Legg Mason (LM)

Legg Mason (LM)

Postby winston » Mon Sep 22, 2008 8:17 pm

Legg Mason weighing up move to go private: report

Asset manager Legg Mason is looking to go private, The New York Post reported, citing people familiar with the situation.

Legg Mason had been weighing a move that could see one or more private-equity investors, including Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co, buy it and spin off most of its numerous funds, the paper said citing the people. The sources also told the paper that obstacles may emerge to frustrate such a deal.

A Legg Mason spokesperson told the paper it was "categorically untrue'' the company was in talks surrounding going private. A Kohlberg Kravis Roberts spokesperson declined to comment to the paper.

Legg Mason and Kohlberg Kravis Roberts could not be immediately reached for comment.

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Re: Legg Mason LM

Postby millionairemind » Mon Sep 22, 2008 9:22 pm

They lost too much money betting on F&F as well as AIG...
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Re: Legg Mason (LM)

Postby kennynah » Mon Sep 22, 2008 9:29 pm

think they got added in the list of "no shorts"
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Re: Legg Mason (LM)

Postby winston » Thu Jul 02, 2015 6:57 pm

not vested

Stocks to Sell: Legg Mason (LM)

Legg Mason (LM) has made much progress in its turnaround, but shares are falling once again thanks to stagnant assets under management and currency fluctuations.

Even worse, the stock recently hit into an ominous double play.

Legg Mason’s shares collapsed in mid-June, after first hitting a death cross and then setting a fresh 52-week low.

True, LM stock bounced off that new bottom, but that hardly means it has any price momentum. Shares found resistance at their 50-day moving average twice before crumbling last month, and remains much closer to its low than its high.

The technical red flags raise the odds that LM will suffer once again through at least a couple of months of poor seasonality. Shares typically fall 4% on average in July and 0.4% the following month.

Source: Investor Place
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