Life 46 (Aug 23 - Dec 24)

Life 46 (Aug 23 - Dec 24)

Postby winston » Thu Aug 10, 2023 7:07 am

How should spiritual aspirants treat praise, blame and those that indulge in criticism?

No one, not even a great spiritual personality or Avatar, can ever escape criticism and blame. But such people do not bend. They hold on to truth.

Truth will not yield to threats. The real nature of the great sage or Avatar, is realised by those who indulge in criticism or blame, only after they wade through unbearable trouble; then they also start to praise!

The weakness of ignorance, is the cause of this failure. So, let aspirants keep away from all such waverers and ignorant people and desist from discussing their beliefs and convictions with them.

Let them become immersed in holy books and be in the company of devotees of the Divine. Later, rich with the experience of realisation and courageous on account of that contact with reality, they can mix in any company without danger and even endeavour to direct other minds onto the truth that they themselves have seen.

- Ch 17, Prema Vahini.

We should ignore baseless criticisms motivated by ill-will or jealousy. We should be true to our own good nature and maintain our equanimity.

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Re: Life 45 (Jan 23 - Dec 24)

Postby winston » Fri Aug 11, 2023 7:34 am

Which is the path of beauty that we all must tread?

Avoid in your behavior, actions & speech, all traces of the desire to cause pain to others, to insult others, or to cause loss or misery to others.

Find out the best means of reforming yourself thus; practice this type of living, desist from injury to yourself and your own good, and always walk in the path of truth. That is verily the path of beauty; that is conduct which is really charming!

For this, large-heartedness is essential. People can acquire it only if they have:-
(1) an inborn desire (samskara) for it and
(2) devotion in every act.

Through devotion to the Divine, one gets humility, fear of sin and faith in scripture.

Through these qualities, the littleness of the mind, is wiped out and people become large-hearted.

Therefore, Oh ye seekers! First, direct your efforts toward acquiring faith in the Divine and having fear of sin. These two will promote humility; and, remember, humility is peace!

- Ch 15, Prasanthi Vahini.

A true human being is one who embodies good habits, helps ever and hurts never.

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Re: Life 45 (Jan 23 - Dec 24)

Postby winston » Sat Aug 12, 2023 7:52 am

Why should we be vigilant in training our eyes, ears, mind and tongue, appropriately?

People have taught the eye, ear, and tongue, the luxury of constant novelty. Now, opposite tendencies must be taught.

The mind must be turned towards the good; activities of every minute must be examined from that standpoint.

Each deed is a chisel stroke shaping the rock of human personality. A wrong stroke may spoil and disfigure the rock. Therefore, even the tiniest of acts, must be done with great care and devotion.

For a drowning person, even a reed is some support. So too, to a person struggling in the sea of inborn desires, a few ,words spoken by someone might be of great help.

No good deed can go to waste; no, not even a bad deed, for that too has its consequence. So, strive to avoid the slightest trace of evil activity.

Keep your eyes pure. Fill your ears with words of the Divine and stories of Divine deeds; don’t allow them to listen to calumny.

Use the tongue for uttering good, kind, and true words. Let it always remind you of Him. Such constant effort must grant you victory.

- Ch 27, Prema Vahini.

It is a superior type of worship - to worship the Divine through good qualities, good conduct, good thoughts and good company.

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Re: Life 45 (Jan 23 - Dec 24)

Postby winston » Sun Aug 13, 2023 5:45 am

Is it that the Divine is ignoring us, given that we are but one of many devotees He has?

Very often people who experience troubles in life complain: "Why is the Divine subjecting me to trials like these?". The truth is, He neither punishes nor rewards anyone.

The devotee has only to do his duty and leave the results to Him. If the actions are good, the fruits will also be good. If the actions are bad, the results will be equally bad. Hence, without examining the nature of one's actions, there is no meaning in blaming Him for what one experiences.

One devotee is said to have exclaimed: “Oh Lord! Among the millions of beings on earth, how will Your eyes fall on me? You are not looking at me at all. Won't You see me?".

The devotee heard a voice saying: “Oh devotee! You are immersed in so many activities that you have hardly set your eyes upon Me. You have hardly devoted any thought to Me. Who, then, has forgotten whom? Is it you or Me?".

People are involved in mundane concerns and are deeply immersed in worldly activities. All their thoughts relate to these actions. They worry about some relation or friend in some distant comer of the world, but cannot think of Him who is so near to them. And when they are in trouble, they wail: “Oh Lord, hast Thou forgotten me?"

- Divine Discourse, May 03, 1987.

Real surrender is the uninterrupted flow of love toward the feet of the Divine.

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Re: Life 45 (Jan 23 - Dec 24)

Postby winston » Mon Aug 14, 2023 7:08 am

Of the faculties gifted to man, which is most remarkable and how to use it in the best manner possible?

The power of speech gifted to mankind, is very important and majestic. It gives him all the wealth.

We should talk sweetly and softly in an acceptable manner. Only such sweet talk will give us affluence and prosperity.

Words can win many friends and relations and even kingdoms. We may have a few relations but with our sweet talk, we can develop good relationships with the entire world.

Sacred talk will give us all education and elevate us to exalted positions. We should also know that words spoken with bad thoughts and feelings, will not only lead you to bondage but also put you to death.

Good and bad are present in words we utter. For the one with sweet words, the universe itself becomes the mansion! He will feel the caste of humanity prevailing everywhere.

