Life 46 (Aug 23 - Dec 24)

Re: Life 46 (Aug 23 - Dec 24)

Postby winston » Thu Jun 13, 2024 10:13 am

Often we get disturbed in our practice of good conduct, when ‘others’ around don’t seem to practice the same. What should our attitude be in such situations?

Some people raise the question, "How can we make a living if we adhere to the truth?". Well, you cannot escape death, whatever way you spend your days. It is far better to die adhering to truth, than die, sliding into falsehood.

Do this duty to yourself first; then, consider the rights of others. Falsehood looks easy and profitable but it binds you and pushes you into perdition.

Purify your feelings and impulses, do not worry that others are not doing similarly. Each man carries his destiny in his own hands. You will not be bound, because others are not freed.

You should strive for your salvation, at your own pace, from where you started when you were born into this chance.

One coconut garden may have a thousand fruits; a neighbouring garden that belongs to you may have only eight hundred! You are rich only to the number that grew in your garden. You have no right to the fruits grown on another's tree. Earn yourself, for yourself!

- Divine Discourse, Mar 29, 1965.

Do not be tempted by the low tastes of the world and the cheap regard that people bestow. Strive for the holy grace and love of the Divine.

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Re: Life 46 (Aug 23 - Dec 24)

Postby winston » Fri Jun 14, 2024 7:49 am

Is there inherent evil in gathering wealth or acquiring knowledge?

Only persons endowed with Satwa guna (unruffled serenity) can have a vision of the Divine and achieve the heroic victory.

In money, there is no evil. In scholarship, there is no evil. In knowledge and intelligence, there is no evil. But evil arises from the activities which man carries on with their help.

Pure water has no colour. Poured into a black bottle, it appears black. Poured into a red bottle, it appears red. The water does not become red or black; the colour is due to what we have done to it.

When money, scholarship, cleverness and intelligence, are possessed by persons in whom rajas (passion, emotion, extrovert qualities) predominates, they promote hatred, ambition and lust.

When possessed by persons in whom tamas (sloth, dullness, conceit) predominates, they promote miserliness, greed and envy.

When possessed by persons in whom Satwa (equanimity, balance, purity) predominates, they promote love, compassion, urge to serve, the unity of all mankind and World Peace.

The sublimation of character into the stage of Satwa is the duty which everyone owes himself. This is the path; this is the real goal. You must try ceaselessly to tread the path and reach the goal.

- Divine Discourse, Nov 23, 1985.

Education, wealth and physical prowess, derive their value from the way they are used.

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Re: Life 46 (Aug 23 - Dec 24)

Postby winston » Sat Jun 15, 2024 8:42 am

What can help us achieve freedom from worldly bondage?

The Divine is the sole sustainer of human life - the basis, the structure, the consummation.

Money cannot help man to cultivate holiness and merge with the Divine the source. Scholarship too is equally powerless.

The Scriptures proclaims that release from death can be achieved neither through entanglement in works, nor through one’s progeny, nor through the accumulation of riches. It can be gained only through acts of renunciation, detachment, unconcern, giving up.

It is a pity that this warning is not heeded and man is engaged in mere grabbing and grasping. As a result he suffers from more and more bonds that get tighter and tighter.

The best means to escape from this fate, is to take refuge in the company of the good and holy, and journey along their beneficial path.

- Divine Discourse, Nov 23, 1985.

Moksha (liberation) is just the removal of the false notion that we are bound and limited by the body, the senses, the intellect, the mind, the ego and other fancies.

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Re: Life 46 (Aug 23 - Dec 24)

Postby winston » Sun Jun 16, 2024 7:04 am

How can we spread the practice of human values in the world today?

Human values can be developed only by spiritual practices and by no other means.

Only when a seed is planted in the soil and watered can it sprout and grow from a sapling into a big tree. But if the seed is kept in a tin and watered, it will only rot.

Likewise with human values, it is only when they are implanted in a heart that is sacred and spiritual and nurtured there, that they will flourish and shine in all their splendour.

Unfortunately, today man's heart is filled with narrow selfish concerns. His love is confined to himself and his nearest kith and kin.

He does not realise that his welfare and the welfare of his family are dependent on the well-being of the society.

This interrelationship should be grasped by students. They should take a firm resolve to eschew selfishness and self-interest and dedicate themselves to the service of society.

When the society fares well, the nation also will be prosperous.

- Divine Discourse, May 22, 1992.

It is only when man cultivates moral values and manifests the Divinity within that his true personality as a human being will be revealed.

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Re: Life 46 (Aug 23 - Dec 24)

Postby winston » Tue Jun 18, 2024 9:57 am

How can the individual (Jivatma) attain the Supreme or Paramatma (Primordial Self)? Are these two truly separate entities?

Only by worshipping the principle of Omkara, we can get rid of births. Only when we get rid of the births, can we get rid of Karma or action. Only when we get rid of action, will we be free from the delusion that the world is real.

When we are rid of delusion, then we will also be free from the illusion of maya. And only when we are free of maya will we be free from sorrow. And when we are free from sorrow, we will be able to reach the Paratatva, the transcendent principle.

This may also be described as Paramatma (the Supreme Soul). Because the Atma in the individual attains and merges in the transcendental (Para), it is called Paramatma.

When the tendencies of the mind merge with the Paratatva, it takes the form of Paramatma.

