China - Economic Data & News 01 (May 08 - Oct 08)

Re: China - Economic Data & News

Postby winston » Fri Sep 05, 2008 9:57 pm

China shortens IPO lock-up period

China shortened the trading moratorium for investors who buy stakes in initial public offers to one year from three years, a move that may encourage strategic investors deterred by the lengthy lock up.

Companies will also no longer have to halt trading of their shares during annual earnings announcements and profit forecasts, the Shanghai and Shenzhen Stock Exchanges said.

Stocks with volatile and "abnormal'' movements due to speculation will be suspended, they said. The new rules take effect on October 1.

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Re: China - Economic Data & News

Postby Niczach » Sat Sep 06, 2008 10:52 pm

六大行业裁员降薪调查: 电力最惨员工月薪两百

六大行业裁员降薪调查: 悄悄裁员,有的公司还嘴硬








  据美国劳工统计局(Bureau of Labor Statistics)8月22日公布月度数据显示,7月份,美国公司因季节性调整进行的大规模裁员达到1512次,裁员人数估值为15.1171万人,虽较6月相比减少131人,但仍创下2003年以来最高值。美国劳工统计局界定的大规模裁员是指一次性裁员数量达到50人或50人以上。

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Re: China - Economic Data & News

Postby Niczach » Sat Sep 06, 2008 11:32 pm

唱多A股 大忽悠龚方雄暗地打起小算盘

每经记者 李文艺 魏玉卿

四次标志性忽悠 被套资金超万亿

  1.信心满满2月18日 A股估值已合理
  今年2月18日,大盘运行在4500点左右。龚方雄在某知名财经杂志上发表了一篇题为 “保持防御态势继续持有中国股票”的文章。文章主要观点是,未来几个月内,市场信心正在恢复,股票估值也已趋近合理。龚方雄认为投资者应保持防御态势,并继续持有中国股票,电信运营商仍然是近期最抗跌的板块。

  2.不太确定4月14日 最坏阶段或已过去
  4月14日,大盘运行在接近3300点位置。龚方雄又在某知名财经杂志上发表名为 “最坏阶段或已过去”的文章。从“或已”两字可以看出,经过上次的预言失败,龚方雄对自己的观点有些不确定了。尽管如此,他仍在文章中言之凿凿地表示,虽然不排除股市再次探底的可能性,但最糟糕的下跌过程可能已经结束。未来6~12个月内,投资者增持易受国内固定资产投资影响的股票类型尤佳。

  3.坚持看多7月19日 A股已经在底部


  4.疯狂一博8月19日 千亿经济刺激方案
  该报告内容迅速被各大财经网站转载,令憧憬政府救市已久的A股市场出现井喷式反弹。8月20日,沪指暴涨178.81点,当日成交609亿元,相对前期300亿左右的成交量,陡然增加1倍;深成指暴涨567点,当日成交269亿元。随后,龚方雄开始休假。然而,Topview数据显示,8月20日当天,机构净卖出46.89亿,机构当日持仓比例下降了0.1%,8月21日,机构继续净卖出6.2亿。龚自说自唱的“刺激方案”竟然成为机构出货的掩护,这是巧合还是故意?  市场表现:8月20日狂欢过后,深成指收出6连阴,沪指也在涨涨跌跌中不断下滑,本周一又突然大跌,且以基金重仓股的下跌为主。昨日,大盘开盘跌破2245点,甚至一度刺穿2200点。

  唱空为抄底唱多好出货 外资投行报告藏玄机
  再看龚方雄这份激起 “一日行情千层浪”的报告,我们不得不思考为何国际投行一声吼,股指就向上蹿?“天下熙熙皆为利来,天下攘攘皆为利往。外资投行不管是唱多还是唱空,都离不开这个目的。”一专家对记者说道。
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Re: China - Economic Data & News

Postby blid2def » Sun Sep 07, 2008 12:59 am

Nic, can you post the URLs for the Chinese articles, if available? That'll make it easier for those members who require English translations. :)
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Re: China - Economic Data & News

Postby Niczach » Sun Sep 07, 2008 8:38 am

it's this Boss :)

六大行业裁员降薪调查: 电力最惨员工月薪两百 ... SG242SG242

唱多A股 大忽悠龚方雄暗地打起小算盘 ... 2%26sa%3DG
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Re: China - Economic Data & News

Postby millionairemind » Sun Sep 07, 2008 12:12 pm

Very interesting article in this weeks Economist on China labor supply...

This has a potential to impact/disrupt China's ability to attract FDI and hold down worldwide inflation (by holding down cost of goods). China's ability to hold down inflation(ex food/energy) was expounded by Greenspan many years ago thro' the supply of cheap labor and productivity gains.

Reserve army of underemployed
Sep 4th 2008
From The Economist print edition

Is China’s pool of surplus labour drying up?

