Fri Jun 30, 2023 6:06 am

What is the most important virtue students, and indeed all of us need to cultivate?

Vishwamitra, relying on his intelligence, physical strength and the power of his weapons, sought to wage a war with Vasishta, who relied upon the power of the Divine.

Ultimately, he realised the truth that his powers were of no avail against the power of the spiritual and giving up his kingdom, undertook a severe penance.

Physical prowess is no power at all. It is really a sign of weakness. All physical powers are indeed powerless.

All worldly wealth is impermanent. Man today pursues these fleeting pleasures, forgetting his inherent Divinity.

Students should cultivate self-confidence and manifest their Divinity in their speech, their songs, their sports and all actions. However, occasionally the weakness in them may come out.

For instance, when they succumb to troubles, are overcome by grief and are unable to face losses, they show their inner weakness.

Students should confront such situations with fortitude. Be fearless. When you face difficulties with courage, you are bound to succeed. Hence, have confidence in yourself and achieve success in all areas of life.

- Divine Discourse, Jan 14, 1997.

Self-confidence leads to self-satisfaction and self-sacrifice, and ultimately to self-realisation.

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Re: Life 45 (Jan 23 - Dec 24)

Postby winston » Sat Jul 01, 2023 5:00 am

Why should we perform our spiritual practices consistently?

What is sadhana (spiritual practice) fundamentally?

We sit near a cooler so that we may feel cool. We sit near the Divine so that we might derive some divine qualities and get rid of undivine characteristics.

He is not an external contrivance or convenience like the air cooler. He is the the Inner Director, the Inner Reality, the Unseen Basis, on which all this seeable world is built.

He is like the fire-principle that is latent in wood, which can be made manifest, when one piece is rubbed vigorously against another. The heat that is produced consumes the wood in fire!

Satsangh (Company of the good and the holy) makes you meet with other individuals of a like nature, and creates the contact that manifests the Inner Fire!

- Divine Discourse, May 10, 1969.

It is not enough if you merely associate with sacred company; suffuse your heart with sacred teachings of such exalted company.

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Re: Life 45 (Jan 23 - Dec 24)

Postby winston » Mon Jul 03, 2023 7:05 am

What qualities should we look for in a true Guru?

The true Guru is one who has no ego or selfishness, and who can raise the disciple to his own level.

Donning the saffron robe, mouthing a few mantras and expounding some texts, are the signs of many gurus these days.

The signs of a true Guru are large-heartedness, absolute selflessness, purity in living, freedom from acquisitiveness, absence of envy and equal-mindedness, in his conduct towards everyone.

Freedom from envy, is an essential quality in a Guru or Disciple because envy is the root cause of many evils.

The Guru's role is to lead the Disciple on the Divine-ward path. He must teach him the true purpose for which each of his sense organs is to be used - his eyes, his tongue, and his limbs.

All the senses are to be used for discovering and experiencing the Divine. Every action in daily life should be turned into an act of devotion to the Divine.

- Divine Discourse, Jul 13, 1984.

Your true guru is Divine alone. He is the only one who can dispel the darkness of ignorance and light the lamp of Wisdom.

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Re: Life 45 (Jan 23 - Dec 24)

Postby winston » Tue Jul 04, 2023 6:56 am

Many a doctrine have been proposed to bring about equal distribution of resources in society, but which is the best method of them all?

Today, all over the world you hear about plans to build a new society. The Universal provision of daily necessities and various amenities and the equal distribution of wealth, are among the declared aims of this movement. This may be desirable. But is it practicable?

It may be possible to equally distribute property and possessions, amenities and comforts. But is it possible to limit equally the desires of all persons?

If desires are not limited equally, there is bound to be frustration. The socialist doctrine is an important concept. But it is no less essential to recognise the reality of the Divine as the primal source of all things in the world.

According to the Seers, the source of the food one consumes, the power that sustains all living things and the basis of all objects in creation, is the Divine.

It is because this basic truth has been forgotten, that the world today is be-devilled by famines, conflicts, wars and commotion.

- Divine Discourse, Jul 13, 1984.

The Divine is the source of all energy. If this is not realised, we will be failing to appreciate the true source of the air we breathe, the light we enjoy and the heat that sustains life.

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Re: Life 45 (Jan 23 - Dec 24)

Postby winston » Wed Jul 05, 2023 8:44 am

What is the importance of Sat-sang? (association with good people)

Satsang means meeting the ‘Sat’.

‘Sat’ is the Existence Principle, the ‘Is’, that is the basic truth of the Universe.

Align with the Truth, the ‘Sat’ in you, the Satya (Reality) on which the false is imposed by minds that do not see light.

By dwelling in that Sat, the flame is lit, light dawns, darkness flees and "the Sun of Wisdom" rises.

