Life 46 (Aug 23 - Dec 24)

Re: Life 45 (Jan 23 - Dec 24)

Postby winston » Sun May 12, 2024 9:55 am

What is the one panacea for all the ills in society and the world?

All of you are sparks of the Divinity. So, share your love with your fellow beings, just as He shares his love with you all. Then, you too will become divine.

When everyone follows the sacred path, the world will undoubtedly attain peace and prosperity.

Give up ignorance, light the lamp of wisdom within you and ultimately merge with the divine. This is His message for you.

Develop love. Through love alone, you can annihilate the mind and through love alone, can you get cured of any disease. Only love can eradicate evil qualities in you. So, love all.

Love the heart not the physical body. Love the divinity installed in your heart.

Body, mind, intellect and senses, are merely instruments, You are the master. So, master the mind and be a mastermind. Never become a slave of your mind.

Contemplate on the divine day in and day out. You may chant any name and contemplate on any form but understand the truth that the Divine is one and only one.

- Divine Discourse, Jul 16, 2000.

The one principle that you have to uphold and develop is that of love. When love dominates, there is no room for hatred.

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Re: Life 45 (Jan 23 - Dec 24)

Postby behappyalways » Sun May 12, 2024 10:46 am

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Is it the privilege of the rich to live forever?

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Re: Life 45 (Jan 23 - Dec 24)

Postby winston » Mon May 13, 2024 7:14 am

We all experience bitterness in the world. How can we let peace and love flow in abundance from within?

Poison is man's daily food today. His eye delights in poison; his mouth spouts poison; his ears wag when poison is proclaimed; his feet carry him to dens of poison and his mind cogitates plans to poison other minds!

The Divine alone can swallow the poison and rid the world from the holocaust.

Bring and offer to the Divine, all the poison in you; take from Him, health, happiness and Heaven itself.

The Kalpavriksha (Wish-fulfilling tree of Heaven) in the human heart is being suffocated by wild greenery and bushy briars. Remove this stifling undergrowth and the tree will grow and yield fruit!

- Divine Discourse, Mar 09, 1968.

Through prayer and contemplation on the Divine, you should control the evil qualities in you.

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Re: Life 45 (Jan 23 - Dec 24)

Postby winston » Tue May 14, 2024 10:05 am

How do we win the battle of life where duties and desires are mostly and frequently conflicting?

Keep your parents free from worry; show them the gratitude they deserve; return them the Love they pour freely into your hearts.

Remember always that it is easy to do what is pleasant but it is difficult to be engaged in what is beneficial.

Not all that is pleasant is profitable. Success comes to those who give up the path strewn with roses and brave the hammer blows and sword thrusts of the path fraught with danger.

As a matter of fact, no road is strewn with rose petals. Life is a battlefield, a Dharma-kshetra, where duties and desires are always in conflict.

Smother the fiery fumes of desire, of hatred and anger that rise up in your hearts; it is sheer cowardice to yield to these enemies that turn you into beasts.

When obstacles come, meet them with courage. They harden you and make you tough.

- Divine Discourse, Feb 20, 1965

The spiritual adventure, the spiritual leap from darkness into light, needs extraordinary courage, and Divine Grace is the reward for courage.

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Re: Life 45 (Jan 23 - Dec 24)

Postby winston » Wed May 15, 2024 6:21 am

What should be our attitude towards the criticism that comes our way?

Salute even those who criticise you because Divinity is present in all. Do not spoil your mind by harbouring the feelings of anger, etc.

Pray to the Divine with love. All noble souls and incarnations in the past, had also to put up with criticism.

You may ask, why should such criticism arise at all? Criticism, in fact, adds to their glory.

Pleasure is an interval between two pains. Shadow follows light. One should not be afraid of the shadow. There is light even in the shadow.

Light and shadow cannot exist separately. There is a principle of unity between them. So, do not react to any criticism levelled. Just brush it aside, saying, you have nothing to do with it.

If someone points out mistakes in you, you can certainly rectify them. But if someone levels false charges against you, you don’t need to be worried over it.

Be happy. If the criticism is made in a loud voice, it goes into the thin air. If it is made within oneself, it goes to oneself only. Such being the case, why should you be perturbed?

Let anyone say anything; remain calm. Consider whatever happens as good for you. With such equal-mindedness, carry on your good work.

- Divine Discourse, Dec 25, 2000.

One becomes a devotee in the true sense only when one cultivates patience and conquers the evils of anger, hatred and jealousy with love.

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Re: Life 45 (Jan 23 - Dec 24)

Postby winston » Thu May 16, 2024 6:49 am

What is the best way to attain the state that of ‘illumination mind’?

At the time of birth, man has no desires. But as he grows up, he acquires many desires which lead to bondage.

Man should fill his mind with love for the Divine. He should forget all his worries and contemplate on Him. This is possible only through practice.

Reading, writing, walking, talking, all these are learnt only through practice. Likewise, even in the path of spirituality, practice is very essential.