Jivatma and Paramatma are not two different entities. The characteristic of Jivatma is to waste life in worldly things and associate the mind with this phenomenal world. This is the externalised vision, which is full of illusion and delusion.

If you turn your mind inward, it will be free from delusion. When it is associated with delusion, it is Jiva Tatva. When it is free from delusion and illusion, then it is one with the Paramatma Tatva.

- Divine Discourse, Feb 17, 1985.

The dissolution of the dichotomy between Jivatma and Paramatma, generated by karmic causes, is the essence of our culture.

Source: radiosaiorg
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Re: Life 46 (Aug 23 - Dec 24)

Postby winston » Wed Jun 19, 2024 6:21 am

What is the sure way to win the grace of the Divine?

Yearning leads to surrender and surrender gives the highest joy.

Leave everything to His Will, accept whatever happens, whether pleasant or painful.

- Divine Discourse, Jul 29, 1969.

Without resorting to extravagant adulation of Him, not seeking petty favours from the Divine, yearn for Him alone and you will get everything.

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Re: Life 46 (Aug 23 - Dec 24)

Postby winston » Fri Jun 21, 2024 8:01 am

What can we accomplish with our mind and what can also happen if we are not conscious of how we use it?

With the help of the mind, man can rise from the level of human to the highest level of Divinity. But he can also descend to animal nature or demonic level.

Once you turn the mind towards worldly objects, it tends to become animal and demonic in nature.

If the mind is turned upwards towards the Divine and freed from thought processes, it tends to merge with the formless and becomes liberated.

The most important reason for bondage is giving too much freedom to the mind.

For example, when an animal is tethered to a post, it will not be able to go to another place and cause trouble. It will not be able to show anger, violence or do harm to anyone. But if it is let loose, it can roam over various fields, destroy crops and cause loss and harm to others. It will get beaten for the mischief done by it.

Similarly, mind must be bound by certain regulations and limits. So long as man lives within certain limits and disciplines, rules and regulations, he will be able to maintain a good name and lead a happy and useful life.

- Divine Discourse, Feb 17, 1985.

If the mind is properly understood and disciplined and is applied to get rid of wicked qualities based on selfishness, it will lead to a purposeful and fruitful life.

Source: radiosaiorg
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Re: Life 46 (Aug 23 - Dec 24)

Postby winston » Sat Jun 22, 2024 9:04 am

What is the role of Prakriti or the phenomenal world in our spiritual journey?

There are only two entities at first: "I" and "You". But a third, this Prakriti (world), has come between, or rather deludes us as being in between.

You know some people who go about carrying proposals of marriage, the middlemen. They go to the bride's parents and suggest a certain groom and they praise him to the skies and create a desire for securing him in marriage for the daughter; then they move on to the bridegroom's village and persuade that party to insist on a large sum as marriage-settlement before agreeing to accept the daughter of the first party; when at last the marriage is concluded, they disappear.

Prakriti is like this middleman. When "I" and "You" have united, Prakriti disappears. Its role is to reveal the "you" to the "I", that is all.

As a matter or fact, the "I" is of the same nature as "You," like the river and the sea, or like the wave and the sea.

- Divine Discourse, Mar 24, 1965.

A bubble is born on water, from water and merges in water! Man is born in the Divine and merges in Him!

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Re: Life 46 (Aug 23 - Dec 24)

Postby winston » Sun Jun 23, 2024 7:04 am

What is the progress we should strive to make and how can we win His grace in this endeavour?

Love is transformed into poison if hate contaminates it. Love some but do not hate the rest, for that hate will foul the love and make it mortal.

Love comes automatically to the realised soul; but the spiritual aspirant has to cultivate it by means of service and inquiry into the unity of the Athman (Inner-Self). Love must flow not from the tongue or from the head only but chiefly from the heart.

You get the marks that your answers at the examination deserve, not more, not less. Sometimes, if you secure only 5 or 6 out of a total of 100, even the 5 or 6 may be cancelled and you will be assigned just a zero.

For there is not much to choose between zero and the 5 or 6 you were able to collect. But if you get a number very near the minimum needed for a pass, the 2 or 3 that you fall short of will be added on as grace marks and you are very likely to be promoted.

This is true of sadhana (spiritual practice) also. Poor progress in it is as bad as failure, whereas good progress will be appreciated and grace will pull you through.

- Divine Discourse, Jul 29, 1969.

If you honour your father, the Father of all beings will guard you.

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Re: Life 46 (Aug 23 - Dec 24)

Postby winston » Mon Jun 24, 2024 5:16 am

As we wade through the vagaries of life, what is the perennial message we must keep as our guidepost?

You should not be misled by the pleasures derived from possessions, position or prosperity. These are transient things, which come and go.

Pain and pleasure are incidental to human existence like kith and kin. Man should endeavour to realise his true nature, experience his inherent Divinity and not yield to the temptations of the moment.

Both pain and pleasure are impostors. Man should not allow himself to be led astray by them.

The Self transcends time and space. It is eternal and unchanging. Enquiry into the nature of the Self is the message of the perennial philosophy. It is also the primary duty of man.

The sages declared that the body is a perishable rag-bag, teeming with ills. Giving up attachment to it, man should seek refuge in the Divine.

The five elements can affect only the body but can have no effect on the Spirit.

- Divine Discourse, Nov 23, 1986.

Life is full of vicissitudes, which are transient. Only Divine Love is immutable and permanent.

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