WHAT is the single most important price in the world? Popular answers are the price of oil, American interest rates or the dollar. Yet Chinese wages are, arguably, more important. China has by far the world’s biggest labour force, of around 800m—almost twice that of America, the European Union and Japan combined. Thus recent claims that it is running short of cheap labour would, if true, have huge consequences not just for China, but also for the rest of the world.

A seemingly unlimited supply of cheap workers has been one of the main forces behind China’s rapid economic growth. But over the past couple of years, factory owners have complained of labour shortages and wages have risen more rapidly, leading some to conclude that China’s “surplus” labour has been used up. The country’s one-child policy, introduced in 1979, has caused the growth in its labour supply to slow sharply (see chart). After rising by 1.3% a year during the decade to 2005, the population of working age is expected to increase at an annual rate of 0.7% until 2015, and then shrink by 0.1% a year until 2025. At the same time, the shift of workers from agriculture to industry, which has been an important source of productivity gains, will also slow. Jonathan Anderson, an economist at UBS, reckons that these two trends will reduce China’s sustainable growth rate from 9-9.5% today to 7-7.5% by 2025.

But as well as boosting growth, the flow of workers from farms to factories has held down manufacturing wages—not only in China, but also throughout the world. The theory behind this was first expounded by Sir Arthur Lewis, an economist from St Lucia, who won the Nobel prize for economics in 1979. He argued that a developing country with “surplus” (ie, underemployed) rural labour could expand industrial employment for many years without causing wage inflation, because employers enjoy such a large supply of labour. During the first 50 years of Britain’s industrial revolution, real wages remained more or less flat while profits soared. Likewise in China, as millions of migrants have quit the countryside for urban factories and construction sites, the real wages of low-skilled workers barely rose during the 1980s and 1990s, despite big productivity gains; only recently have they increased rapidly.

This acceleration of wages has prompted some to conclude that China’s surplus labour in the countryside has been used up. Last year Cai Fang, the director of the Institute of Population and Labour Economics at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, argued that China has reached the “Lewis turning point”. By 2009, he predicted, there would be a widespread shortage of workers, pushing up industrial wages. Does this mean the death of China’s growth model?

As so often in China, this debate is clouded by the poor data. Until recently, most estimates of surplus labour varied between 150m and 200m people. But the true figure is probably much smaller, because government figures for the rural labour force include millions of migrants who have already moved to cities and others who work in rural industry, not farming.

In addition the population is ageing: the number of workers aged between 20 and 29 fell from 233m in 1990 to 165m in 2005. Many textile and electronics firms hire only young women in their 20s, as they are thought to be less troublesome and more willing to work long hours. Construction firms favour young single men. Older people are not only less employable, but they are also typically less willing to migrate if they have children. After taking account of this, Mr Cai estimates that China’s surplus labour has been virtually exhausted.

But Stephen Green, an economist at Standard Chartered, thinks that talk of China’s vanishing labour surplus is premature. In a report this year he argued that the surplus would not run out for another decade. Although the number aged between 20 and 29 fell over the past decade, their ranks are now rising again. Using the 2005 census, Mr Green estimates that the 20-something group will increase by a third in the ten years to 2015, as baby-boomers’ children join the workforce (see right-hand chart); only then will it start shrinking sharply.

What is more, the recent spurt in urban wages is not necessarily proof that the surplus has gone. Mr Green argues that to attract migrant workers, urban employers have to pay more than rural income, which has increased in recent years, thanks to government policies and higher food prices. The temporary increase in the age group between 20 and 29 over the next few years will also ease the upward pressure on urban pay.

Go East, young women
The World Bank agrees that China’s labour surplus has not yet run out. Even when the number of young people drops, the labour supply is determined by more than demographics. Migrant workers are usually excluded from urban social-security schemes and have to pay more for education and health care. The bank suggests that phasing out the household-registration system would encourage more people to move to the city. Vocational training for rural residents aged over 30 would equip them better for jobs in industry. And financial incentives to encourage workers to retire later could also boost the labour supply: only 60% of men and 30% of women aged over 50 have jobs.

Moreover, Mr Cai’s estimate of China’s labour surplus assumes that 180m workers, or 24% of total employment, are needed for farming. But that is based on today’s agriculture. Mechanisation and the consolidation of land plots will boost productivity, meaning that fewer farmers will be needed. That will in turn release more workers for industry. In developed countries only 3% of workers till the land.