Start practising love. That is the correct spiritual practice. Share your love with more and more people. You will experience oneness.

Once you start sharing your love with everybody, then the whole world will become one family.

After expanding your love in this manner, control your external thoughts and turn inward. Then you will attain the state of Illumination Mind where there are absolutely no thoughts and no action.

Even the iron is melted by the power of electric current. Likewise, the duality of good and bad, is annihilated by the Illumination Mind.

In spiritual parlance, this is called samadhi state which means equalmindedness. The Illumination Mind unifies good and bad and develops the spirit of oneness.

What is it that you have to do in order to attain this state? Serve all with love. Consider service to man as service to the Divine.

- Divine Discourse, Nov 20, 2000.

Transform love into service and service into worship; that is the highest Sadhana (Spiritual Practice) !

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Re: Life 45 (Jan 23 - Dec 24)

Postby winston » Fri May 17, 2024 7:19 am

What is true love and where is it to be found?

At the human level, love assumes many forms.

The word ‘love’ is used in common parlance in the context of the relations between mother and child, husband and wife, master and servant, the preceptor and the pupil. But this is not true love. It cannot be termed Prema (love). It is only attachment.

Prema can be applied only to the total love towards the Divine. It is utterly selfless. It has not come from the world nor has it fallen from the sky. It is natural state.

Today, man has forgotten this sacred and enduring love. There is nothing equal to love in this world.

Even nectar is insipid in comparison with the sweetness of love. This love makes the devotee and even the Divine dance in ecstasy.

Such a love can find no place in the heart of self-seeking persons. It will dwell only in the hearts of the pure, the unselfish and the divine.

- Divine Discourse, May 30, 1992.

The extent of your love determines the magnitude of your bliss.

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Re: Life 45 (Jan 23 - Dec 24)

Postby winston » Sat May 18, 2024 7:24 am

What are the qualities of the Divine that we must strive to emulate in our everyday lives?

If you know the road and the goal, then you can discover whether you are progressing or not; otherwise, how can you?

The goal is to enlarge your vision, your empathy, your love to the extent that the Divine has spread His Love, His Compassion and His Grace. So, be ever watchful to see that you strive to take in more and more of the Divine into you.

Blood must circulate from head to foot; Love must circulate from high to low; only then can health and happiness be ensured for the individual and for the community.

This is the Divine's world; all beings are His. He loves them all, as the Moon sheds coolness on all.

Do not get attached to worldly things and pursuits. Be in the world but do not let the world be in you.

Work disinterestedly, content to do your duty as best as you can. Have no desires to place before Him, for whatever He does with you, however He treats you, is the gift He likes best to give you!

- Divine Discourse, Mar 05, 1968.

Gain internal peace, internal joy; that can be done only when you act without an eye on the gain.

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Re: Life 45 (Jan 23 - Dec 24)

Postby winston » Sun May 19, 2024 8:44 pm

How can we make our love changeless and perfect?

Immediately after birth, as an infant, one clings to the mother's bosom and considers it as paradise.

As he grows, he gets interested in education and forgets the mother.

In his boyhood, one experiences this love in sports and games, in studies and recreation.

After completing his education, he enters family life and immerses himself in sensual pleasures.

Later, he gets interested in earning wealth and loses interest in wife and children.

Later on, he loses interest even in wealth and turns his thoughts towards the Divine. Thus, man exhibits his love for different objects at different stages in his life.

Love is not something which enters your life midway. It is the Atmic Principle which is always with you at all times.

You should not allow this love to change from moment to moment. You must transmute all your thoughts into expressions of love.

To regard whatever actions you perform as an offering to Him, is the best form of sadhana.

Whatever good deeds or spiritual acts you may perform, if they are not suffused with love they are worthless.

- Divine Discourse, May 30, 1992.

It is not love that is contained in the universe; it is the universe that is contained in love.

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Re: Life 45 (Jan 23 - Dec 24)

Postby winston » Mon May 20, 2024 11:58 am

How can we live every day in the sweetness of goodness?

If you throw a pebble into a well, ripples are created and they travel to the edge of the well.

In the same way, if you throw a pebble called good thought into the well called the heart, the ripples generated travel throughout the body.

When the ripple reaches the eye, it stimulates pure vision. When the ripple reaches the ears, it tunes the latter to sacred sounds. When the ripple reaches the hands, it swings them into good action.

In this manner, when the ripples spread across the entire body, there is a symphony of sacred activity all around. Thus, good and noble thoughts are fundamental to sacred activity.

Such are the great teachings of Buddha. What is your response to them? No doubt you all read books containing Buddha’s teachings. But the moment the book is put down, all teachings are forgotten.

Remember, only when sandalwood is continuously ground that fragrance can be experienced. It is only when sugarcane is chewed well that sweetness can be experienced in full measure.

In the same way, only continued and sustained practice of sacred teachings leads to bliss!

- Divine Discourse, May 21, 2000.

If evil thoughts dominate, the body indulges in bad actions; if good thoughts prevail, the body performs good actions.

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