Business Leadership Skills 01 (Jul 09 - Feb 13)

Re: Business Leadership Skills

Postby winston » Sun Apr 10, 2011 6:34 pm

Laughing Matters by Bob Tschannen-Moran

When people feel good, even to the point of laughing out loud, they stay healthy, engaged, and productive.

It pays for leaders to make work fun, which – as Seligman documents in his most recent book ( Positive Psychology, Positive Prevention, and Positive Therapy, 2002) – does not equate with easy or even pleasurable.

Work becomes fun when it is marked by five elements, each of which contribute in their own, unique way to well-being:

Positive emotion. How happy am I?
Positive engagement. How interested am I?
Positive relationships. How connected am I?
Positive meaning. How valuable am I?
Positive achievements. How competent am I?

Source: Life Trek Provisions
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Re: Business Leadership Skills

Postby winston » Sun Apr 10, 2011 6:42 pm

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Laughing Matters by Bob Tschannen-Moran

Here are a few tips for appropriate workplace fun:

1) Move around and interact with people directly. Laughter will follow.
2) Share and laugh at our own mistakes. Confucius say: "Being ashamed of our mistakes turns them into crimes."
3) Surprise people with kindness. Even little things can lighten the load.
Include humorous quotes in communications. Bombeck say: "When humor goes, there goes civilization."
4) Take breaks or stay after work for games and other stress busters with colleagues.
5) People who play together, work better together.

Such frivolity must be balanced, of course, with the task at hand. People at work have things to accomplish and do. Stakeholders and shareholders expect accountability and value.

Leaders would not be leaders were we to lose sight of the business at hand. But great leaders understand a great truth: laughter matters. Work is serious business but that does not make it the business of seriousness.

The old notion of whistling while we work, which has declined even more than laughter, turns out to be good advice, at least as a metaphor: work goes better when people have fun.

So look for ways to cultivate positive emotion, engagement, relationships, meaning, and achievements at work. Make sure people are not only productive but happy.

Well-being is not just a nice-to-have, as health insurance companies have now discovered. Well-being is a have-to-have. It prevents disease and disability, which costs far less than recovering from disease and disability.

Great leaders understand that well-being is not an individual pursuit; it is a collective endeavor and a common cause for us all.

Source: Life Trek Provisions
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Re: Business Leadership Skills

Postby winston » Thu Apr 21, 2011 6:32 pm

"In order to sell a product or a service, a company must establish a relationship with the consumer.

It must build trust and rapport.

It must understand the customer's needs, and it must provide a product that delivers the promised benefits."

Jay Levinson
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Re: Business Leadership Skills

Postby winston » Mon May 23, 2011 5:59 pm

"If you are a marketing professional who wants to reach your buyers directly, you will likely encounter resistance from corporate communications people. They'll say the old rules are still in play.... They are wrong."

David Meerman Scott
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Re: Business Leadership Skills

Postby winston » Wed May 25, 2011 6:08 pm

"The ability to learn faster than your competitors may be the only sustainable competitive advantage."
Arie de Geus
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Re: Business Leadership Skills

Postby winston » Thu May 26, 2011 5:57 pm

"Customer experience is the new advertising department."
Max Kalehoff
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Re: Business Leadership Skills

Postby winston » Sat Jun 04, 2011 7:48 pm

5 Vital Traits a Good Leader Must Possess By Michael Lee

There might be a lot of leaders in your area, but there are only a few who know exactly what makes a good leader. As a leader, you’re expected to bring you and your team to success. As a leader, your team looks up to you for guidance and support.

Wanting to know what makes a good leader is already the first step to achieving your goal. However, there is always room for improvement. Read on and find out how you can become a good leader.

1) Teamwork

A leader might be the head of the organization or team, but he or she cannot function well without teamwork. Unfortunately, a lot of leaders let their position get into their heads. They move without consulting the rest of the team.

What makes a good leader is a sense of teamwork. Although you might be the one calling the shots, you can’t completely disregard the people you’re responsible for.

2) Strength

Another important factor of what makes a good leader is strength. Whether it’s strength in making a decision, or strength in overcoming challenges, a good leaders knows not to show weakness.

A good leader doesn’t cower from the enemy. He or she doesn’t fear challenges or obstacles; but instead, he or she deals with them head-on.

3) Good Example

A good leader sets a good example for his or her subordinates. If you’re very particular about tardiness, then you have to make sure that you’re always on time, if not earlier than the others.

If you have strong feelings against cheating, then you yourself should not be tempted to cheat. Set a good example for the people in your team. Actions speak louder than words.

4) Responsibility

A good leader takes responsibility. He or she doesn’t try to figure out a way to escape the mess that might have been created. Instead, a good leader faces the issue and deals with the problems as they come.

Being responsible also means avoiding disaster and making the right decisions. Keep in mind that you’re accountable for the rest of your team.

5) Quick Thinking

Quick thinking is an essential leadership skill. Most of the time, this is what saves the day. A good leader must know how to act swiftly and must encourage quick thinking among his or her people.

The success of a group has a lot to do with both the leader and the team. It’s never just about one person only. As long as you remember what your goal is, you’ll be alright. And these additional tips on what makes a good leader will only help you become a better person. ... ssess.html
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Re: Business Leadership Skills

Postby winston » Sun Jun 05, 2011 7:34 am

Information Overload Syndrome: How To Overcome It In 3 Easy Steps By Michael Lee

Have you ever experienced the phenomenon known as information overload syndrome? If you have sat down for an academic lecture for three hours straight or have been stuck in a meeting full of facts, figures and who knows what - then yes - you probably have experienced this phenomenon.