When there is hard rock below, you have to bore deeper for tapping the underground perennial pure water. The softer the subterranean soil, the quicker the success. Make your heart soft; then success is quick in sadhana (spiritual practice).

Talk soft, talk sweet, talk only of Him - that is the process of softening the subsoil. Develop compassion and empathy; engage in service, understand the agony of poverty, disease, distress and despair; and share both tears and cheers with others.

That is the way to soften the heart, and help sadhana (spiritual practice) to succeed.

- Divine Discourse, May 10, 1969.

As you expand your love, your bliss will also expand in the same proportion.

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Re: Life 45 (Jan 23 - Dec 24)

Postby winston » Thu Jul 06, 2023 7:56 am

What is the price we must be prepared to pay, for peace and happiness?

Every object in nature, every incident in time, is really speaking, teaching you a lesson.

One morning, a man was walking in slow steps along the sea-beach. He looked at the waves and drew a lesson therefrom.

The waves were slowly and systematically, carrying towards the shore a bit of straw, passing it on from one crest to another, until it was deposited on land!

The sea is a broad expanse, it is deep and mighty. But yet, it is constantly engaged in cleaning itself from all extraneous things.

It knows that, you must not neglect a desire, for the simple reason that it is a menial straw. Force it back, on to the shore, where it can do no harm.

Eternal vigilance is the price of peace and happiness.

The man exclaimed, "Wonderful! The Sea has taught me a great lesson." - the lesson that danger lurks, when desire raises its head.

- Divine Discourse, July 29, 1969.

By decreasing our desires and by promoting sacrifice in us, we will be able to rise to the heights of glory and to do good.

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Re: Life 45 (Jan 23 - Dec 24)

Postby winston » Fri Jul 07, 2023 5:55 am

What is the secret to perfection in action?

Every action in daily life, should be turned into an act of devotion to the Divine.

In a town, the municipal authorities appointed some persons to light the street lights. A spiritual aspirant was one such employee. He had to fill the lamp with oil and fix a chimney to protect the flame.

He used to go to every lamp singing the glory of the Divine and cleaning the chimney and lighting the lamp while singing.

The municipal authorities noticed that the lamps in the streets in which the aspirant was lighting the lamps, were shining brighter than those elsewhere.

They found that a great devotee was lighting the lamps, with devotion to Him and this accounted for their exceptional brilliance.

The moral of this story, is that when you do any act in a spirit of dedication, as an offering to the Divine, you can experience joy and find fulfillment.

- Divine Discourse, Jul 13, 1984.

When you perform an activity as an offering to the Divine, your good, the higher good and the highest good all become one.

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Re: Life 45 (Jan 23 - Dec 24)

Postby winston » Sat Jul 08, 2023 6:19 am

What is the assurance the Divine has given each one of His devotees and what is the commitment He expects from them?

Divine Love has no trace of self-interest in it. It is absolutely pure.

The Divine knows only how to give, not how to receive. His hand is held above for conferring something, not stretched for seeking anything.

Moreover, the Divine has declared, "You are Mine", whatever wrong ways they may pursue, He will not abandon them.

It may be asked why anyone who has been accepted by the Divine, should be subject to hardships and troubles. These troubles are the consequences of their own karma. They have to see that their conduct is right.

If, supposing, the Divine blesses a man with a hundred years of life, he should not get puffed up with pride and start jumping from a tree in the confidence that he will live for a century.

He may live for a hundred years but may have his leg broken in the fall. So, in accepting the blessing of the Divine, one should also try to lead a righteous life.

- Divine Discourse, Jul 13, 1984.

Whatever you do, wherever you are, remember that the Divine is with you, in you; that will save you from conceit and error.

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Re: Life 45 (Jan 23 - Dec 24)

Postby winston » Sun Jul 09, 2023 8:26 am

What is the true state of Divinity and how can we reach that state?

Each religion emphasises one Name and one Form of the Divine and recommends them for acceptance.

Some even insist that their Divine has no other Name or Form. But, the Reality is beyond name and form,

It has Akshara (the indestructible, eternal) as the characteristic and Om as the Form.

You reach the Akshara stage, the stage of attributeless unity, in three steps of Sadhana (Spiritual Practice):
(i) I am Thine
(ii) Thou art mine and
(iii) Thou art myself.

Through Sadhana, one must transcend the duality of I and You.

"I' is only the reflection of You in this body. The consummation is reached when duality is superseded. That is why it has been declared, "It is good to be born in a church; but, it is not good to die in it."

That is to say, before life ends one must go beyond the limits set by institutionalised religion and reach the vast limitless expanse of the Aathman, which pervades all.

- Divine Discourse, July 29, 1969.

The Divine is beyond all ages and all forms. Only love is His true form. The same love is present in all forms that you see.

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