Talking about Apple and Tesla
The supply chain is out of China, and the sales chain is in line! Does Apple treat China like an idiot?
'23.10.31【豐富│東南西北龍鳳配】Pt.2 供應鏈脫中,銷售鏈親中!蘋果把中國當白痴嗎?
Auto revenue was up only 5%.
Operating expenses were up 43%… and capital expenditures up 36%.
What was down, big-time, was free cash flow. That fell by a frightening 74%. And operating margin fell 9.6%.
Musk was downbeat on the earnings call, lamenting higher costs, slowing sales and slowing growth.
Maybe a stop loss at $195 will work for you, provided you bought shares a lot lower. If you bought shares a lot higher, good luck.
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