Life 46 (Aug 23 - Dec 24)

Re: Life 45 (Jan 23 - Dec 24)

Postby winston » Sun Jun 02, 2024 7:34 am

Why is it important to cleanse our hearts and make that a priority?

How many go around in the world with impurities in their minds without a sense of shame? If they make an honest examination of the impure state of their minds and the kind of double life they are leading, they will be able to get rid of their bad thoughts in a moment!

What people are doing is concealing their thoughts but are externally well-dressed and move about as impeccable persons. Of what use is such conduct?

We attach importance to the external appearance of the body and value the respect shown to it. But one who cares only for the body and ignores the state of his mind is only a two-legged animal.

It is not enough to appear to do right actions. Your motives and impulses must also be pure and unselfish. It is only when your motives are pure that the Divine will extend His grace.

Whatever service you render, it must be unsullied. The motive is all important. The form of the action does not matter. Without pure impulses, actions get tainted at the source.

If you are a good man, your actions will necessarily be good!

- Divine Discourse, May 20, 1984.

First of all, cleanse your heart of all evil qualities. Only then can the Divine fill your heart with His love and grace.

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Re: Life 45 (Jan 23 - Dec 24)

Postby winston » Mon Jun 03, 2024 7:10 am

Often one feels frustrated or discontented. What is the root cause and what must we do to overcome it?

Human life is the highest among all living beings in creation. With all these endowments, if man lacks jnana (wisdom), he is no better than an animal.

It is wisdom that distinguishes man from other animals. In spite of possessing a human body, with its sacred capacities, man pursues wrong paths and indulges in misdeeds, thereby degrading his precious heritage.

One who ought to dedicate oneself to the pursuit of the Divine following the "Inward Path" and experience bliss, makes oneself a slave to the senses and wastes one’s life in the pursuit of the external.

All efforts are directed towards the cultivation of sensual pleasures instead of aiming at the realisation of the power of the Spirit within.

It is this preoccupation with the mundane that is at the root of all the insecurity and unhappiness experienced by man.

He is perennially filled with discontent and dissatisfaction. Discontentment affects man in two ways: One is the lack of peace of mind. The other is unhappiness resulting from the lack of peace.

- Divine Discourse, Jan 19, 1989.

When your mind is turned inwards, you will not notice the difference between pleasure and pain, sorrow and happiness or heat and cold.

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Re: Life 46 (Aug 23 - Dec 24)

Postby winston » Tue Jun 04, 2024 7:37 am

What must Sadhana (Spiritual Practice) do to us and what is the transformation it must bring about?

Recitation of the Name, Meditation, Devotional Singing, Yoga, Good Deeds — do these constitute spiritual practice? Not at all. To transform bad into good is true spiritual practice.

To turn sorrow into happiness is spiritual practice. Without grief, there is no joy. Good also cannot exist without bad.

The world is an eternal battlefield where these duals struggle against each other. Difficulties and peace are inextricably intertwined. One is the beginning, the other is the end. No one can separate them.

Can the beginning exist without an end or vice versa? Only the Divine is beyond beginning and end; everything worldly is compelled to start somewhere and end somewhere.

Even the most sacred object slips down to a detestable state without spiritual practice! ​​However priceless it may be, its value diminishes without spiritual practice, without refinement.

Suppose you find a raw diamond. Its value soars when you cut and polish it. Gold ore is mingled with soil and rock. After purification, it becomes precious.

Spiritual practice transforms small into big, mean into lofty.

- Summer Showers in Brindavan, Jun 01, 1991.

Though the Divine is situated in every heart, sadhana is necessary so that they may discover it for themselves.

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Re: Life 46 (Aug 23 - Dec 24)

Postby winston » Wed Jun 05, 2024 7:27 am

Where are we getting stuck in this pursuit of bliss and why?

The bliss that is all-pervasive in the cosmos is also within man. But, as in the case of butter that is present in every drop of milk but which can be seen only after the milk is curdled and the buttermilk is churned, this inner bliss can be experienced only after the right effort is made.

Man today is conscious only of the Physical and Vital Principles relating to his existence. He has not developed even up to the stage of realising the significance of the mind.

The body represents Physical. Activity and motion of the body are to the Vital Principles.

The third element is the Mental. The fourth is Wisdom. Beyond this is Ananda (the state of supreme bliss).

In the great journey of life, man has passed, only two stations. He has not tried to go beyond them to the mental and other stages.

It is only after passing the Wisdom stage, that man can experience Ananda (pure bliss). But because man goes after the impermanent pleasures of the phenomenal world, he is unable to experience the enduring bliss that is inherent in him.

- Divine Discourse, Feb 12, 1989.

Human life is a journey from food (anna) to bliss (ananda).

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Re: Life 46 (Aug 23 - Dec 24)

Postby winston » Thu Jun 06, 2024 7:31 am

What is most precious in this world and how do we acquire it?

Prema (Love) is like a most precious diamond. It will not remain even for a single moment with selfish persons. It will not stay for even half a moment with egoistic persons. It will not remain at all with ostentatious persons. Love is alien to persons who are selfish, conceited or ostentatious.