China’s surplus labour will eventually dry up, but it still seems some years away. In any case, that moment should be cause for cheer not fear in China and elsewhere, because it will lead to bigger gains in income and consumption. That, after all, is the whole point of development.
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Re: China - Economic Data & News

Postby blid2def » Mon Sep 08, 2008 11:20 am

Niczach wrote:it's this Boss :)

六大行业裁员降薪调查: 电力最惨员工月薪两百 ... SG242SG242

唱多A股 大忽悠龚方雄暗地打起小算盘 ... 2%26sa%3DG

Thanks, Nic. Man, the translation sucks! Hahahaha.... anyway, thanks for this. In future, please post the original URLs, so that folks can choose to use their own translation engines. Thanks for this though. :)
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Re: China - Economic Data & News

Postby millionairemind » Mon Sep 08, 2008 2:25 pm

Luxury items taking a hit?? Maybe every1 watching Olympcis??

Falling Chinese car sales concern US producers

By Patti Waldmeir in Shanghai
Published: September 8 2008 03:00 | Last updated: September 8 2008 03:00

Growth in the Chinese auto market has slowed more rapidly than expected in recent months and preliminary data suggests August car sales have fallen by as much as 10 per cent year on year.

Signs of a worse-thanexpected slowdown in the Chinese car market come at a time when General Motors and other troubled carmakers are counting on growth in China to cushion the effect of problems in the US market.

Rick Wagoner, GM chairman and chief executive, told the Financial Times last month that he expected emerging markets to contribute 80 per cent of global car industry growth in the next five years, and he was particularly optimistic about China, GM's second-largest market.

Lehman Brothers said in a research report last week that passenger car sales in China fell 10 per cent year-on-year last month because the Beijing Olympics and weakening consumer confidence kept buyers out of car showrooms.

JD Power, the auto consultancy, said 80 per cent of Chinese auto dealers whom it surveyed said that sales had fallen in the three months to August over the previous quarter. This would be the first time sales have fallen on a monthly basis since 2005.

John Bonnell, chief China forecaster for JD Power, said it was too early to predict the magnitude of the August slowdown until official figures were released next week.

However, he added, "any kind of a contraction would be a surprise". It was still unclear whether a possible slowdown would be just the temporary effect of the Olympics.

"Is the whole thing slowing down, or are people only taking a pause to go to the Olympics?"

JD Power cut its forecast for 2008 sales growth to 10 per cent after several years of double-digit growth. But Mr Bonnell said there was a chance that 2008 would see little or no growth in Chinese auto sales.

Baosteel, the Chinese steelmaker, has cited weakness in the Chinese auto sector as one of the main factors behind a recent drop in steel demand. Baosteel said auto sales might recover in the fourth quarter, for seasonal reasons. - contributing to falling BDI???

Lehman Brothers said it expected a "reasonable demand recovery in September and October", but it predicted that auto sales would remain "lacklustre for the rest of 2008 and possible early 2009".
Copyright The Financial Times Limited 2008
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Re: China - Economic Data & News

Postby winston » Tue Sep 09, 2008 8:47 am

Economy looking good, says Wang
Katherine Ng

China's economy is in good shape and on course for continuous and steady growth despite the impact of negative external factors, Vice Premier Wang Qishan said yesterday.

"Inflation is controllable and domestic demand is strong," Wang told a conference in Xiamen.

Wang said Beijing has taken "timely measures" and the economy is responding, and he is confident China can sustain stable growth and tame inflation.

Reining in the overheating economy has become the Communist Party politburo's priority since the second quarter this year, and it has shifted macroecomic policy from focusing on curbing inflation.

The National Bureau of Statistics yesterday said August macro data would be released tomorrow, one day ahead of schedule.

The cost of food has declined since April, following record consumer price inflation of 8.3 percent in February, and inflation is expected to decline in line with market consensus. Consumer price increases are expected to have slowed significantly to between 5.2 percent and 5.4 percent from 6.3 percent in July.

The producer price index, a barometer measuring upstream inflation, will also soften to 9.8 percent, economists say.

Wang said slowing external demand, higher energy prices and natural disasters created pressure, but fine-tuned policies are working.

Deutsche Bank's China chief economist Ma Jun said CPI and PPI will trend downward to 5.5 percent and 9 percent by the end of this year. "The easing of inflationary pressure will help the government adopt a more relaxed monetary policy especially in lending allowances," he said. "However, fiscal policy such as tax cuts and increases in spending will only be due next year."

There will be a subtle shift in policy focus, said Lehman Brothers China economist Sun Mingchun, including a possible lending quota cut of 5 percent to 10 percent.
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Re: China - Economic Data & News

Postby winston » Wed Sep 10, 2008 11:04 am

August CPI up 4.9pc on yr, PPI up 10.1pc

China's annual consumer price inflation fell to a 14-month low of 4.9 percent in August from 6.3 percent in July as the pace of food price increases continued to slow.

The fourth consecutive monthly drop in CPI inflation, now well below February's peak of 8.7 percent, will come as a relief to policy makers, but wholesale price inflation in August rose to 10.1 percent, the loftiest level since the mid-1990s.

Food CPI rose 10.3 percent versus 14.4 percent in July while Non-food CPI gained 2.1 percent compared to 2.1 percent in the previous months.

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