
Re: Samudera

Postby behappyalways » Mon Apr 11, 2022 10:12 pm

The hard copy of annual report will not be sent. You can download the soft copy here. ... e2a5f4b6c9

4. Pre-registration for the AGM
Shareholders and persons who hold shares of the Company through relevant intermediaries (as defined in Section 181
of the Companies Act, 1967 of Singapore), including Central Provident Fund (“CPF”) and Supplementary Retirement
Scheme (“SRS”) investors, will be able to watch the live audio-visual webcast or listen to the live audio-only stream
of the AGM proceedings via their mobile phones, tablets or computers.
All shareholders who wish to attend the AGM must pre-register via the Company pre-registration website at the URL ... ersmeeting for verification purposes from now till
10.00 a.m. on Sunday, 24 April 2022, being 72 hours before the time fixed for the AGM.
Following the verification, authenticated shareholders will receive a confirmation email which will contain their login
credentials and the instructions to access the live audio-visual webcast and a telephone number to access the live
audio-only stream of the AGM proceedings (“Confirmation Email”). Shareholders who do not receive the Confirmation
Email by 10.00 a.m. on 26 April 2022 but have registered by 10.00 a.m. on 24 April 2022 deadline should contact the
Company’s Share Registrar, Boardroom Corporate & Advisory Services Pte. Ltd., at +65 6536 5355 between 10.00
a.m. to 4.00 p.m. (Singapore Time), or via email at [email protected].
Shareholders will be able to observe the live audio-visual webcast of AGM proceedings via mobile phones, tablets or
computers or listen to the live audio-only stream of AGM proceedings via telephone.
Deadline to pre-register: By 10.00 a.m. on 24 April 2022.
Investors who hold shares in the Company through a relevant intermediary (as defined below), including CPF or
SRS investors, will not be able to pre-register via the above-mentioned pre-registration website for the “live” audio
visual webcast and “live” audio only stream. Such investors who wish to participate in the AGM via electronic means
should contact their relevant intermediary (which would include, in the case of SRS investors, their respective SRS
Operators) through which they hold such shares as soon as possible in order to make the necessary arrangements

5. Submission of questions in advance of the AGM and the Company’s Response
Shareholders will not be able to ask any questions during the live audio-visual webcast or audio-only stream of the
AGM proceedings. Therefore, it is important for shareholders to submit their question related to the resolutions to
be tabled for approval at the AGM, to the Chairman of the AGM in advance of the AGM, in the following manner by
2.00 p.m. on Thursday, 14 April 2022, being at least 7 calendar days from the date of the Notice of AGM in line with
the recommendation set out in the SGX Regulator’s Column dated 16 December 2021:
(a) via the pre-registration website at the URL
shareholdersmeeting; or
(b) by email to the Company at [email protected]; or
(c) if submitted by post, be deposited at the registered office of the Company at 6 Raffles Quay #25-01,
Singapore 048580.
Shareholders who submit questions via email or by post to the Company must provide the following information:
(1) the Shareholder’s full name;
(2) the Shareholder’s address; and
(3) the manner in which the Shareholder holds shares in the Company (e.g. via CDP, CPF or SRS).
Please note that the Company will not be able to answer questions from shareholders who provide insufficient details
to enable the Company to verify his/her/its shareholder status.
In view of the current COVID-19 situation in Singapore and the related safe distancing measures which may
make it difficult for shareholders to submit questions by post, shareholders are strongly encouraged to
submit questions electronically via the pre-registration website or by email.
Deadline to submit questions: By 2.00 p.m. on 14 April 2022.
The Directors and Management of the Company will endeavour to address substantial and relevant questions
received from shareholders in advance of the AGM by publishing the Company’s responses on SGXNet and the
Company’s website no later than Wednesday, 20 April 2022, being 72 hours prior to the proxy cut-off deadline in
line with the recommendation set out in the SGX Regulator’s Column dated 16 December 2021. Where substantially
similar questions are received from shareholders, the Company will consolidate such questions in its response (as
such, not all questions may be individually address).
The minutes of the AGM will be published on SGXNet and the Company’s website within 1 month from the date of
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Re: Samudera

Postby behappyalways » Wed Apr 13, 2022 8:16 pm

美國線新約上路+遞延貨物出貨 分析師看好航商5月營運可望創高|非凡財經新聞|20220413

behappyalways wrote:Copied from valuebuddies...

