Life 46 (Aug 23 - Dec 24)

Re: Life 45 (Jan 23 - Dec 24)

Postby winston » Fri Apr 26, 2024 8:24 am

What is the surest way to experience the Divine within?

Develop strong faith. That will confer all spiritual experiences.

The Scriptures declare: Arise from the slumber of ignorance and go forward towards awareness of the Self.

Whatever other beliefs you may cherish or not, have firm faith in the Divine.

All things in the world are liable to perish. The Self alone is eternal and changeless.

It is unfortunate that the vast majority of mankind leads mundane lives forgetting Him. Make Him the foundation of your life.

Carry on your normal duties. Duty is Divine. Work is worship. Spiritualise all your actions and treat whatever happens as actions for your good.

Learn to experience perennial bliss by seeking union with the Divine. Never forget Him.

Do not go after the things of the world. Have no fear of death. When your life is rooted in these three maxims, you will realise the Atman (Inner-Self).

- Divine Discourse, Oct 09, 1997.

Whatever things you may possess, whatever amenities you may enjoy, only faith in the Divine, will confer real peace of mind.

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Re: Life 45 (Jan 23 - Dec 24)

Postby winston » Mon Apr 29, 2024 7:46 am

What is the significance of idol worship?

Our ancients enquired into the nature of Divinity through many paths but they were not successful in recognising the reality.

Hence, they started worshipping Nature (prakriti). Thereafter, the Indians (Bharatiyas) took to idol worship.

Every creature that takes birth in this universe has a form. Idols are inert in nature and do not possess the qualities of compassion, love, forbearance, etc. It is for this reason that some people are against idol worship. This is ignorance.

You use your forefinger to point a specific object, say, a flower or a tumbler. Similarly, idols are like pointers to Divinity.

Once you recognise Divinity, you don't need the pointers, say, idols. Such being the case, is it not foolish to object to idol worship?

Are you not worshipping the pictures of your parents and grandparents? Do these pictures have life in them? No. Nor do they have the qualities of compassion, love, sacrifice, etc.

Then what is the point in worshipping them? It is through these pictures that we are reminded of their virtues and ideals they stood for.

- Divine Discourse, Mar 12, 2002.

If idol worship is considered foolish, then the same should apply to love for money and respect for the flag, which are also lifeless.

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Re: Life 45 (Jan 23 - Dec 24)

Postby winston » Wed May 01, 2024 7:25 am

There is no duty more obligatory than the repayment of kindness

- Marcus Tullius Cicero
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Re: Life 45 (Jan 23 - Dec 24)

Postby winston » Sat May 04, 2024 7:07 am

As spiritual aspirants, what is the surest way to reap a good harvest for our spiritual effort?

In Sadhana (spiritual practice), there are two steps:-
1. Removal of something and
2. Conscious effort of developing something

When a farmer wants to sow seed in his land and get produce, the first thing he will do is to remove all unwanted bushes and weeds in the land. Thus, the first step is destroying unwanted things.

Then he would plough and water the land and make it ready to sow seeds. Land here means “kshetra” which also stands for our heart.

This heart is comparable to a land and the first thing that you must do is to cleanse it and remove impure thoughts which are already there.

You must then plough that land with compassion and kindness and finally fill it up with the waters of prema (divine love).

Only after filling it with prema, you can sow the seed of the His Name. If you sow the seed in such a clean place which is well prepared, it will sprout easily. Thus cleanse your heart and sow the seed of the Divine's name. Then, you can reap a good harvest.

- Ch 29, Summer Showers 1974.

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Re: Life 45 (Jan 23 - Dec 24)

Postby winston » Sun May 05, 2024 8:07 am

What is the best way to worship the Divine?

The Divine is omnipresent and can assume several forms. It is best for us to realise this truth and accept Divinity in all living beings.

Whoever comes to us and in whatever form he comes and seeks our love and attention, he should be given the love and attention we would give to the Divine Himself.

He is immanent in all living beings. When you see any one of them, you should respect him as you would respect the Divine.

If you cannot respect a living human being who is right in front of you, how can you respect Him who is unseeable and unreachable?

Your mother and father are the first people whom you should regard as the Divine. Neglecting your mother and father, even if you spend all your time in His worship, it becomes futile.

You should worship Him as a life force and not as an inanimate picture.

- Ch 28, Summer Showers 1974.

The wavering mind will experience only a hazy figure of Him. In a steady mind, He will be a clear image.

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Re: Life 45 (Jan 23 - Dec 24)

Postby winston » Tue May 07, 2024 8:55 am

How should we respond when we are criticised and why?

Forgive those who have harmed you and criticised you. Have faith that whatever happens is for your own good.

If someone hurls abuses at you, do not retaliate. Enquire within yourself whether he has criticised the body or the atma.

If he has criticised the body, indirectly he has done a favour to you because the body is nothing but a heap of flesh, blood, bones and faecal matter.

On the other hand, if he has criticised the atma, it amounts to criticising his own self because the same atma exists in both of you.

One should cultivate this kind of forgiveness and broad-mindedness.

The Guru dispels the darkness of ignorance arising out of body attachment. The body is but an instrument.

