Forum Announcements

Re: Announcement: New Domain -

Postby winston » Wed Dec 09, 2009 8:49 pm

Dear All,

As we have quite a few new members, it's timely that we go through some of the functions in the forum:-

1) Active Topics - this button is located on the top right hand corner. It will display the latest discussions in the forum.

2) Private Message ( PM ) - You can send Private Messages to each other in the forum. This button is located on the top left hand corner, next to the User Control Panel. Please do check your inbox regularly to see whether you have any PM.

3) "Do you know ?" section - This is located on the Home Page and contains other useful information on how to navigate the forum.

Please do feel free to send me a PM if you have any other question.

Take care,
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Re: Announcement: New Domain -

Postby winston » Sat Jul 31, 2010 5:14 pm

"Services for Members of InvestIdeas"

Dear All,

We wish to inform that we have started a new section in the forum titled "Services for Members of InvestIdeas". It's located below the Miscellaneous Section.

In this section, we will post any approved services, which we think would be beneficial for our members. In return, the provider of the service, will be required to help with some of the expenses of maintaining the forum. That way, it will be a "Win-Win" situation for both parties. Please do feel free to check out this section whenever you are free.

In addition, if you have benefited from the ideas in the forum but have not actively participated, we would appreciate if you can also help with the expenses of the forum. We are trying not to charge membership fees as long as we can, so that as many people as possible, can benefit from the discussions in the forum.

As always, if you have any suggestion on how to improve the forum, please do feel free to send us a "Private Message".


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Re: Announcement: New Domain -

Postby winston » Sat Sep 25, 2010 5:23 pm


Dear All,

We are please to announce that we welcomed our 1000th member recently !

Actually, it would have been much earlier if we did not filter out the trolls and spammers :P.

Anyway, it's a big milestone, taking into account that we have not spent any money on promoting the forum.

As we have a lot of new members recently, we would like to inform them of the following:-

1) Services for Invest Ideas Members - Please see the "Services for InvestIdeas Members" section, located just below the Miscellaneous Section.

2) Active Topics - Do you know that there's an "Active Topics" button? It's located on the top left hand corner of the Index Page.

3) Private Messages ( PM ) - Please do check your Inbox for any PMs. The Inbox is located on the top left hand corner of the Index Page.

4) Every Sunday - Winston will be publishing his Investment Ideas

If you happened to have any ideas on how we can improve the forum, please do feel free to send us a Private Message.

Finally, if you have benefited from the ideas in the forum but have not participated in the discussions, we would appreciate your kind support to defray the expenses of maintaining the forum. ( Our Hosting Fees alone is Sin$600 per year while our advertizement revenue is only Sin$15 till date ).

Thanks and take care,
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Re: Forum Announcements

Postby winston » Tue May 24, 2011 2:41 pm

Dear All,

We wish to inform that through the generous donation of our members, we have managed to cover our hosting fees of Sin$469.40 which is due by the end of the month.

However, we would need to start planning for next year's hosting fees.

If you have benefitted from the ideas in the forum but have not contributed to the discussions, we would appreciate if you can kindly help to defray some of the expenses of maintaining the forum.

Thanks & take care,
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Re: Forum Announcements

Postby winston » Mon Mar 12, 2012 7:39 am

Changes to the Forum

Dear All,

A short note to inform you of some changes to the forum:-

1. New Members

We have not been accepting new members for a while.

However, there have been some requests to reconsider things.

After some deliberation, we have decided that all new members would now have to provide us with
a. a few sentences on why we should accept them OR
b. a referral from an existing active member.

All approved new members, will also be required to help out with the expenses of maintaining the forum.

2. Existing Members

Existing members who have not contributed any ideas nor assisted with the expenses of maintaining the forum, will no longer be able to read some of the postings in the forum.

In addition, Existing Members who have not visited the forum in a while, will also have their memberships revoked. However, they can still re-join the forum as new members, subject to the new rules above.

We have to implement the above rules as we have not received any support for the forum over the past 7 months. Our hosting fees alone cost Sin$600 a year and there's been virtually no revenue from the advertizements. In addition, we have also not received any donations from the downloading of the free "Options E-book" by Terence Teo.

We thank you for your kind understanding and please do feel free to send us a Private Message, if you have any ideas on how we can improve on the forum further.

Kind regards,
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Re: Forum Announcements

Postby winston » Fri Aug 27, 2021 1:32 pm

Dear All,

Please note that the forum may be down for about 12 hours tonight, from 8pm to 8am tomorrow morning, for server consolidation by hosting company

Date: 27th Aug 2021
Time: 8:00 PM SGT
ETA: 12 hours
Downtime: 12 hours

Thanks and regards,
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