
Re: Utopia

Postby winston » Sun Jun 10, 2012 9:29 am

"There are two types of people who will tell you that you cannot make a difference in this world: those who are afraid to try and those who are afraid you will succeed."

- Ray Goforth
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Re: Utopia

Postby winston » Tue Jun 12, 2012 8:54 am


Defiance: A Lost Virtue? by Brandon Smith

At bottom, the debate over solutions within the system versus solutions from without, is irrelevant.

On our current course, there is no other choice for the average American but to say no, regardless of the law, or the threat of its violent enforcement.

Rebellion, in all its forms, is as natural as the cycles of the Earth. It reoccurs time and again, sometimes suppressed, but not for long.

The horrors of governments gone rogue are no secret. We have so many examples in history to draw from it is hard to imagine any crime despots have NOT visited upon innocents.

Frankly, if control thirsty elites can refine tyranny down to a science by examining the mistakes of the past, there is nothing stopping us from refining defiance down to an art form as well.

Again, what other choice do we have, but to take heart in the knowledge that though there is no assurance of victory, there is also no assurance of defeat.

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Re: Utopia

Postby winston » Thu Jul 12, 2012 6:23 am

Freedom of Religion

Hong Kong protesters urge Chinese bishop's release

A group of Catholics demonstrated in Hong Kong on Wednesday to demand the release of a newly ordained Chinese bishop, who they said was being held against his will.

Around a dozen protesters shouted slogans, sang songs and prayed outside Beijing's representative office in the southern city to call on Chinese authorities to free Bishop Thaddeus Ma Daqin.

"We protest here because we feel very angry about Bishop Ma being detained and also surrounded by public security officers," said Patrick Poon, a member of the Justice and Peace Commission of the Hong Kong Catholic Diocese.

"We call for the Chinese government to release him immediately and also to respect his willingness not to join the Catholic Patriotic Association anymore."

Ma has not been seen in public since shortly after his ordination mass on Saturday when he announced to a packed cathedral in Shanghai he was resigning his senior position in the state-run Chinese Patriotic Catholic Association.

He was taken away by religious officials and is staying at Sheshan seminary on the outskirts of Shanghai, Catholic media reported quoting local sources. He did not attend his first mass as bishop on Sunday.

Ordained with the approval of both the Vatican and Beijing, Ma was the first mainland bishop to drop his membership of the state-run Catholic body, which supervises the country's Catholics on behalf of the communist authorities.

"We hope that we can get the attention of the public and the Catholic Church here in Hong Kong as well as the Vatican, so that they can strengthen their position about Bishop Ma's situation," Poon said.

Diplomatic ties between China and the Vatican broke down in 1951 after the latter recognised the Nationalist Chinese government in Taiwan, a rival to the communist regime in China.

Although relations between Beijing and the Vatican have improved in recent years as the Chinese Catholic population has grown, they remain at odds over which side has the authority to ordain priests.

Chinese priests Zhang Xisheng and Zhao Hongchun were taken into custody on July 5 for opposing the ordination of a bishop who lacked the Vatican's consent. They were released the following day.

The state Church has ordained more than 190 bishops, according to official figures.

http://www.bangkokpost.com/news/asia/30 ... op-release
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Re: Utopia

Postby winston » Thu Jul 19, 2012 8:40 am

THRIVE: What On Earth Will It Take?

THRIVE is an unconventional documentary that lifts the veil on what’s really going on in our world by following the money upstream — uncovering the global consolidation of power in nearly every aspect of our lives.

Weaving together breakthroughs in science, consciousness and activism, THRIVE offers real solutions, empowering us with unprecedented and bold strategies for reclaiming our lives and our future.

http://www.mindbendingvideos.com/thrive ... l-it-take/
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Re: Utopia

Postby winston » Wed Jul 25, 2012 8:44 am

If this is happening in the "land of the Free", then good luck to you living in the "Land of the Not So Free" ...

The New York Times Admits That Virtually Every Major News Organization Allows The News To Be Censored By Government Officials
Author: The American Dream

In one of the most shocking articles that the New York Times has ever put out, a New York Times reporter has openly admitted that virtually every major mainstream news organization allows government bureaucrats and campaign officials to censor their stories.