To say it's unpleasant is already an understatement. You don't need the extra stress or the migraines, thank you very much!

So if you want to learn how to overcome information overload syndrome, here's how!

Step 1: Take A Break.

You got to know when to stop. Stop receiving information when you feel a headache coming and when you can't understand what's being said anymore.

If you're reading a book or an article from the Internet, then it's easy to pace yourself. However, most of the time, people experience information overload syndrome when other people are talking.

Some teachers or guest speakers don't realize just how dizzying all their presentations can get; so if you can, leave the room for a little bit. Wash your face with cold water and give your mind a few minutes to recharge before going back in.

Step 2: Fake It.

So you're sitting in class while your professor prattles on and on about mathematical theorems. Your mind is ready to burst and yet, you can't risk missing a single detail. What do you do?

Well, if it's allowed, why don't you record the lecture? Not everyone can absorb all those figures in such a short (or even stretched) amount of time. Some students make use of a tape recorder, but a video camera is still the best way for you to re-live a lecture.

Step 3: Prioritize.

Information overload syndrome can also result from your own last-minute decisions. It might be second nature to you; but if you want to avoid unnecessary headaches and stress, avoid cramming every single time there's a test or a presentation due.

Learn to prepare early and prioritize. Do what needs to be done first instead of choking your mind with all sorts of unrelated information when you realize that there's still so much to learn and so little time.

Organize your priorities and plan which materials you'll go through first to fulfill your objectives. Focus on the most important one first before going to the next one in priority.

Information overload syndrome is not life threatening, but it can be extremely limiting. Don't let yourself be squashed by something that could have been easily avoided. The trick here is to know when to stop, be creative in taking in information and preparedness. ... easy-steps
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Re: Business Leadership Skills

Postby winston » Sun Jun 05, 2011 7:48 am

Excellent Conversation Questions: 5 Questions That Keep The Conversation Going And Interesting By Michael Lee

People are always on the lookout for good conversationalists. You might not think yourself as a very eloquent person; but by asking excellent conversation questions, no one will be the wise.

Excellent conversation questions keep the energy going. Without it, there will only be awkward silence - something you do not really want to experience. To help give you some ideas on what to ask, here are some examples.

1) Where are you from?

Asking about a person’s hometown makes for an excellent conversation question because it leads to all sorts of ideas and speculations.

You have a lot of opportunities to ask follow-up questions about the hometown and its attractions. If you have a relative living around the area, you can bring it up during the conversation as well.

2) What is your favorite film of all time?

Asking this question allows you to share your own favorite films. It’s always easier to talk about things which are not serious and are truly of your interest. From movies, you can also move on to other related issues like celebrities or literature.

3) Have you heard about…?

A good conversationalist is always updated on current events. If you wish to have excellent conversation questions readily available, then brush up on politics and entertainment. These are the two branches which capture the most attention. Having an opinion doesn’t hurt either.

4) Do you know…?

Asking about mutual friends also helps people warm up to you. Of course, make sure you ask about mutual friends in a polite and friendly manner. No reason to scare the person into thinking that you’re targeting one of his or her friends.

5) Where did you get that?

If the person you’re talking to has something interesting on his or her arm or is wearing an accessory, then you’re in luck. Another one of many excellent conversation questions is asking about what a person is wearing, holding or using. Showing interest in what they have helps make the conversation warmer and more interesting.

There are a lot of excellent conversation questions you can ask another person. All it takes is a little bit of quick thinking and keen observation, and you’ll have no problem keeping the exchange going. ... tions.html
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Re: Business Leadership Skills

Postby winston » Sun Jun 05, 2011 9:37 am

Famous Leadership Quotes: How To Use Leadership Quotes To Be A Successful Leader By Michael Lee

Several famous leadership quotes can inspire and motivate you to aim for something that is beyond anything you ever thought possible. Here are a few famous leadership quotes you can ponder on, and some great ways to apply them in real life.

Leadership Quote # 1 – “The best teacher is the one who suggests rather than dogmatizes, and inspires his listener with the wish to teach himself. – Edward G. Bulwer-Lytton”

Essential to becoming an effective leader is being able to consider the opinion and insight of your subordinates. Although a leader should establish bureaucracy, there must be freedom within the organizational structure to keep ideas free flowing.

Leadership Quote # 2 – “Don't tell people how to do things, tell them what to do and let them surprise you with their results. - George S. Patton”

Effective leaders don’t merely instruct. Instead, they delegate tasks to their staff or crew according to their skill, and they trust their team members to do the job well.

When you have confidence in your people’s ability, this will challenge them to live up to your standards and aim to do better.

Leadership Quote # 3 - “The very essence of leadership is that you have to have vision. You can't blow an uncertain trumpet. - Theodore M. Hesburgh”

This is one of my favorite famous leadership quotes. Success lies in your ability to create objectives and goals. Only then can you determine the steps to take in order to get there. Hence, you will also be able to plan what actions to take in case you experience difficulties along the way.

Leadership Quote # 4 - "I not only use all the brains that I have, but all that I can borrow." - Woodrow Wilson”

Successful leaders not only rely on their own knowledge, but they make an effort to learn new ideas and leverage from other people’s skills to improve their team’s chances of success.

Leadership Quote # 5 - “The bravest are surely those who have the clearest vision of what is before them, glory and danger alike, and yet notwithstanding, go out and meet it.” – Thucydides”

Leaders need to recognize the risks involved, but should not be afraid to make big decisions. They must pursue their mission with relentless determination. Only when you realize your vision and act on it will you reap the rewards of your hard work.

You can apply these famous leadership quotes towards your aim for greatness. ... eader.html
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