Tesla Motors (TSLA) / Elon Musk 02 (Dec 22 - Dec 25)

Re: Tesla Motors (TSLA) / Elon Musk

Postby winston » Fri Feb 17, 2023 10:50 pm


Tesla’s Comeback Is Picking Up Steam


Key Points

Tesla shares are up 100% from the start of the year.
Their main competition is dropping back.
Despite some negative headlines, the stock’s momentum is real.

Barclay's price target of $275, points to further upside in the region of 40% from where shares closed last night;

Source: Market Beat

https://www.marketbeat.com/originals/te ... 4A8F75D6B5
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Re: Tesla Motors (TSLA) / Elon Musk

Postby winston » Wed Feb 22, 2023 7:36 am


Musk Has Turned Tesla's 'Failing' Into Winning

Once a laggard, the electric-vehicle company now boasts the widest profit margins of any automaker.

by Matthew Winkler

Tesla haters talk a big game but Elon Musk’s company is virtually unstoppable

It has a stock market value of $659 billion.

It consistently posts record revenue. And it’s worth more than Toyota, Mercedes-Benz, Volkswagen, BMW, General Motors, Stellantis and Ford combined.

If a cheaper, next-gen Tesla model is around the corner, as Musk has been teasing, those competitors will likely get lapped again.

Source: Bloomberg

https://www.bloomberg.com/opinion/artic ... ify%20wall
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Re: Tesla Motors (TSLA) / Elon Musk

Postby winston » Wed Feb 22, 2023 11:45 am


Tesla Punishes Short-Sellers With Losses

by Subrat Patnaik

Tesla, which has surged 67% so far in 2023, dealt a $7.2 billion blow to traders shorting the stock.

At the end of last year, it was the most-shorted stock and traders who had bet against it were sitting on paper gains of about $16 billion.

Source: Bloomberg

https://finance.yahoo.com/news/tesla-pu ... 07768.html
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Re: Tesla Motors (TSLA) / Elon Musk

Postby winston » Sun Feb 26, 2023 8:33 pm


Bright lights on Tesla

Tesla (TSLA) will hold an Investor Day event on March 1, in what could be one of the key days of the year for the electric vehicle giant.

The event will be live streamed from the Gigafactory Texas site and is expected to include discussion on Tesla's long term expansion plans, generation 3 platform, and capital allocation.

A tour of the Austin factory will be included for those in attendance in person. Naturally, analysts are buzzing over what Elon Musk and gang will highlight at the event.

The automaker's "generation 3 platform" is anticipated to lead to cheaper electric vehicles in the future, although it is unclear if a new mass-market model will be unveiled.

The tease about capital allocation has some investors focused details of a stock buyback plan.

The third part of Tesla's Master Plan (following Part 1 in 2006 and Part 2 in 2016) will be a key part of the event.

The next-gen Tesla Roadster, Cybertruck, new vehicle platform, autonomous driving applications, energy storage initiatives, charging network revenue potential, and Tesla robot could all be woven into the master plan.

Oppenheimer thinks Tesla (TSLA) may be more granular with the Investor Day talk and delve into cost reduction efforts, manufacturing efficiency, progress on new products like a low-cost passenger vehicle and Semi, along with a more fulsome update on FSD.

Bernstein thinks the Analyst Day is likely to provide some incremental details on the next-gen vehicle platform but noted it is unclear that Tesla will be able to adequately address the concern of bears around timing.

Goldman Sachs expects CEO Elon Musk to discuss in broad strokes what is needed for the world to transition to sustainable energy.

Other key topics are anticipated to be FSD, the Optimus robot, financial drivers, including EBIT margins/opex leverage capital allocation, and energy storage.

"We expect the transition to sustainable energy and the outlook for Tesla's Energy segment to be one of the most prominent parts of the event," previewed the firm.

Of note, Tesla has said that the total addressable market for energy could be larger than automotive, and the company is in the process of ramping a 40 GWh Megafactory in Lathrop California for its utility scale Megapack product.

For investors, shares of Tesla have a track record of rallying in front of a publicized event and trading back down after the reveals. Seeking Alpha contributor Jonathan Weber thinks any developments surfacing from Tesla's Investor Day may present mixed results for EV competitors Lucid Group (LCID) and BYD Company (OTCPK:BYDDF).

Source: Seeking Alpha
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Re: Tesla Motors (TSLA) / Elon Musk

Postby behappyalways » Tue Feb 28, 2023 6:00 pm

Is This Tesla's New $25,000 Subcompact Car?
https://www.zerohedge.com/technology/te ... ompact-car
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Re: Tesla Motors (TSLA) / Elon Musk

Postby winston » Tue Feb 28, 2023 7:59 pm


Stock To Buy: Tesla

By Jesse Cohen

Highly anticipated Investor Day event, on Wednesday, March 1. The event will be live-streamed from Tesla’s Texas headquarters and will serve as a positive catalyst for the stock

Elon Musk has promised to present his "Master Plan 3" which will be about “explaining how we get to a fully sustainable energy future for Earth."

I anticipate hearing fresh details about the EV maker’s longer-term growth strategy and expansion plans, lower-cost next-generation vehicle platform, its own battery manufacturing efforts, as well as capital allocation plans.

May also provide further specifics on the timetable for the long-awaited Cybertruck. The oft-delayed EV truck model will begin "early production" in mid-year, according to Musk, and is expected to arrive in late 2023.

Other key topics sure to be discussed are anticipated to be Tesla’s FSD autonomous driving applications, energy storage initiatives, charging network revenue potential, and the Optimus AI robot.

Despite its recent turnaround, the stock remains roughly 53% away from its November 2021 record high of $414.50.

Source: Investing.com

https://www.investing.com/analysis/1-st ... s_headline
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Boredom Strikes! 07 (Oct 20 - Dec 23)

Postby behappyalways » Thu Mar 02, 2023 10:54 am

CCP Mouthpiece Threatens Elon Musk Over COVID Lab-Leak Comments
https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/ ... k-comments
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Re: Tesla Motors (TSLA) / Elon Musk

Postby winston » Sat Mar 04, 2023 8:40 am


Tesla is going (back) to EV motors with no rare earth elements

by Jameson Dow

Tesla will create a permanent magnet electric vehicle motor with zero rare earth elements in it, the company announced at its Investor Day today.

Tesla’s graphic states that the next motor will include a permanent magnet, but the magnet will not use rare earth elements.

Source: Electrek

https://electrek.co/2023/03/01/tesla-is ... -elements/
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Re: Tesla Motors (TSLA) / Elon Musk

Postby winston » Sat Mar 04, 2023 9:31 am


Nevada Tesla factory is expanding

Tesla will expand its vehicle battery facilities east of Reno and receive more than $330 million in tax breaks from the state to carry out the project.

While the automaker expects to create 3,000 new jobs for the area, some state lawmakers expressed concern.

Since Tesla and state officials signed a nondisclosure agreement, legislators only had three days to review a 20-year tax abatement.

“There is little to no opportunity to explore how this deal may affect housing supply, public schools, public safety, and other vital government services in the region,” said Democratic State Sen. Dina Neal.

Source: Fortune
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Re: Tesla Motors (TSLA) / Elon Musk

Postby behappyalways » Sat Mar 04, 2023 1:52 pm

平民版的特斯拉來了! 特斯拉揭"新車入門款"80萬有找豐田拆解Model Y讚"藝術品" 特斯拉稱未來改用"無稀土" 磁馬達 稀土股齊跌│記者 葉俐緯│【國際大現場】20230302│三立新聞台
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