Where then is this love to be found? This precious diamond can only be got in the Kingdom of Love, in the Street of Love, in the Shop of Love. It can be obtained only through a loving heart.

It may be asked, "Is not the whole world permeated with Love? Why, then, is not Love readily available?". The love with which the world is considered to be filled is not real love.

Prema cannot be associated with the body, the senses, the mind and the intellect. Anything associated with these is only Anuraga (attachment).

The Atmic (spiritual) life alone is a Love-filled life. Therefore, people must lead a spiritual life, not a life subject to the body, the mind, the senses and the intellect.

- Divine Discourse, Aug 21, 1992.

Only when you realise that the same Atma is present in you and in everyone, can you have the experience of true love.

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Re: Life 46 (Aug 23 - Dec 24)

Postby winston » Sat Jun 08, 2024 8:44 am

How can we move from worldliness to true devotion to the Divine?

People today are totally immersed in worldly concerns and do not devote any attention to the spiritual quest.

It is true that involvement in worldly affairs cannot be given up totally. But all such actions can be sanctified by performing them in a spirit of dedication to the Divine.

It is not enough if you claim to be a devotee of the Divine. He must recognise you as a devotee. Only then does one's devotion acquire value.

No one should feel that it is beyond one’s capacity to surrender oneself completely to the Divine. If there is firm determination, this can be accomplished.

It is only through earnest endeavour that Divine wisdom can be obtained.

- Divine Discourse, Aug 21, 1992.

The bliss that can be derived from surrender to Him cannot be got through any other means.

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Re: Life 46 (Aug 23 - Dec 24)

Postby winston » Sun Jun 09, 2024 7:08 am

What is the reason we forget our inner divinity and indulge in sinful acts?

People dedicate half their lives to accumulating money. Do they use even a fraction of that time in spiritual pursuits? Do they perform sacred service activities?

The body has been given to serve others. Why are people unable to recognise this truth?

A person is a puppet in the hands of selfishness. Whatever one loves, one loves not for the sake of the object but for one’s own sake.

When one loves a person, that’s for one’s selfishness as well. When you go deep into intentions, only selfishness is found.

Making selfishness as foundation, one forgets the infinite Atma (Inner Self).

First and foremost, if selfishness is curbed, one can easily avoid bad traits and behaviour. Fear of Sin, Love for the Divine and Morality in Society - these three precepts must be adored as Divine Trinity of Divine.

Without fear of sin, people will not hesitate to do the most heinous act. Sinning by losing the fear of sin, adopting a path devoid of love for Him — this destroys human qualities. This is the cause of uproar in the world.

- Summer Showers in Brindavan, Jun 01, 1991

Those who seek the joy of liberation should burn selfishness in the fire of spiritual wisdom.

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Re: Life 46 (Aug 23 - Dec 24)

Postby winston » Mon Jun 10, 2024 8:06 am

How can we transmute mundane activity into sacred worship?

The tree of life, is a tree of delusion (maya), with all its branches, leaves and flowers of maya.

You can realise it as such, when you do all acts as dedicated offerings for the Divine. See Him as the sap through every cell as the Sun warms and builds every part. See Him in all, worship Him through all, for He is all.

Engage in activity but fill the activity with devotion: it is the devotion that sanctifies.

A piece of paper is almost trash but if a certificate is written on it, you value it and treasure it; it becomes a passport for promotion in life.

It is the feeling behind that matters, not the the external; the feeling, not the activity that is performed.

At a sacred site, you may find only a stone shaped as an idol; as a stone, it is of little value. But, when feeling permeates it, when devotion transmutes it, the stone becomes the Supreme Treasure of the human mind.

Man does not know this secret of transmuting every act of his into sacred worship and so, he suffers from disappointment and grief.

- Divine Discourse, Jan 11, 1966.

Our Philosophy speaks of the unity of work, worship and wisdom.

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Re: Life 46 (Aug 23 - Dec 24)

Postby winston » Tue Jun 11, 2024 8:46 am

What are the lessons we should learn from the antagonists mentioned in the epics?

Men should take great care to see that their senses do not go astray and commit offences. Thinking evil, speaking evil and seeing evil, invariably lead to total ruin.

Strive to give up evil thoughts, evil looks, vicious speech and the greed to give ear to evil counsel and slanderous gossip.

- Divine Discourse, May 22, 1986.

The heart of man is an abode of sanctity and the snakes of evil thoughts, should not be allowed to slither in it.

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Re: Life 46 (Aug 23 - Dec 24)

Postby winston » Wed Jun 12, 2024 10:36 am

How can we win the abundant grace of the compassionate Divine?

The Divine is so full of grace that He will willingly guide and guard all who surrender to Him.

To win that Grace, you must become permeated with dharma so that every act is holy. With the sharp chisel of intellect, shape the mind into a perfect image of Dharma-murti, the embodiment of dharma.

Then, the rough-hewn idol of humanity that you now are, will shine with the splendour of Divinity itself! That’s the task to which you should dedicate yourself today!

- Divine Discourse, Jan 11, 1966.

His grace can reduce mountains of sin to ashes in a moment. Make efforts to deserve such love and grace of His.

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