Food & Drinks 02 (Jan 11 - Jun 16)

Re: Food & Drinks 02 (Jan 11 - Dec 14)

Postby winston » Tue Feb 04, 2014 5:40 am

What quantity of food is to be consumed for us to develop Satwik qualities?

You must be able to get up with the same ease with which you sat to have your food.

If you sit down feeling light and feel heavy and difficult to get up after eating, you have taken more than you need and it will develop Tamasik qualities.

The space in your stomach is divided into four parts. Youngsters should fill three parts of their stomach with food and remaining one part with water.

For adults, two parts of stomach with food, one part for water and one part for air is advisable.

If you fill all four parts with food with no place even for water, you are violating the rules for digestion!

After having your lunch, rest for just ten minutes. That will help blood to circulate freely from your head to your toe. At night, after dinner, you must go for a walk. This is a sound routine for good health and to develop Satwik nature.

- Divine Discourse, 'My Dear Students', Vol 2, Ch 2.

For sacred thoughts and sacred deeds, sacred food is essential.

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Re: Food & Drinks 02 (Jan 11 - Dec 14)

Postby winston » Sat Feb 08, 2014 8:00 am

Why should we offer our food to the Divine before partaking it?

All food emanated from the Divine. As it has come from the Divine (Brahman), it should be offered to the Divine and only then be taken. Then it becomes Satwik food.

There are many impurities associated with the grains and vegetables you purchase. These impurities enter inside you. To remove the various types of defects associated with food, offer it to the Lord and then partake of it as Prasadam.

When the food is offered to the Divine (Naivedyam), there will no longer be any defects in it.

- Divine Discourse, 'My Dear Students', Vol 2, Ch 2.

The food that you eat must be pure, free from the subtle evils radiated by the persons who purchased the materials, who cook the dishes and who serve them.

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Re: Food & Drinks 02 (Jan 11 - Dec 14)

Postby winston » Wed Mar 05, 2014 6:31 am

No more mercury! This simple chart lets you safely eat all the fish you want. ... ury-again/
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Re: Food & Drinks 02 (Jan 11 - Dec 14)

Postby winston » Sat May 31, 2014 8:46 pm

Eat Out Like a Billionaire Today

2 Tips for Restaurant Meals

By Mark Ford

I'm a big fan of "eating in." But I also enjoy the occasional restaurant meal. And when I do, I do my best to spend my money wisely.

Here are two tips for your next meal out:

1. When you want to try a very pricey restaurant, order just a drink and an appetizer. You'll get all of the ambience and service for a fraction of the money. An appetizer at a great restaurant is much more enjoyable than a big meal at some ordinary eatery. It's better for your soul—and your health.

2. Watch for deals. As the economy continues to struggle, restaurants try to generate business with special offers.

I've seen mailers, coupons, emails, mobile marketing specials, and radio shopping show specials. For example, Maggiano's Little Italy has been running a two-for-one promotion: Come in for an entrée, and get a second one to take home. With their generous portion sizes, that can be the equivalent of four meals. Your cost? About $6 per meal.

Source: ETR
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Re: Food & Drinks 02 (Jan 11 - Dec 14)

Postby winston » Fri Jun 06, 2014 8:46 pm

Never grill meat, unless you do this first...

The problem with grilled meats and HCA formation - how to counteract carcinogens and make meat healthier

by Mike Geary

Most people aren't aware that when you cook meat (whether it's grilled, broiled, or seared) there are carcinogenic compounds that can form called HCA's (heterocyclic amines). Now don't ingest various carcinogens all the time, even with some vegetables.

You can always protect yourself with more antioxidants.
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Re: Food & Drinks 02 (Jan 11 - Dec 14)

Postby winston » Sat Jun 07, 2014 2:36 pm

Nasi Lemak at Uptown

Village Park,
Damansara Utama,

Pictures of the PM, the former PM and the Deputy PM on the wall.

Cant really go wrong if all the politicians eat here
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Re: Food & Drinks 02 (Jan 11 - Dec 14)

Postby winston » Sat Jun 07, 2014 2:38 pm

Duck Rice at State, Petaling jaya, Selangor ( in the evening )

Behind Public bank
Near the old State Cinema
Next to UOB


In the morning, they have good breakfast here eg. Wantan Mee etc
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Re: Food & Drinks 02 (Jan 11 - Dec 14)

Postby winston » Sat Jun 07, 2014 2:42 pm

Char Koay Teow at Paramount Garden, Petaling Jaya

Corner coffee shop opposite Maybank
Jalan 20 / 22

Generous portion of cockles with the Char Koay Teow
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Re: Food & Drinks 02 (Jan 11 - Dec 14)

Postby behappyalways » Tue Aug 05, 2014 8:57 am

The Vessyl Cup Can Tell Exactly How Many Calories Are In Your Drink ... -drinking/
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Re: Food & Drinks 02 (Jan 11 - Dec 14)

Postby behappyalways » Sat Aug 09, 2014 12:45 pm

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