To attain Divinity, one must take to the spiritual path. Good words coupled with humility, will take you to higher levels!

- Divine Discourse Sep 11, 1998.

Words can plunge you into prison or release you into freedom.

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Re: Life 45 (Jan 23 - Dec 24)

Postby winston » Wed Aug 16, 2023 10:08 am

How is our individual peace and happiness linked with that of the Universe?

Love for one's motherland is good. But it shouldn’t lead to hatred towards the motherland of others. Your prayer must be, "May all the world be happy and peaceful."

For, only when the world has peace and prosperity, can your motherland be peaceful and happy. Only when your motherland is peaceful and happy, your State will be peaceful and happy.

Only when your State has peace and happiness, your District can have peace and happiness. When your District has peace and happiness, can your town be peaceful and happy. Only when your town has peace and happiness, can you have peace and happiness!

Your peace and happiness are linked with the world's peace and happiness. Any act of hatred or violence committed by you will pollute the atmosphere of the world.

When you adore any living being, that adoration reaches the Divine, for He is in every being.

Insult any living being and that insult too reaches Him. So, expand love towards all, everywhere.

- Divine Discourse, Aug 15, 1985.

Fill your heart with positive thoughts. Fill it with love. Then all your thoughts, words, and deeds will be suffused with love.

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Re: Life 45 (Jan 23 - Dec 24)

Postby winston » Thu Aug 17, 2023 7:07 am

How can we manifest the supreme peace that we all are embodiments of?

People are bundles of impulses & intentions and giving free rein to the impulses, reduces their innate divinity and inner peace.

The impulses are the fuel, the intentions are the fire. The fire can be put out only by placing the fuel aside. The dying down of the fire is the attainment of peace.

Dive deep into the ocean of peace and earn the invaluable pearl, the bliss of the Atma (Inner-Self).

When that opportunity is seized, one becomes the personification of the effulgent, the holy state of peace. That is why the Scriptures declare that people are the embodiment of peace. Therefore, don’t delude yourself by imagining that you are the seat of disquiet and untruth.

Know that you are the embodiment of peace, that love is the blood that flows in your veins and that your very nature is joy; realise this by actual practice and experience.

- Ch 20, Prasanthi Vahini.

The real source of peace is within every individual and it is this inner peace that can confer real joy.

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Re: Life 45 (Jan 23 - Dec 24)

Postby winston » Fri Aug 18, 2023 7:13 am

What is the significance of this statement, ‘Unity in Diversity’ ?

The whole world is one, though you may find multiplicity.

In this world of plurality, there is the underlying principle of unity.

Of all the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, the most important number is 1. All the other numbers are mere modifications of the number 1. 1+1 becomes 2. 9–1 becomes 8. Thus 1 forms the basis for all the numbers. This is the unity in multiplicity, this unity is the Truth.

The Scriptures say: The syllable OM is Brahman. Divinity is not separate from OM. Out of this unity, the world has emerged.

But you do not understand this Truth and take to different paths, with aspirations and ambitions.

In fact, there is no difference between the world and Divinity. Just as different limbs form a complete human body, in the same way, human beings are like the limbs of society.

Society forms the limb of entire humanity, humanity forms a limb of Nature and Nature is a limb of the Divine. Therefore, humanity, society and Nature are all the limbs of the Divine.

- Divine Discourse Sep 11, 1998.

Real fulfilment, happiness, and comfort of life lies only in unity. People should understand the relationship between unity and diversity.

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Re: Life 45 (Jan 23 - Dec 24)

Postby winston » Sat Aug 19, 2023 2:36 pm

How to sanctify and fulfil the purposes of the faculties of speech and hearing?

See that the words you speak are sacred.

“You cannot always oblige, but you can always speak obligingly.” Try to speak sweetly and softly.

“Talk less, work more.” The one who talks excessively cannot work. The one who works will not talk.

What is the reason for you not remembering all that you read? It is excessive talk. By talking less, your memory power will increase.

Not merely this, your Atmic power will also improve. Whatever you hear, try to recapitulate, then put into practice.

Listening, recapitulating, and practising are very essential.

Listening can be compared to cooking in the kitchen. Recapitulating can be compared to bringing food to the dining hall and serving it. Practising can be compared to the eating process.

When all these three are unified, you will have health and happiness. So, if you want to lead a life of contentment, recapitulate and practice whatever you have studied!

- Divine Discourse Sep 11, 1998.

Education that is not put into practice, becomes unsacred.

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Re: Life 45 (Jan 23 - Dec 24)

Postby winston » Sun Aug 20, 2023 7:35 am

What is the real import and export we all must indulge in?

The sacred feelings that emerge out of your heart should be exported and you should import all the good that is outside.

You don’t need any passport or visa to do this!

You should know the truth that everything is within you. You don’t need to crave for anyone, not even for the Divine because you are all sparks of the Divine.

You have divine qualities and divine powers. Without the divine power in you, you would not be able to study and secure good marks in your subjects.

So, everything is within you. You are the Embodiment of Peace, Love, and Bliss; you are the Embodiment of the Divine.

Have full faith in this Truth. When you lead your life with full faith in Him, you will never be put to difficulties.

“Life is a Challenge, Meet it; Life is Love, Enjoy it; Life is Energy, Skill it and do not kill it.” When you skill energy, there will be a perfect balance in whatever you do. Once you have this balance, you will have insight!

- Divine Discourse Sep 11, 1998.

Human life by itself is very sacred. But it becomes good or bad according to the company with which it is associated.

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