For example, almost every major news organization in the country has agreed to submit virtually all quotes from anyone involved in the Obama campaign or the Romney campaign to gatekeepers for “quote approval” before they will be published.

http://www.yolohub.com/economy/the-new- ... -officials
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Re: Utopia

Postby winston » Sat Aug 18, 2012 9:37 am

It is from numberless diverse acts of courage and belief , that human history is shaped.

Each time a man stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope, and crossing each other from a million different centers of energy and daring, those ripples build a current that can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance.

- Robert F . Kennedy
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Re: Utopia

Postby winston » Wed Aug 22, 2012 8:01 am

The end of real Free Speech ?

Welcome to the United Soviet States of America

A day more significant than 9-11-01 should be marked in the history books: 8-16-12. On that day an American, minding his own business, outside of ranting on his Facebook page, was forcibly taken without charge from his home.

The muscle used to grab Brandon Raub was local Chesterfield County, VA police. Also present during the grab were agents of the FBI and of the Secret Service.

Both the FBI and the Secret Service claim that they were only observing and not participating in the grab. The Chesterfield County police initially stated that they were only carrying out a request from the federal agencies.

The police also claim Raub is not under arrest, even though he was led away in handcuffs and is not permitted to leave the psychiatric ward of a hospital---even though it appears that Raub is not in any way in need of psychological care.

http://www.economicpolicyjournal.com/20 ... es-of.html
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Re: Utopia

Postby winston » Tue Sep 11, 2012 7:34 am

The Scariest Thing about Living in the United States

It is not the Federal Reserve and high price inflation----though that is very serious.

It is the growing capability of the U.S. government to monitor all our activities and record them for future reference. As the country gets more totalitarian, more and more people will get caught in the web.

Brandon Raub was an early example. Down the road there may not be a Rutherford Institute to leap to the defense of others---and, indeed, a defense might even be ignored.

Here's a short video by a former NSA employee blowing the whistle on what is being developed and how detailed the tracking will be.

http://www.economicpolicyjournal.com/20 ... ng-in.html
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Re: Utopia

Postby winston » Fri Sep 14, 2012 7:26 am

Have a look at the pictures in the site ...

What are the MiliPolice Planning On Doing With These Heavily Armored Vehicles? by Mac Slavo

With a massive biometric FBI surveillance system going live across the United States in recent weeks, tens of thousands of drones to be flying over American skies within just a few years, over 1 billion rounds of ammunition being acquired by non-military government agencies, and host of laws and executive orders outlining military and police emergency response plans to lock down the United States, it isn’t much of a stretch to suggest that our government is preparing for something that aims to fundamentally transform America as we know it today.

The United States government is and has been planning for unlikely events like war and societal collapse for many years.

This year President Obama has implemented, by Executive Order, doomsday response plans that would essentially give the government an unprecedented ability to nationalize large industries, personal farm and ranch land, and even your skills and labor in the event of a declared emergency.

A control grid is being put into place to handle what they know is coming.

The only question is: What, exactly, is it that is coming to America?

http://www.shtfplan.com/headline-news/w ... s_09122012
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Re: Utopia

Postby winston » Tue Sep 18, 2012 11:16 pm

2 U.S. Supreme Court Justices – And Numerous Other Top Government Officials – Warn of Dictatorship by WashingtonsBlog

Justices Souter and O’Connor, Intelligence Agency Heads and Congressmen All Warn of Tyranny in America

Former Supreme Court Justice David Souter told University of New Hampshire School of Law that the “pervasive civic ignorance” in the U.S. could bring dictatorship:

I don’t worry about our losing a republican government in the United States because I’m afraid of a foreign invasion.

I don’t worry about it because of a coup by the military, as has happened in some other places.

What I worry about is that when problems are not addressed, people will not know who is responsible, and when the problems get bad enough — as they might do for example with another serious terrorist attack, as they might do with another financial meltdown — some one person will come forward and say: ‘Give me total power and I will solve this problem.’

That is how the Roman republic fell. Augustus became emperor not because he arrested the Roman senate. He became emperor because
he promised that he would solve problems that were not being solved.

http://www.washingtonsblog.com/2012/09/ ... rship.html
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