The Divine has given you the body to take to the path of action. It is His gift. The body is the temple and the indweller is the Divine.

Consider all bodies as temples of His and offer your salutations. Whomsoever you salute, it reaches Him and whomsoever you censure, it also reaches Him.

- Divine Discourse, Jul 16, 2000.

Attachment to the body is the main cause for man’s unhappiness, anxiety, misery and lack of peace.

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Re: Life 45 (Jan 23 - Dec 24)

Postby winston » Wed May 08, 2024 8:18 am

Why is it important to enquire about the code of conduct appropriate for us and what does it depend on?

To think that you are a human being constitutes only half of the total truth. The other part of the truth lies in understanding that you are not an animal.

You should keep reminding yourself, “I am a human being, not an animal.” Do not stop at this stage.

Enquire further as to which gender you belong to and which stage of life you are in, whether you are a celibate, householder, recluse or renunciant.

Follow the appropriate dharma according to the stage of your life. When you are a celibate, you should not follow the dharma of a householder.

Man today is unable to understand the principle of dharma corresponding to each of the four stages of life.

The code of conduct is different for different stages of life. Never be under the mistaken notion that dharma is the same for all people irrespective of their stage of life.

The cause of adharma today is that man is trying to follow dharma that is not appropriate to his age or stage of life. Each should strictly adhere to the dharma corresponding to his or her age and stage of life.

- Divine Discourse, Jul 16, 2000.

Man should use his power of discrimination and lead a life dedicated to dharma. There lies the secret of man’s happiness.

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Re: Life 45 (Jan 23 - Dec 24)

Postby winston » Thu May 09, 2024 8:14 am

How should we deal with people who ridicule those that we adore or us?

When the Buddha sat under the Bodhi tree in Bodh Gaya, after the illumination that revealed to him the Four Noble Truths, gangs of disbelievers gathered around him and poured ridicule and abuse on him.

His disciples were enraged; they prayed to the Buddha, "Lord, give us leave; we shall beat this insolence and ignorance out of these traducers." But Buddha only smiled at their anger.

He said, "Dear ones, know you not how much joy they derive from this exercise? You derive joy worshipping me. They derive joy pelting me with abuse.

You pour reverence; they pour ridicule and receive equal satisfaction. Control yourselves; do not hate anyone, that is the teaching.

This is the ancient ordinance." Some people cannot tolerate glory in others; some are filled with the venom of envy; some are demonic in nature and cannot tolerate holiness and divinity; some are perverted by disappointment and cast the blame on the Divine;

Such people will indulge in abuse. If you associate with such people and their followers, you will only be contaminating your mind.

- Divine Discourse, Jan 14, 1973.

Storks ridicule the swan and crows carp at the cuckoo's song but in spite of all the cynicism, the swan sails upon the water as grand as ever and the cuckoo has not developed any flaw in its song.

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Re: Life 45 (Jan 23 - Dec 24)

Postby winston » Fri May 10, 2024 7:50 am

Why should we be wary of every action that we perform?

Hurting others amounts to hurting the Divine Himself. Our hatred will certainly rebound on us.

Today, people derive demonic pleasure in causing harm to others without understanding the truth that one day or the other, they will have to reap the consequences of their actions. Make others happy and you will certainly be happy.

Today, violence and murders have become the order of the day. Greatness does not lie in killing others; even an insect is capable of doing that. Greatness lies in saving lives.

No one can escape reaction, resound and reflection. You may think that you have escaped the reaction today but it is bound to come tomorrow or the day after.

You are bound to face the consequences of your actions. So, do good and you will certainly reap good results.

Don’t get disheartened if there’s no immediate reward. Wait for a while, you will certainly be rewarded. No man can escape the consequences of one’s actions.

However, while you suffer the bad consequences, prayer alone can alleviate your suffering to some extent. Do this prayer by expressing and showing your gratitude to the Divine.

- Divine Discourse, Jul 16, 2000.

Those who are full of love will see love everywhere. Those who are full of hatred will see enemies all around.

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Re: Life 45 (Jan 23 - Dec 24)

Postby winston » Sat May 11, 2024 9:05 am

Why should we welcome adversity and prosperity alike?

The sages and seers of yore, had to face great hardships and troubles before they could set great ideals to the rest of the world. That is why their teachings have left an indelible impression on the hearts of the people.

Both individuals and society, can achieve progress and prosperity only after undergoing many trials and tribulations.

Man must face not only difficulties but censure and criticism also. Noble souls will never care for difficulties or criticism. The welfare of the society is their main objective in life.

Welcome sorrow just as you welcome happiness. You will attain equanimity of mind only when you treat happiness and sorrow alike.

In the human body, the head is considered sacred whereas feet are not considered sacred. When somebody comes to your house, is it possible to welcome only the head and ask the feet to get out?

When you welcome the head, you welcome the feet also. Likewise, when you welcome happiness, you welcome sorrow too.

- Divine Discourse, May 6, 2000.

The goal of man’s life is neither happiness nor sorrow. Man can find fulfilment in life only if he can trace the origin of happiness and sorrow.

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