I have sought some information from Samudera Shipping yesterday via Ms Alvina Tan of Ark Advisors, the company investor relations consultant.

Questions raised:
1. What is the estimated ratio of revenues based on spot rate and contracted rate for the container shipping business?
2. For customers on contracted term rate, usually they are signed/lock-in for how long (ie years)?
3. Has Samudera Shipping began levying fuel surcharge on its customers?

Answers given:
1. The bulk of Samudera's container slots are contracted to the main line operators (ie, the bigger shipping lines that ply Asia - US/Europe) and these contribute approximately 70-80% of the Company's revenue.
2. The duration of a typical contract period is 12 months and is subject to renewal upon expiry.
3. Yes, the company currently has a scheme of arrangement which allows it to pass on a fuel surcharge to its customers.

As such, it should not come as a surprise for higher revenue and profit for this year. As it is, its parent company Samudera Indonesia has reported first 2 months earnings of US$33.7m Vs US$5.1m a year ago. These answers certainly sounded music to my ears and I am looking forward to another record breaking year. Hoping for an interim dividend of $0.005 and special interim dividend of $0.05 comes August (Samudera Shipping can easily accommodate given its ballooning cash position)
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Re: Samudera

Postby behappyalways » Wed Apr 20, 2022 7:49 pm

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Re: Samudera

Postby behappyalways » Wed Apr 20, 2022 8:03 pm

The last question states that most of its biz is on a contract basic. With rates being revised much higher than last year, it is very likely that Samudera's earnings will be higher than last year UNLESS volume drops drastically

behappyalways wrote:Response to shareholders questions ... 56a9a4dc44
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Re: Samudera

Postby behappyalways » Fri Apr 29, 2022 3:13 pm

Samudera Shipping's parent company Samudera Indonesia result is out.....

1q earnings of US$58.4m Vs US$13.28m a year ago
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Re: Samudera

Postby behappyalways » Fri Apr 29, 2022 4:02 pm

Looking at Samudera Indonesia result, my estimate of Samudera Shipping earning is US86m for 1q or 16 cents per share or 22 Singapore cents ( using 1usd to 1.37 sing).... Last year the company earns 32 cents but now 1st q ....22 cents....

I cannot believe also.....will double check and double check again
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Re: Samudera

Postby behappyalways » Fri Jul 29, 2022 4:37 pm

Samudera Shipping reports 1HFY2022 earnings of US$171.7 million ... 17-million
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Re: Samudera

Postby behappyalways » Sat Dec 10, 2022 1:51 pm

The southeast Asia route has broken below US$1000 this week. I remembered years ago when freight rates was around this level, samudera's share price was around 20 to 30 cents. If freight rates were to stay around this level, I will not be surprised that share price might be inching towards this level.

FY2022 is a good year for shippers as they were able to take advantage of long contract which has higher freight rates than current spot price. The earnings will start to drop significantly next year when the long term contract is renewed.

Taking note of possible huge dividend to be announced next year due to FY2022 earnings, I believe they might give 20-25 cents dividend and adding to samudera's past trading range of 30 cents when freight rates was at current level, then the expected share price might be close to 50 cents compared to 90 cents at current level.

Yes I agreed that one has to take account of higher nta compared to the past plus better financial ratios but one thing to take note is that their cost structure like salaries is now higher than the past so even if freight rates will to revert to the past, their expected earnings might be lower.

Lastly to add, whether the share price were to revert to the past level really depends on the freight rates. If the current spot rate is just a blip and that soon it will jump up again then my price of 50 cents (before giving 20 cents dividend for fy 2022) will be wrong. If not, you will probably see share price slowly inching towards that level...
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Re: Samudera

Postby behappyalways » Sat Jan 07, 2023 12:12 pm

At $600, possible loss making when new long term contract is renewed...

Samudera Shipping acquires 2 container vessels for US$66 mil ... s-us66-mil
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Re: Samudera

Postby behappyalways » Fri Mar 03, 2023 11:14 am

Samudera Shipping Line reports 2HFY2022 earnings of US$150.3 mil, 63.6% higher y-o-y ... gher-y-o-y
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